初级美语 L111 Confucius 解析


Confucius is respected by most Chinese as the greatest teacher of all time. Perhaps the most important word he taught was "ren," which means "benevolence." According to Confucius, benevolence means courtes. loyalty and unselfishness. In fact, benevolence is the essence of his teachings. Every teacher should, therefore, follow in his footsteps and emphasize benevolence when teaching.


■ Confucius is respected by most Chinese as the greatest teacher of all time.

  • 时态:被动语态
  • 主:Confucius
  • 谓:is respected as(as:当作,作为...)
  • 方状:by most Chinese
  • 宾:the greatest teacher
  • 时状:of all time.

注:by + 主语,在被动语态中作方式状语,表示动作执行的方式或对象.

be respected as...:被尊为...

of all time:自古以来

■ Perhaps the most important word he taught was "ren," which means "benevolence."

  • 状:Perhaps
  • 定:the most important(最高级)
  • 主:word
  • 限定从:(that)he taught
  • 系:was
  • 表:"ren,"
  • 非限定从:which means "benevolence."
    • 引导词、主语:which
    • 谓:means
    • 宾:"benevolence."

注:前有被最高级修饰的名词,后接关系代词一律使用 that.

■ According to Confucius, benevolence means courtes, loyalty and unselfishness.

  • 状:According to Confucius,
    • 介:According to
    • 宾:Confucius
  • 主:benevolence
  • 谓:means
  • 宾:courtes, loyalty and unselfishness.

■ In fact, benevolence is the essence of his teachings.

  • 状:In fact,
  • 主:benevolence
  • 系:is
  • 表:the essence
  • 定:of his teachings.

■ Every teacher should, therefore, follow in his footsteps and emphasize benevolence when teaching.

  • 状:therefore
  • 主:Every teacher
  • 谓:should follow in
  • 宾:his footsteps
  • 并连:and
  • 谓:emphasize
  • 宾:benevolence
  • 时状:when teaching.

:此句中 follow 作跟随讲时,即可做及物又可做不及物动词,那么该怎么分?少数动词在同一个语义可以及物也可以不及物,这时带不带介词都可以,差别不大。例如:forget sth和forget about sth. follow sb's step和follow in sb's step.



(1)according to 的用法。
(2)“when + 现在分词”句型。
