初级美语 L085:Blood Types 解析


Some people believe that one's personality is related to one's blood type. There are three main blood types: A, B and O. Type A people are introverts whereas type O people are extroverts. Type B people are a mixture
of both A and O. They are more relaxed and don't get bothered easily. When it comes to choosing a spouse, remember some of these facts.


= Some people believe one's personality is related to one's blood type.

  • 主:Some people
  • 谓:believe
  • 宾:that one's personality is related to one's blood type. (名词性从句)
    • 引导词:that
    • 主:one's personality
    • 谓:is related to
    • 宾:one's blood type.

be related to: 与...有关;

■ There are three main blood types: A, B and O.

  • 表:There
  • 系:are
  • 主:three main blood types:
  • 同:A, B and O.

■ Type A people are introverts whereas type O people are extroverts.

  • 主:Type A people
  • 系:are
  • 表:introverts
  • 连词:whereas,“而”,做对比使用。
  • 主:type O people
  • 系:are
  • 表:extroverts.

■ Type B people are a mixture of both A and O.

= Type B people are in between.

  • 主:Type B people
  • 系:are
  • 表:a mixture
  • 后定:of both A and O. (修饰 mixture)

both: 强调用法,可以不用。

■ They are more relaxed and don't get bothered easily.

They are more relaxed and(they)don't get bothered easily.

  • 主:They
  • 系:are
  • 表:more relaxed(比较级)
  • 连词:and
  • 系:don't get
  • 表:bothered
  • 状:easily.


■ When it comes to choosing a spouse, remember some of these facts.

  • 时状从:When it comes to choosing a spouse
    • 引导词:When
    • 主:it
    • 谓:comes to
    • 宾:choosing a spouse
  • 主句(祈使句表命令):remember some of these facts.

    原句:You should remember some of these facts.

    • 谓:remember
    • 宾:some
    • 定:of these facts.

come to:"谈到, 涉及到",后接名词、数词、代词或不接任何词。
when it comes to + 动名词:一说到...

