What's New in Windows Phone Developer Tools RTM


What’s New in Windows Phone Developer Tools

The following table lists what’s new in Windows Phone Developer Tools for RTM.



Bing Maps Silverlight Control

The Bing Maps Silverlight Control has been added to the Windows Phone Developer Tools. For more information and implementation guidance, see Bing Maps Silverlight Control for Windows Phone.

Panorama and Pivot Controls

The Panorama and Pivot controls have been added to the Windows Phone Developer Tools. For more information and implementation guidance, see Panorama Control for Windows Phone and Pivot Control for Windows Phone.


A number of new performance features have been added to the Windows Phone Developer Tools. The white paper Creating High Performing Silverlight Applications for Windows Phone highlights these features.

Microsoft.Phone.Controls namespace

Added the following APIs:

Microsoft.Phone.Controls.Primitives namespace

Added the following APIs:

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What’s New in the Documentation

The following table lists what’s new and updated in the documentation.



Bing Maps Silverlight Control

Added the following topics:

Code Samples

Added the following code samples:

Control Tilt Effect for Windows Phone

Added the following topics:

Creating Trial Applications

Added the following topic:

Design Resources

Updated the following topic:

Device Information

Added the following topic:

Gesture Support

Updated the following topic:

Globalization and Localization

Added the following topics:


Updated the following topic:

Added the following topics:

Page State

Added the following topic:

Panorama Control

Added the following topics:


Added the following topic:


Added the following topics:

Pivot Control

Added the following topics:

Push Notifications

Added the following topics and restructured the section:

Visual Studio 2010 Express

Added the following topics:

Windows Phone Emulator

Added the follow topic:

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posted @ 2010-09-18 23:08  大厨无盐煮  阅读(307)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报