实验2 类和对象_基础编程1
- 加深对OOP中类、对象的理解,能够解释类的封装、类的接口
- 会使用C++语法规则正确定义、实现、测试类;会使用类创建对象,并基于对象编程
- 针对具体问题场景,练习运用面向对象思维进行设计,合理利用C++语言特性(访问权限控制,static, friend, const),在数据共享和保护之间达到平衡
- 会用多文件方式组织代码
- 加深对C++内存资源管理技术的理解,能够解释构造函数、析构函数的用途,分析它们何时会被调用
#pragma once #include <string> // 类T: 声明 class T { // 对象属性、方法 public: T(int x = 0, int y = 0); // 普通构造函数 T(const T &t); // 复制构造函数 T(T &&t); // 移动构造函数 ~T(); // 析构函数 void adjust(int ratio); // 按系数成倍调整数据 void display() const; // 以(m1, m2)形式显示T类对象信息 private: int m1, m2; // 类属性、方法 public: static int get_cnt(); // 显示当前T类对象总数 public: static const std::string doc; // 类T的描述信息 static const int max_cnt; // 类T对象上限 private: static int cnt; // 当前T类对象数目 // 类T友元函数声明 friend void func(); }; // 普通函数声明 void func();
// 类T: 实现 // 普通函数实现 #include "t.h" #include <iostream> #include <string> using std::cout; using std::endl; using std::string; // static成员数据类外初始化 const std::string T::doc{"a simple class sample"}; const int T::max_cnt = 999; int T::cnt = 0; // 对象方法 T::T(int x, int y): m1{x}, m2{y} { ++cnt; cout << "T constructor called.\n"; } T::T(const T &t): m1{t.m1}, m2{t.m2} { ++cnt; cout << "T copy constructor called.\n"; } T::T(T &&t): m1{t.m1}, m2{t.m2} { ++cnt; cout << "T move constructor called.\n"; } T::~T() { --cnt; cout << "T destructor called.\n"; } void T::adjust(int ratio) { m1 *= ratio; m2 *= ratio; } void T::display() const { cout << "(" << m1 << ", " << m2 << ")" ; } // 类方法 int T::get_cnt() { return cnt; } // 友元 void func() { T t5(42); t5.m2 = 2049; cout << "t5 = "; t5.display(); cout << endl; }
#include "t.h" #include <iostream> using std::cout; using std::endl; void test(); int main() { test(); cout << "\nmain: \n"; cout << "T objects'current count: " << T::get_cnt() << endl; } void test() { cout << "test class T: \n"; cout << "T info: " << T::doc << endl; cout << "T objects'max count: " << T::max_cnt << endl; cout << "T objects'current count: " << T::get_cnt() << endl << endl; T t1; cout << "t1 = "; t1.display(); cout << endl; T t2(3, 4); cout << "t2 = "; t2.display(); cout << endl; T t3(t2); t3.adjust(2); cout << "t3 = "; t3.display(); cout << endl; T t4(std::move(t2)); cout << "t3 = "; t4.display(); cout << endl; cout << "T objects'current count: " << T::get_cnt() << endl; func(); }
问题1:t.h中,普通函数 func 作为类X的友元,在类的内部声明了友元关系。在类外部,去掉line36,重新编译,是否能正确运行。如果能,回答说明可以去掉line36。如果不能,以截图形式给出编译报错信息,分析可能的原因。
T(int x = 0, int y = 0)
:- 功能:创建 T 类的对象,初始化对象的属性 m1 和 m2。并且可以通过参数传递自定义的初始值,若未提供则默认初始化的值为 0。
- 调用时机:在创建 T 类对象时自动调用,如例中
T obj(5, 10);
T(const T &t)
:- 功能:通过已有的 T 类对象来创建新对象,通常用于实现新的对象的复制。在复制时,会将传入对象 t 的 m1 和 m2 属性复制到新对象中。
- 调用时机:当用一个已有对象初始化另一个对象时,函数自动调用,例如
T obj2(obj);
T(T &&t)
:- 功能:将已有对象的值移动给同类的一个新对象。移动构造函数通常会将原对象的属性值给新对象,同时将原对象的属性置为无效状态。
- 调用时机:当用一个临时对象初始化另一个对象时,自动调用,例如
T obj3(std::move(obj2));
:- 功能:用于在对象生命周期结束时释放对象占用的资源,例如释放动态分配的内存。
- 调用时机:当对象生命周期结束,或者对象超出作用域时自动调用,例如,当
#ifndef COMPLEX_H #define COMPLEX_H #include <cmath> #include <string> class Complex { double real; double imag; public: Complex(); Complex(double real); Complex(double real, double imag); Complex(const Complex &other); double get_real() const; double get_imag() const; void add(const Complex &other); friend Complex add(const Complex &c1, const Complex &c2); friend bool is_equal(const Complex &c1, const Complex &c2); friend bool is_not_equal(const Complex &c1, const Complex &c2); friend void output(const Complex &c); friend double abs(const Complex &c); public: static const std::string doc; }; #endif // COMPLEX_H
#include "Complex.h" #include <bits/stdc++.h> const std::string Complex::doc = "a simplified complex class"; Complex::Complex() : real(0), imag(0) {} Complex::Complex(double real) : real(real), imag(0) {} Complex::Complex(double real, double imag) : real(real), imag(imag) {} Complex::Complex(const Complex &other) : real(other.real), imag(other.imag) {} double Complex::get_real() const { return real; } double Complex::get_imag() const { return imag; } void Complex::add(const Complex &other) { real += other.real; imag += other.imag; } Complex add(const Complex &c1, const Complex &c2) { return Complex(c1.real + c2.real, c1.imag + c2.imag); } bool is_equal(const Complex &c1, const Complex &c2) { return c1.real == c2.real && c1.imag == c2.imag; } bool is_not_equal(const Complex &c1, const Complex &c2) { return c1.real != c2.real || c1.imag != c2.imag; } void output(const Complex &c) { if (c.imag == 0) { std::cout << c.real; } else if (c.imag > 0) { std::cout << c.real << "+" << c.imag << "i"; } else { std::cout << c.real << c.imag << "i"; } } double abs(const Complex &c) { return std::sqrt(c.real * c.real + c.imag * c.imag); }
#include "Complex.h" #include <iostream> using std::boolalpha; using std::cout; using std::endl; void test() { cout << "类成员测试: " << endl; cout << Complex::doc << endl; cout << endl; cout << "Complex对象测试: " << endl; Complex c1; Complex c2(3, -4); const Complex c3(3.5); Complex c4(c3); cout << "c1 = "; output(c1); cout << endl; cout << "c2 = "; output(c2); cout << endl; cout << "c3 = "; output(c3); cout << endl; cout << "c4 = "; output(c4); cout << endl; cout << "c4.real = " << c4.get_real() << ", c4.imag = " << c4.get_imag() << endl; cout << endl; cout << "复数运算测试: " << endl; cout << "abs(c2) = " << abs(c2) << endl; c1.add(c2); cout << "c1 += c2, c1 = "; output(c1); cout << endl; cout << boolalpha; cout << "c1 == c2 : " << is_equal(c1, c2) << endl; cout << "c1 != c3 : " << is_not_equal(c1, c3) << endl; c4 = add(c2, c3); cout << "c4 = c2 + c3, c4 = "; output(c4); cout << endl; } int main() { test(); }
#include <complex> #include <iostream> using std::boolalpha; using std::complex; using std::cout; using std::endl; void test() { cout << "标准库模板类complex测试: " << endl; complex<double> c1; complex<double> c2(3, -4); const complex<double> c3(3.5); complex<double> c4(c3); cout << "c1 = " << c1 << endl; cout << "c2 = " << c2 << endl; cout << "c3 = " << c3 << endl; cout << "c4 = " << c4 << endl; cout << "c4.real = " << c4.real() << ", c4.imag = " << c4.imag() << endl; cout << endl; cout << "复数运算测试: " << endl; cout << "abs(c2) = " << abs(c2) << endl; c1 += c2; cout << "c1 += c2, c1 = " << c1 << endl; cout << boolalpha; cout << "c1 == c2 : " << (c1 == c2) << endl; cout << "c1 != c3 : " << (c1 != c3) << endl; c4 = c2 + c3; cout << "c4 = c2 + c3, c4 = " << c4 << endl; } int main() { test(); }
// Fraction.h #ifndef FRACTION_H #define FRACTION_H #include <iostream> #include <string> class Fraction { public: Fraction(int up = 0, int down = 1); // 构造函数 Fraction(const Fraction &other); // 拷贝构造函数 ~Fraction() {}; // 析构函数 int get_up() const; int get_down() const; Fraction negative() const; friend Fraction add(const Fraction &f1, const Fraction &f2); friend Fraction sub(const Fraction &f1, const Fraction &f2); friend Fraction mul(const Fraction &f1, const Fraction &f2); friend Fraction div(const Fraction &f1, const Fraction &f2); friend void output(const Fraction &f); public: static const std::string doc; private: int up; // 分子 int down; // 分母 void simplify(); // 化简分数 }; #endif
// Fraction.cpp #include "Fraction.h" #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include<functional> const std::string Fraction::doc = "Fraction类 v 0.01版.\n" "目前仅支持分数对象的构造、输出、加/减/乘/除运算."; // 构造函数 Fraction::Fraction(int up, int down) : up(up), down(down) { if (down == 0) { throw std::invalid_argument("Denominator cannot be zero."); } simplify(); } // 拷贝构造函数 Fraction::Fraction(const Fraction &other) : up(other.up), down(other.down) {} // 获取分子 int Fraction::get_up() const { return up; } // 获取分母 int Fraction::get_down() const { return down; } // 求负 Fraction Fraction::negative() const { return Fraction(-up, down); } // 分数加法 Fraction add(const Fraction &f1, const Fraction &f2) { int up = f1.up * f2.down + f2.up * f1.down; int down = f1.down * f2.down; return Fraction(up, down); } // 分数减法 Fraction sub(const Fraction &f1, const Fraction &f2) { int up = f1.up * f2.down - f2.up * f1.down; int down = f1.down * f2.down; return Fraction(up, down); } // 分数乘法 Fraction mul(const Fraction &f1, const Fraction &f2) { int up = f1.up * f2.up; int down = f1.down * f2.down; return Fraction(up, down); } // 分数除法 Fraction div(const Fraction &f1, const Fraction &f2) { if (f2.up == 0) { throw std::invalid_argument("Denominator cannot be zero."); } int up = f1.up * f2.down; int down = f1.down * f2.up; return Fraction(up, down); } // 输出分数 void output(const Fraction &f) { if (f.down == 1) { std::cout << f.up; return; } std::cout << f.up << "/" << f.down; } // 化简分数 void Fraction::simplify() { int gcd =std::gcd(abs(up), abs(down)); up /= gcd; down /= gcd; if (down < 0) { up = -up; down = -down; } }
#include "Fraction.h" #include <iostream> using std::cout; using std::endl; void test1() { cout << "Fraction类测试: " << endl; cout << Fraction::doc << endl << endl; Fraction f1(5); Fraction f2(3, -4), f3(-18, 12); Fraction f4(f3); cout << "f1 = "; output(f1); cout << endl; cout << "f2 = "; output(f2); cout << endl; cout << "f3 = "; output(f3); cout << endl; cout << "f4 = "; output(f4); cout << endl; Fraction f5(f4.negative()); cout << "f5 = "; output(f5); cout << endl; cout << "f5.get_up() = " << f5.get_up() << ", f5.get_down() = " << f5.get_down() << endl; cout << "f1 + f2 = "; output(add(f1, f2)); cout << endl; cout << "f1 - f2 = "; output(sub(f1, f2)); cout << endl; cout << "f1 * f2 = "; output(mul(f1, f2)); cout << endl; cout << "f1 / f2 = "; output(div(f1, f2)); cout << endl; cout << "f4 + f5 = "; output(add(f4, f5)); cout << endl; } void test2() { Fraction f6(42, 55), f7(0, 3); cout << "f6 = "; output(f6); cout << endl; cout << "f7 = "; output(f7); cout << endl; cout << "f6 / f7 = "; output(div(f6, f7)); cout << endl; } int main() { cout << "测试1: Fraction类基础功能测试\n"; test1(); cout << "\n测试2: 分母为0测试: \n"; test2(); }
#ifndef __ACCOUNT_H__ #define __ACCOUNT_H__ class SavingsAccount { //储蓄账户类 private: int id; //账号 double balance; //余额 double rate; //存款的年利率 int lastDate; //上次变更余额的时期 double accumulation; //余额按日累加之和 static double total; //所有账户的总金额 //记录一笔帐,date为日期,amount为金额,desc为说明 void record(int date, double amount); //获得到指定日期为止的存款金额按日累积值 double accumulate(int date) const { return accumulation + balance * (date - lastDate); } public: //构造函数 SavingsAccount(int date, int id, double rate); int getId() const { return id; } double getBalance() const { return balance; } double getRate() const { return rate; } static double getTotal() { return total; } void deposit(int date, double amount); //存入现金 void withdraw(int date, double amount); //取出现金 //结算利息,每年1月1日调用一次该函数 void settle(int date); //显示账户信息 void show() const; }; #endif //__ACCOUNT_H__
#include "account.h" #include <cmath> #include <iostream> using namespace std; double SavingsAccount::total = 0; //SavingsAccount类相关成员函数的实现 SavingsAccount::SavingsAccount(int date, int id, double rate) : id(id), balance(0), rate(rate), lastDate(date), accumulation(0) { cout << date << "\t#" << id << " is created" << endl; } void SavingsAccount::record(int date, double amount) { accumulation = accumulate(date); lastDate = date; amount = floor(amount * 100 + 0.5) / 100; //保留小数点后两位 balance += amount; total += amount; cout << date << "\t#" << id << "\t" << amount << "\t" << balance << endl; } void SavingsAccount::deposit(int date, double amount) { record(date, amount); } void SavingsAccount::withdraw(int date, double amount) { if (amount > getBalance()) cout << "Error: not enough money" << endl; else record(date, -amount); } void SavingsAccount::settle(int date) { double interest = accumulate(date) * rate / 365; //计算年息 if (interest != 0) record(date, interest); accumulation = 0; } void SavingsAccount::show() const { cout << "#" << id << "\tBalance: " << balance; }
#include "account.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { //建立几个账户 SavingsAccount sa0(1, 21325302, 0.015); SavingsAccount sa1(1, 58320212, 0.015); //几笔账目 sa0.deposit(5, 5000); sa1.deposit(25, 10000); sa0.deposit(45, 5500); sa1.withdraw(60, 4000); //开户第90天到了银行的计息日,结算所有账户的年息 sa0.settle(90); sa1.settle(90); //输出各个账户信息 sa0.show(); cout << endl; sa1.show(); cout << endl; cout << "Total: " << SavingsAccount::getTotal() << endl; return 0; }
1. 理解类和对象:
- 通过定义和实现不同类,加深了对类和对象的理解。
- 学习了如何封装数据和方法,以及管理对象生命周期。
2. 应用C++特性:
- 练习使用C++的访问控制、static、friend和const等特性。
- 这些特性帮助在数据共享和保护之间找到平衡,提高代码灵活性和安全性。
3. 多文件代码组织:
- 学习将类定义和实现分离到不同文件,提高代码可读性和维护性。
4. 内存资源管理:
- 深入理解构造函数和析构函数的用途及其调用时机。
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