初级美语 L115 Wait and See 解析


Cliff and Bonnie have known each other for two years. They have talked about getting married since last year. Cliff has already decided that Bonnie is the right girl for him. However, Bonnie has not really made up her mind about him yet. She likes Cliff a lot, but she thinks he's not ambitious enough. Bonnie knows that getting married is a serious matter, so she's going to wait and see before she makes a final decision.


■ Cliff and Bonnie have known each other for two years.

  • 时态:现在完成时
  • 主:Cliff and Bonnie
  • 谓:have known
  • 宾:each other
  • 时状:for two years.
    • 介:for
    • 宾:two years.

■ They have talked about getting married since last year.

  • 时态:现在完成时
  • 主:They
  • 谓:have talked about
  • 宾:getting married
  • 时状:since last year.
    • 介:since
    • 宾:last year.

talk about...:谈论...,讨论...

get married:结婚
A and B get married.= A marry B.:A 与 B 结婚。

■ Cliff has already decided that Bonnie is the right girl for him.

  • 时态:现在完成时
  • 主:Cliff
  • 状:already
  • 谓:has decided
  • 宾从:that Bonnie is the right girl for him.
    • 引:that
    • 主:Bonnie
    • 系:is
    • 表:the right girl
    • 方状:for him.

■ However, Bonnie has not really made up her mind about him yet.

  • 时态:现在完成时
  • 状:However,
  • 主:Bonnie
  • 状:not really
  • 谓:has made up
  • 宾:her mind

make up one's mind + about + 名词(短语)
make up one's mind + to + 动词原型


■ She likes Cliff a lot, but she thinks he's not ambitious enough.

  • 主:She
  • 谓:likes
  • 宾:Cliff
  • 定:a lot,
  • 并连:but
  • 主:she
  • 谓:thinks
  • 宾从:(that)he's not ambitious enough.
    • 引:(that)
    • 主:he
    • 系:is
    • 状:not
    • 表:ambitious
    • 状:enough(此处为副词,修饰 ambitious)

此处 a lot 作副词用,等于 very much。

■ Bonnie knows that getting married is a serious matter, so she's going to wait and see before she makes a final decision.

  • 主:Bonnie
  • 谓:knows
  • 宾从:that getting married is a serious matter,
    • 引:that
    • 主:getting married
    • 系:is
    • 表:a serious matter
  • 结果状从:so she's going to wait and see before she makes a final decision.
    • 引:so
    • 时态:一般将来时
    • 主:she
    • 谓:is going to wait and see
    • 时状从:before she makes a final decision.
      • 引:before
      • 主:she
      • 谓:makes
      • 定:a final
      • 宾:decision.

make a decision:做决定


  1. 现在完成时。
  2. since 的用法。
