Start of R

1. Start

Statistic tool R can be downloaded at

Other resources about Applied Linear Regression, 3rd Ed. can be found at

After installing R, implementing

View Code
> install.packages("alr3", dependencies=TRUE)

to install "alr3" package. Then entering

View Code
> library(alr3)

to use it.

2. How to load data from Excel to R

(1) Load data from text to Excel.

(2) Save the Excel file as .cvs format. (choose "other format" after choosing "save as")

(3) In the "save as" window, click "save as type" menu and select "csv (comma delimited)".

(4) Proceed when seeing warning.

(5) Another warning of losing features, click "yes" to proceed.

(6) Open R and load .csv file:


View Code
biometrics <- read.csv("C:\\Documents and Settings\\joe\\Desktop\\biometrics.csv")
#or simply use biometrics <- read.csv("~/../Desktop/biometrics.csv")

note: if not to put a header row in data, put "header = FALSE" as the second argument of "read.csv" command.

(7) Enjoy your data in R.

posted @ 2013-01-16 13:37  NiJc  阅读(111)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报