初级美语 L107 The Secret of Longevity 解析


Hong Ying, who comes from Guangdong, is known as the oldest person in China. She is 122 years old. Although she can hardly hear, her voice is loud and clear. In fact, she is still full of life. What's the secret of her longevity? Maybe it's her personality.

According to her family and friends, she is humorous and easy to get along with.


■ Hong Ying, who comes from Guangdong, is known as the oldest person in China.

  • 主:Hong Ying
  • 非限定从:who comes from Guangdong
  • 系:is
  • 表:known as the oldest person(过去分词短语)
    • 过去分词:known
    • 状:as the oldest person
  • 地状:in China.

be known as...:以...身份知名,是众所周知的...

■ She is 122 years old.

  • 主:She
  • 系:is
  • 表:122 years old.

■ Although she can hardly hear, her voice is loud and clear.

  • 让步状从:Although she can hardly hear,
    • 引导词:Although
    • 主:she
    • 情动:can
    • 状:hardly
    • 谓:hear
  • 主:her voice
  • 系:is
  • 表:loud and clear.

■ In fact, she is still full of life.

  • 状:In fact
  • 主:she
  • 状:still
  • 谓:is full of
  • 宾:life.

be full of... = be filled with...:充满...

■ What's the secret of her longevity?

  • 特殊疑问词、表语:What
  • 系:is
  • 主:the secret
  • 定: of her longevity?

■ Maybe it's her personality.

  • 状:Maybe
  • 主:it
  • 系:is
  • 表:her personality.

■ According to her family and friends, she is humorous and easy to get along with.

  • 状:According to her family and friends,
    • 介:According to
    • 宾:her family and friends,
  • 主:she
  • 系:is
  • 表:humorous
  • 并连:and
  • 表:easy
  • 目状:to get along with.

according to...:根据...


(1)be known as + 身份 句型用法。
(2)be known for + 事物 句型用法。
(3)be known to + 人 句型用法。
(4)she is easy to get along with. 句型用法。
