ansible common modules
##Some common modules
[cloud modules]
[clustering modules]
[command modules]
command - executes a command on a remote node
expect - executes a command and responds to prompts
raw -- executes a low-down and dirty SSH command
shell - executes commands in nodes
script - runs alocal script on a remote node after transferring it
telnet - executes a low-down and dirty telnet command
[crypto modules]
[databases modules]
mongodb_parameter - change an asministrative parameter on a mongodb server
mogodb_use - adds or remove a user form a mongodb database
mysql_db - add or remove mysql databases form a remote host
mysql_replication - manage mysql replication
mysql_user - adds or removes a user from a mysql database
mysql_variables - manage mysql global variables
[file modules]
acl - sets and retrieves file ACL information
archive - creates a compressed archive of one or more files or trees
unarchive - unpacks an archive after(optionally) copying it from local machine
assemble - assembles a configuratuon file from fragments
blockinfile - insert/update/remove a text block surrounded by marker lines
copy - copies files to remote locations
fetch - fetches a file from remote nodes
file - set attributes of files
tempfile - creates temporary files and directories
find - return a list of files based on specific criteria
ini_file - tweak settings INI files
iso_extract - etract files from an ISO image
lineinfile - manage lines in text files
patch - apply patch files using the GNU patch tool
replace - replace all instances of a particular string in a file using a back-referenced regular expression
stat - retrieve file or file system status
synchronize - a wrapper around rsync to make common tasks in your playbooks quik and easy
template - templates a file out to remote server
xattr - manage user defined extended attributes
xml - manage bits and pieces of XML files or strings
[identify modules]
[inventory modules]
add_host - add a host(and alternatively a group) to the ansible-playbook in-memory inventory
group_by - create ansible groups based on facts
[messaging modules]
[monitoring modules]
[net tools modules]
haproxy - enable,disable,and set weights for HAProxy backend servers using socket commands
ip_netns - manage network namespaces
ipify_facts - retrieve the public IP of your internet gateway
ipinfoio_facts - retrieve IP geolcation facts of a host's IP address
lldp - get details reported by lldp
nmcli - manage networking
nsupdate - manage DNS records
get_url - downloads files from HTTP,HTTPS,or FTP to node
uri - interacts with webservices
ldap_attr - add or remove LDAP attribute values
ldap_entry - add or remove LDAP entries
[network modules]
net_interface - manage interface on network devices
[notification modules]
mail - send an email
say - makes a computer to speak
syslogger - log messages in the syslog
[packing modules]
easy_install - installs python libraries
npm - manage node.js packages with npm
pip manages python library dependencies
apt - manages apt-packages
apt_repository - add and remove APT repositories
apt_rpm - apt_rpm package manager
dnf - manages packages with the dnf package manager
yum - manages packages with the yum package manager
yum_repository - add or remove YUM repositories
[remote management modules]
foreman - manage foreman resources
ipmi_boot - management of order of boot devices
ipmi_power - power management for machine
[source control modules]
git - deploy software(or files) from git checkouts
git_config - read and write git configuration
gitlab_group - creates/updates/deletes gitlab groups
gitlab_project - creates/updates/deletes gitlab projects
gitlab_user - creates/updates/deletes gitlab users
[storage modules]
[system modules]
alternatives - manages alternative programs for common commands
at - schedule the execution of a command or script file via the at command
cron - manage cron.d and crontab entries
cronvar - manage variables in crontabs
authorized_key - adds or removes an SSH authorized key
known_hosts - add or remove a host form the know_hosts file
capabilities - manage linux capabilities
facter - runs the discovery program facter on teh remote system
locale_gen - creates or removes locales
filesystem - makes a filessystem
user - manage user accounts
group - add or remove groups
hostname - manage hostname
firewalld - manage arbitrary ports/services with firewalld
iptables -modify the systems iptables
ufw - manage firewall with UFW
interfaces_file - tweak settings in /etc/network/interfaces files
lvg - configure LVM volume groups
lvol - configure LVM logical volumes
make - runs targets in a makefile
modprobe - load or unload kernel modules
mount - control active and configured mount points
parted - configure block device partitions
nosh - manage services with nosh
open_iscsi - manage iscsi targets with open-iscsi
pam_limits - modify linux PAM limits
pamd - manage pam modules
ping - try to connect to host, verify a usable python and return pong on sucess
puppet - runs puppet
seboolean - manages SELinux booleans
selinux - change policy and state of SELinux
selinux_permissive - change permissive domain in SELinux policy
seport - manages SELinux network port type definitions
service - manage services
service_facts - return service state information as fact data
setup - gathers facts about remote hosts
sysctl - manage entries in sysctl.conf
systemd - manage services
timezone - configure timezone setting
[utiliies modules]
accelerate - enable accelerated mode on remote node
meta - execute ansible 'actions'
assert - asserts given expressions are true
async_status - obtain status of asynchronous task
debug - print statements during execution
fail - fail with custom message
import_playbook - import a playbook
import_role - import a role into a play
import_tasks - import a task list
include - include a play or task list
include_role - load and execute a role
include_tasks - dynamically include a task list
include_vars - load variables from files, dynamically within a task
pause - pause playbook execution
set_fact - set host facts from a task
set_stats - set stats for the current ansible run
wait_for - waits for a condition before continuing
wait_for_connection - waits untils remote system is reachable/usable
[web infrustructure modules]
[windows modules]