打造.Net Framework3.0 下的Media Player
我打算学着做一个MP3 Player玩一下,虽然在.Net Famework 2.0 的System.Media命名空间有一个可以播放声音的类SoundPlayer,然而它只支持播放*.wav波形文件,而我需要的是可以播放*.mp3文件。于是在网搜了一下,结果基本上都是用“Windows Media Player”这一COM组件
于是我又在Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 文档中搜了一下“MediaPlayer”,以期上面有对这一组件的说明,结果意外地发现在.Net Framework 3.0中竟然就有“MediaPlayer”这个类,一看名字就猜测它能够满足我的需求,最后证明的确如此。于是我立即动手写了一个Demo,学习一下这个类的使用。
MediaPlayer处于System.Windows.Media命名空间下,与PresentationCore.dll、PresentationFramework.dll以及WindowsBase.dll三个在.Net Framwork 3.0中新加入的三个动态链接库相关联。好了,那就让我们开始吧!
先新建一个Window应用程序,然后添加对以上3个动态链接库的引用,最后再加一条“using System.Windows.Media;”添加MediaPlayer的命名空间。你就可以在你的应用程序中使用MediaPlayer这个类了。
当然,你也可以直接新建一个WinFx Windows Application,它会自动完成对动态链接库和命名空间的引用,然后删除xaml文件,因为在我的这个Demo里只是想试用一下MediaPlay这个类,不需要用到xaml,再添加一个Windows窗体即可(当然还要手工添加Main函数)。
以下是,NET Framwork 3.0 Development -> Class Library 中列出的该类的全部属性和方法:
Provides media playback for drawings.
The following tables list the members exposed by the MediaPlayer type.
Name |
Description |
Initializes a new instance of the MediaPlayer class. |
Name |
Description |
Gets or sets the balance between the left and right speaker volumes. |
Gets the percentage of buffering completed for streaming content. |
CanFreeze |
Gets a value that indicates whether this object can be made unmodifiable. (inherited from Freezable) |
Gets a value indicating whether the media can be paused. |
Gets or sets the MediaClock associated with the MediaTimeline to be played. |
DependencyObjectType |
Gets the type that represents the common language runtime (CLR) type of this instance. (inherited from DependencyObject) |
Dispatcher |
Gets the Dispatcher this DispatcherObject is associated with. (inherited from DispatcherObject) |
Gets the percentage of download progress for content located at a remote server. |
Returns true if any properties on this DependencyObject have a persistent animation or the object has one or more clocks associated with any of its properties. (inherited from Animatable) |
Gets a value that indicating whether the media has audio output. |
Gets a value that indicates whether the media has video output. |
Gets a value that indicates whether the media is buffering. |
IsFrozen |
Gets a value that indicates whether the object is currently modifiable. (inherited from Freezable) |
Gets a value that indicates whether the media is muted. |
IsSealed |
Gets a value that declares whether this instance is currently read-only.(inherited from DependencyObject) |
Gets the natural duration of the media. |
Gets the pixel height of the video. |
Gets the pixel width of the video. |
Gets or sets the current position of the media. |
Gets the media Uri. |
Gets or sets the ratio of speed that media is played at. |
Gets or sets the media's volume. |
Name |
Description |
Overloaded. Animates the specified DependencyProperty using the specified AnimationClock. (inherited from Animatable) |
Overloaded. Applies an animation to the specified DependencyProperty. (inherited from Animatable) |
CheckAccess |
Determines whether the calling thread has access to this DispatcherObject. (inherited from DispatcherObject) |
ClearValue |
Overloaded. Clears the local value of a property. (inherited from DependencyObject) |
Returns a modifiable copy of this instance. (inherited from Animatable) |
CloneCurrentValue |
Creates a modifiable clone of this Freezable, making deep copies of this object's current values. (inherited from Freezable) |
CoerceValue |
Invokes any CoerceValueCallback function that was declared when this dependency property was registered. This same callback will be called internally whenever that property on a DependencyObject changes its value. (inherited from DependencyObject) |
Equals |
Overloaded. (inherited from DependencyObject) |
Freeze |
Overloaded. Makes a Freezable unmodifiable and sets its IsFrozen property to true, or determines whether the specified Freezable can be made unmodifiable. (inherited from Freezable) |
Returns the non-animated value of the specified DependencyProperty. (inherited from Animatable) |
GetAsFrozen |
Creates a frozen copy of this Freezable , using base (non-animated, non-databound) property values. Because the copy is frozen, any frozen sub-objects are copied by reference. (inherited from Freezable) |
GetCurrentValueAsFrozen |
Creates a frozen copy of this Freezable , using current property values. Because the copy is frozen, any frozen sub-objects are copied by reference. (inherited from Freezable) |
GetHashCode |
(inherited from DependencyObject) |
GetLocalValueEnumerator |
Creates a specialized enumerator for determining which dependency properties have locally set values on this DependencyObject. (inherited from DependencyObject) |
GetType |
Gets the Type of the current instance. (inherited from Object) |
GetValue |
Returns the current effective value of a dependency property on this DependencyObject. (inherited from DependencyObject) |
InvalidateProperty |
Invalidates the preexisting value of the specified dependency property. (inherited from DependencyObject) |
Opens the given Uri for media playback. |
Pauses media playback. |
Plays media from the current Position. |
ReadLocalValue |
Returns the local value of a dependency property, if it exists. (inherited from DependencyObject) |
ReferenceEquals |
Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. (inherited from Object) |
SetValue |
Overloaded. Sets the local value of a dependency property. (inherited from DependencyObject) |
(inherited from Animatable) |
Stops media playback. |
ToString |
Returns a String that represents the current Object. (inherited from Object) |
VerifyAccess |
Determines whether the calling thread has access to this DispatcherObject. (inherited from DispatcherObject) |
Name |
Description |
Overridden. |
Overridden. |
CreateInstance |
Initializes a new instance of the Freezable class. (inherited from Freezable) |
Overridden. |
Finalize |
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection. (inherited from Object) |
Freeze |
Overloaded. Makes a Freezable unmodifiable and sets its IsFrozen property to true, or determines whether the specified Freezable can be made unmodifiable. (inherited from Freezable) |
An Animatable will return false from this method if there are any Clocks animating any of its properties. If the Animatable has persistent animations specified, but all of the Clocks have been removed, it may still return true from this method if the Timelines themselves can be frozen. (inherited from Animatable) |
Overridden. |
GetCurrentValueAsFrozenCore |
Implements GetCurrentValueAsFrozen behavior in Freezable derived classes. (inherited from Freezable) |
MemberwiseClone |
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (inherited from Object) |
OnChanged |
Called when the current Freezable object is modified. (inherited from Freezable) |
OnFreezablePropertyChanged |
Overloaded. (inherited from Freezable) |
OnPropertyChanged |
Overrides the DependencyObject implementation of OnPropertyChanged in order to also invoke any Changed handlers in response to a dependency property of type Freezable changing. (inherited from Freezable) |
ShouldSerializeProperty |
Returns a value that indicates whether serialization processes should serialize the values for the given dependency property. (inherited from DependencyObject) |
WritePostscript |
Invokes the OnChanged method on this Freezable. (inherited from Freezable) |
Name |
Description |
Occurs when buffering has finished. |
Occurs when buffering has started. |
Changed |
Occurs when the current object is modified. (inherited from Freezable) |
Occurs when the media has finished playback. |
Occurs when an error is encountered |
Occurs when the media is opened. |
Occurs when a script command has been encountered within the media. |
public Uri Source { get; }
Volume属性:The media's volume represented on a linear scale between 0 and 1. The default is 0.5.
public TimeSpan Position { get; set; }
SpeedRatio属性:The ratio of speed that media is played back represented by a value
between 0 and the largest double value. The default is 1.0.
有了这此属性和方法,你不需要WMPlayer组件就可以打造一个属于你自己的MP3 Player了。