Watir Cheat Sheet

Getting Started

Load the Watir library

require 'watir'


Open a browser (default: Internet Explorer)

browser = Watir::Browser.new


Open Browser at the specified URL

browser = Watir::Browser.start("http://google.com")


Go to a specified URL



Close the browser



Browser options (IE only)

Speed up execution(or use the "-b" command line switch)

browser.speed = :fast


Maximize browser window



Pop browser window to front



Access an Element

Text box or text area

t = browser.text_field(:name, "username")



b = browser.button(:value, "Click Here")


Drop down list

d = browser.select_list(:name, "month")


Check box

c = browser.checkbox(:name, "enabled")


Radio button

r = browser.radio(:name, "payment type")



f = browser.form(:name, "address") f = browser.form(:action, "submit")



l = browser.link(:url, "http://google.com") l = browser.link(:href, "http://google.com")


Table cell in a table (2nd row, 1st column)

td = browser.table(:name, 'recent_records')[2][1]


Manipulate the Element

Click a button or link

b.click l.click


Enter text in a text box

t.set("mickey mouse")


Enter multiple lines in a multi-line text box

t.set("line 1\nline2")


Set radio button or check box

c.set r.set


Clear an element

t.clear c.clear r.clear


Select an option in a drop down list

d.select "cash" d.set "cash"


Clear a drop down list



Submit a form



Flash any element (useful from the watir-console)



Check the Contents

Return the html of the page or any element

browser.html e.html


Return the text of the page or any element

browser.text e.text


Return the title of the document



Get text from status bar.

browser.status => "Done"


Return true if the specified text appears on the page

browser.text.include? 'llama'


Return the contents of a table as an array

browser.table(:id, 'recent_records').to_a



posted @ 2010-04-20 10:37  NikeyL  阅读(323)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报