Signing your application for BB Playbook【签名步骤】

1.Request a BAR file signature for your application from the RIM Signing Authority. 2.Apply your signature to the BAR file using your Developer Certificate.

Configure application signing from the command line

1. Initialize communication with the RIM® Signing Authority by using the blackberry-signer tool. The following command creates a barsigner.csk file.The blackberry-signer tool writes this file to one of the following locations:

For Windows-> C:\Documents and Settings\niki\Local Settings\Application Data\Research In Motion

The password you specify in the -storepass parameter allows you to access the RIM Signing Authority using your credentials. You should protect the password.

blackberry-signer -csksetup -cskpass <create_a_password>

2. Register with the RIM Signing Authority using your CSJ registration file. After the blackberry-signer tool successfully registers your CSJ file, the tool adds an entry to the barsigner.db file.

blackberry-signer -register -csjpin <PIN> -cskpass <csk password from step 2> <CSJ_file>

3. If you already have a Developer Certificate, go to step 2. Otherwise, create a Developer Certificate by using the blackberry-keytool tool.

The following command creates a Developer Certificate in the p12 file named output_file.p12. The password you specify in the -storepass parameter allows you to access the p12 file. You should protect the p12 file and its password.

The value for cn in the dname parameter must match exactly:
  • the name you entered in the Company field on the web form to request permission to sign applications
  • the publisher element in your blackberry-tablet.xml file

blackberry-keytool -genkeypair -keystore <output_file.p12> -storepass <create_a_password> -dname "cn=<company_name>" -alias authors

Package your application from the command line ...

for more info. click this link

posted @ 2011-03-01 00:38  niki090  阅读(299)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报