
练习过程中的随手记, 主要为自己,..分享出来,若能帮助大家,意外乐趣



  • 操作系统:Windows10 2004
  • Rust版本: 用rustup安装的当前20200611最新Rust nightly版本
  • 编辑器: VSCode
  • 其它:Git


git clone
cd rustlings
git checkout tags/3.0.0 # or whatever the latest version is (find out at
cargo install --force --path .



       welcome to...
                 _   _ _
  _ __ _   _ ___| |_| (_)_ __   __ _ ___
 | '__| | | / __| __| | | '_ \ / _` / __|
 | |  | |_| \__ \ |_| | | | | | (_| \__ \
 |_|   \__,_|___/\__|_|_|_| |_|\__, |___/

Thanks for installing Rustlings!

Is this your first time?

Let's make sure you're up to speed:
- You have Rust installed, preferably via `rustup`
- You have `~/.cargo/bin` added to your PATH variable
- You have cloned this repository (
- You have installed Rust language support for your editor
- You have locally installed the `rustlings` command by running an
  installation script or manually executing:

cargo install --force --path .

If you've done all of this (or even most of it), congrats! You're ready
to start working with Rust.

To get started, run `rustlings watch` in order to get the first exercise.
Make sure to have your editor open!

若执行 rustlings 出现上述显示,则安装完成..环境搭建完成.

posted @ 2020-06-11 12:31  GoudaX  阅读(310)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报