
1. abigen 参考文档(Native DApps: Go bindings to Ethereum contracts)

abigen --sol token.sol --pkg token --lang go --out token.go
Trying to bind solidity with abigen command, results in this error:

Failed to build Solidity contract: solc: exit status 1
unrecognised option '--add-std'
func (s *Solidity) makeArgs() []string {
    p := []string{
        "--combined-json", "bin,abi,userdoc,devdoc",
        "--add-std",  // include standard lib contracts
        "--optimize", // code optimizer switched on
    if s.Major > 0 || s.Minor > 4 || s.Patch > 6 {
        p[1] += ",metadata"
    return p
func (s *Solidity) makeArgs() []string {
    p := []string{
        "--combined-json", "bin,abi,userdoc,devdoc",
        "--optimize", // code optimizer switched on
    if s.Major > 0 || s.Minor > 4 || s.Patch > 6 {
        p[1] += ",metadata"
    return p


posted @ 2018-11-02 11:59  ninxin18  阅读(460)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报