初级美语 L119 My Name Isn't Jack 解析


My father has never done anything exciting in his life. He has never traveled abroad. He has never smoked, drunk wine, or gone dancing. He has never even gone to a movie. One day I asked him, "Don't you know that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy?" He said, "Well, son, it's a good thing that my name isn't Jack."


■ My father has never done anything exciting in his life.

  • 时态:现在完成时
  • 主:My father
  • 状:never
  • 谓:has done
  • 宾:anything exciting
  • 时状:in his life.


■ He has never traveled abroad.

  • 时态:现在完成时
  • 主:He
  • 状:never
  • 谓:has traveled
  • 地状:abroad.


■ He has never smoked, drunk wine, or gone dancing.

  • 时态:现在完成时
  • 主:He
  • 状:never
  • 谓1:has smoked
  • 分隔符:,
  • 谓2:has drunk
  • 宾2:wine
  • 连词:or
  • 谓:has gone
  • 宾:dancing.


注:wine 通常指水果酿成的酒,尤其是葡萄酒。而 liquor 则指蒸馏成的不烈酒。

■ He has never even gone to a movie.

  • 时态:现在完成时
  • 主:He
  • 状:never even
  • 谓:has gone
  • 宾:to a movie.

■ One day I asked him, "Don't you know that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy?"

  • 时态:一般过去时
  • 时状:One day
  • 主:I
  • 谓:asked
  • 间宾:him,
  • 直宾:"Don't you know that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy?"
    • 句型:一般疑问句
    • 主:you
    • 谓:don't know
    • 宾:that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
      • 引:that
      • 主:all work and no play(视作单数主语)
      • 谓:makes
      • 宾:Jack
      • 定:a dull
      • 宾补:boy

all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy:只工作而不游戏使人无精打采。(谚语,此处 jack 指任何一个人)

■ He said, "Well, son, it's a good thing that my name isn't Jack."

  • 时态:一般过去时
  • 主:He
  • 谓:said,
  • 宾:"Well, son, it's a good thing that my name isn't Jack."
    • 状:Well
    • 形主:it
    • 系:is
    • 表:a good thing
    • 主:that my name isn't Jack.
      • 引:that
      • 主:my name
      • 系:isn't
      • 表:Jack.


  1. 句型:have/has + never + 过去分词:从未...
  2. go + 现在分词:表从事短暂而具娱乐性的活动。
  3. 谚语 all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy 注意事项
