
使用NFC读卡器  ACR122u

使用ACR122u Tool 软件发送spdu指令即可









APDU list


|ClaIns P1 P2|Lc Send Data            |Le  Recv Data           | Specification        | Description                    |
|    04                                                        | ISO 7816-9 6.3       | DEACTIVATE FILE                |
| A0 04 00 00 00                                               | 3GPP TS 11.11        | INVALIDATE                     |
| A0 04 00 00 00                                               | SAGEM SCT U34 6.15   | INVALIDATE                     |
| 80 0D xx xx 08 xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx                           | SAGEM SCT U34        | VERIFY TRANSPORT CODE          |
|    0C                                                        | ISO 7816-4 7.3.6     | ERASE RECORD (S)               |
| 80 0C 00 xx                          xx                      | SAGEM SCT U34 8.1.2  | CHECK (flash)                  |
| 80 0C 01 xx                          xx                      | SAGEM SCT U34 8.1.2  | CHECK (EEPROM)                 |
| 80 0C 02 xx                          xx                      | SAGEM SCT U34 8.1.2  | CHECK (checksum of file)       |
|    0E                                                        | ISO 7816-4 8.2.4     | ERASE BINARY                   |
|    10                                                        | ISO 7816-7           | PERFORM SCQL OPERATION         |
| 00 10 00 80 xx table name, ...                               | ISO 7816-7 7.1       | CREATE TABLE                   |
| 00 10 00 81 xx view name, table name                         | ISO 7816-7 7.2       | CREATE VIEW                    |
| 00 10 00 82 xx dictionary name                               | ISO 7816-7 7.3       | CREATE DICTIONARY              |
| 00 10 00 83 xx table name                                    | ISO 7816-7 7.4       | DROP TABLE                     |
| 00 10 00 84 xx view or dictionary                            | ISO 7816-7 7.5       | DROP VIEW                      |
| 00 10 00 85 xx privileges                                    | ISO 7816-7 7.6       | GRANT                          |
| 00 10 00 86 xx privileges                                    | ISO 7816-7 7.7       | REVOKE                         |
| 00 10 00 87 xx data                                          | ISO 7816-7 7.8       | DECLARE CURSOR                 |
| 00 10 00 88                                                  | ISO 7816-7 7.9       | OPEN                           |
| 00 10 00 89                                                  | ISO 7816-7 7.10      | NEXT                           |
| 00 10 00 8A                          xx D, fixing N (columns)| ISO 7816-7 7.11      | FETCH                          |
| 00 10 00 8B                          xx D, fixing N (columns)| ISO 7816-7 7.12      | FETCH NEXT                     |
| 00 10 00 8C xx data                                          | ISO 7816-7 7.13      | INSERT                         |
| 00 10 00 8D xx data                                          | ISO 7816-7 7.14      | UPDATE                         |
| 00 10 00 8E                                                  | ISO 7816-7 7.15      | DELETE                         |
|    12                                                        | ISO 7816-7           | PERFORM TRANSACTION OPERATION  |
| 00 12 00 80                                                  | ISO 7816-7 8.2.1     | BEGIN                          |
| 00 12 00 81                                                  | ISO 7816-7 8.2.2     | COMMIT                         |
| 00 12 00 82                                                  | ISO 7816-7 8.2.3     | ROLLBACK                       |
|    14                                                        | ISO 7816-7           | PERFORM USER OPERATION         |
| 00 14 00 80 xx User ID, ...                                  | ISO 7816-7 9.2.1     | PRESENT USER                   |
| 00 14 00 81 xx User ID, profile, ...                         | ISO 7816-7 9.2.2     | CREATE USER                    |
| 00 14 00 82 xx User ID                                       | ISO 7816-7 9.2.3     | DELETE USER                    |
| 80 14 xx xx 00                                               | GEMPLUS MPCOS-EMV    | Switch Protocol                |
| 84 16 00 00 xx MAC                                           | VSDC                 | CARD BLOCK                     |
| 80 16 0X 00 05 xxxx xxxx xx                                  | GEMPLUS MPCOS-EMV    | Freeze Access Conditions       |
| 84 16 0X 00 08 xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx                           | GEMPLUS MPCOS-EMV    | Freeze Access Conditions       |
| 84 18 00 00 xx MAC                                           | VSDC                 | APPLICATION UNBLOCK            |
| 84 1E 00 00 xx MAC                                           | VSDC                 | APPLICATION BLOCK              |
|    20                                                        | ISO 7816-4 8.5.5     | VERIFY                         |
| 00 20 00 80 08 xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx                           | VSDC                 | VERIFY (Transaction PIN data)  |
| A0 20 00 xx 08 CHV Value                                     | 3GPP TS 11.11        | VERIFY                         |
| A0 20 00 xx 08 CHV Value                                     | SAGEM SCT U34 6.10   | VERIFY                         |
| 80 20 00 xx 08 ADM Value                                     | SAGEM SCT U34 8.1.4  | VERIFY ADM                     |
| 80 21 00 xx 08 ADM Value                                     | SAGEM SCT U34 8.1.4  | VERIFY ADM                     |
|    22                                                        | ISO 7816-4 8.5.10    | MANAGE SECURITY ENVIRONMENT    |
|    24                                                        | ISO 7816-4 8.5.6     | CHANGE CHV                     |
| 84 24 00 00 xx PIN data + MAC                                | VSDC                 | PIN CHANGE/UNBLOCK             |
| A0 24 00 xx 10 Old CHV, New CHV                              | 3GPP TS 11.11        | CHANGE CHV                     |
| A0 24 00 xx 10 Old CHV, New CHV                              | SAGEM SCT U34 6.11   | CHANGE CHV                     |
|    26                                                        | ISO 7816-4 8.5.8     | DISABLE CHV1                   |
| A0 26 00 01 08 CHV1 value                                    | 3GPP TS 11.11        | DISABLE CHV1                   |
| A0 26 00 01 08 CHV1 value                                    | SAGEM SCT U32 6.12   | DISABLE CHV1                   |
|    28                                                        | ISO 7816-4 8.5.7     | ENABLE CHV1                    |
| A0 28 00 01 08 CHV1 value                                    | 3GPP TS 11.11        | ENABLE CHV1                    |
| A0 28 00 01 08 CHV1 value                                    | SAGEM SCT U34 6.13   | ENABLE CHV1                    |
|    2A                                                        | ISO 7816-8 5.2       | PERFORM SECURITY OPERATION     |
|    2C                                                        | ISO 7816-4 8.5.9     | UNBLOCK CHV                    |
| A0 2C 00 xx 10 Unblock CHV(PUK), New CHV                     | 3GPP TS 11.11        | UNBLOCK CHV                    |
| A0 2C 00 xx 10 Unblock CHV(PUK), New CHV                     | SAGEM SCT U34 6.14   | UNBLOCK CHV                    |
| A0 2E 00 0# 01 Data                                          | 3GPP TS 11.11        | WRITE CODE STATUS              |
| A0 32 00 00 03 Value to be added.                            | 3GPP TS 11.11        | INCREASE                       |
| A0 32 00 00 03 Value to be added.                            | SAGEM SCT U34 6.9    | INCREASE                       |
|    39                                                        |                      | java Authentificate User Comman|
|    44                                                        | ISO 7816-9 6.4       | ACTIVATE FILE                  |
| A0 44 00 00 00                                               | 3GPP TS 11.11        | REHABILIDATE                   |
| A0 44 00 00 00                                               | SAGEM SCT U34 6.16   | REHABILIDATE                   |
|    46                                                        | ISO 7816-8 5.1       | GENERATE ASYMMETRIC KEY PAIR   |
| 80 50 xx xx 08 Host challenge        00                      | GlobalPlatform       | INITIALIZE UPDATE then [C0]    |
|    70                                                        | ISO 7816-4 8.1.2     | MANAGE CHANNEL                 |
| 00 70 xx xx                          xx                      | GlobalPlatform       | MANAGE CHANNEL                 |
| 80 78 00 03 xx                                               | GlobalPlatform       | END R-MAC SESSION              |
| 80 7A xx 01 xx Data and C-MAC, if needed                     | GlobalPlatform       | BEGIN R-MAC SESSION            |
|    82                                                        | ISO 7816-4 8.5.3     | EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE          |
| 84 82 00 00 10 Host cryptogram and MAC                       | GlobalPlatform       | EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE          |
| 84 82 00 00 0A Authentication-related data                   | VSDC                 | EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE          |
| 00 82 00 xx 06 Manual                                        | GEMPLUS MPCOS-EMV    | EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE          |
|    84                                                        | ISO 7816-4 8.5.2     | GET CHALLENGE                  |
| 00 84 00 00                          08 Rnd Num              | VSDC                 | GET CHALLENGE                  |
| 00 84 xx xx                          08 Rnd Num              | GEMPLUS MPCOS-EMV    | GET CHALLENGE                  |
|    86                                                        | ISO 7816-4 8.5.4     | GENERAL AUTHENTICATE           |
|    88                                                        | ISO 7816-4 8.5.1     | INTERNAL AUTHENTICATE          |
| 00 88 XX xx 0A Manual                                        | GEMPLUS MPCOS-EMV    | INTERNAL AUTHENTICATE          |
| A0 88 00 00 10 RAND : Rnd num        xx  SRES( 4B) , Kc (8B) | 3GPP TS 11.11        | RUN GSM ALGORITHM              |
| A0 88 00 00 10 RAND : Rnd num        xx  SRES( 4B) , Kc (8B) | SAGEM SCT U34 6.17   | RUN GSM ALGORITHM              |
|    A0                                                        | ISO 7816-4 8.2.5     | SEARCH BINARY                  |
|    A2                                                        | ISO 7816-4 8.3.5     | SEEK                           |
| A0 A2 00 xx xx Pattern               xx                      | 3GPP TS 11.11        | SEEK                           |
| A0 A2 00 xx xx Pattern               xx                      | SAGEM SCT U34 6.8    | SEEK                           |
|    A4                                                        | ISO 7816-4 8.1.1     | SELECT                         |
| 00 A4 04 00 xx AID                   00                      | GlobalPlatform       | SELECT                         |
| 00 A4 00 xx xx File ID || Name       00  Manual              | VSDC                 | SELECT                         |
| A0 A4 00 00 02 File ID                                       | 3GPP TS 11.11        | SELECT                         |
| A0 A4 00 00 02 File ID                                       | SAGEM SCT U34 6.1    | SELECT                         |
| 80 A8 00 00 00                       00                      | VSDC                 | GET PROCESSING OPTIONS         |
| 80 AE 00 xx Transaction-related data                         | VSDC                 |                                |
|    B0                                                        | ISO 7816-4 8.2.1     | READ BINARY                    |
| 00 B0 xx xx                          xx                      | GEMPLUS MPCOS-EMV    | READ BINARY                    |
| A0 B0 xx xx                          xx                      | 3GPP TS 11.11        | READ BINARY                    |
| A0 B0 xx xx                          xx                      | SAGEM SCT U34 6.4    | READ BINARY                    |
|    B2                                                        | ISO 7816-4 8.3.1     | READ RECORD                    |
| 00 B2 xx                             00                      | VSDC                 | READ RECORD                    |
| A0 B2 xx xx                          xx                      | 3GPP TS 11.11        | READ RECORD                    |
| A0 B2 xx xx                          xx                      | SAGEM SCT U34 6.6    | READ RECORD                    |
|    B4                                                        |                      | java Component Data            |
|    B8                                                        |                      | java Create Applet             |
|    BA                                                        |                      | java CAP end                   |
|    BC                                                        |                      | java Component end             |
|    BE                                04 Data                 | GEMPLUS GemClub-MEMO | READ                           |
|    C0                                                        | ISO 7816-4 8.6.1     | GET RESPONSE                   |
| 00 C0                                1C Key Info             | GlobalPlatform       | GET RESPONSE                   |
| 00 C0 00 00                          00                      | VSDC                 | GET RESPONSE                   |
| 80 C0 00 00                          xx                      | GEMPLUS MPCOS-EMV    | Get Info on Get Response       |
| 80 C0 02 A0                          08 Chip SN              | GEMPLUS MPCOS-EMV    | Get Info                       |
| 80 C0 02 A1                          08 Card SN              | GEMPLUS MPCOS-EMV    | Get Info                       |
| 80 C0 02 A2                          08 Issuer SN            | GEMPLUS MPCOS-EMV    | Get Info                       |
| 80 C0 02 A3                          04 Iss.Ref.N            | GEMPLUS MPCOS-EMV    | Get Info                       |
| 80 C0 02 A4                          0D Chip Inf             | GEMPLUS MPCOS-EMV    | Get Info                       |
| 80 C0 02 A5                          xx Keys                 | GEMPLUS MPCOS-EMV    | Get Info                       |
| 80 C0 02 A6                          02 Last DF/EF           | GEMPLUS MPCOS-EMV    | Get Info                       |
| A0 C0 00 00                          xx                      | 3GPP TS 11.11        | GET RESPONSE                   |
| A0 C0 00 00                          xx                      | SAGEM SCT U34 6.3    | GET RESPONSE                   |
|    C2                                                        | ISO 7816-4 8.6.2     | ENVELOPE                       |
|    C4                                                        |                      | java Delete Applets            |
|    CA                                                        | ISO 7816-4 8.4.1     | GET DATA                       |
| 00 CA 00 xx xx MAC, if present                               | GlobalPlatform       | GET DATA                       |
| 80 CA xx xx xx                                               | VSDC                 | GET DATA                       |
|    D0                                                        | ISO 7816-4 8.2.2     | WRITE BINARY                   |
| 80 D0 xx xx xx Data to be written in EEPROM                  | VSDC                 | LOAD STRUCTURE                 |
|    D2                                                        | ISO 7816-4 8.3.2     | WRITE RECORD                   |
|    D6                                                        | ISO 7816-4 8.2.3     | UPDATE BINARY                  |
| A0 D6 xx xx xx Data to be written in EEPROM                  | 3GPP TS 11.11        | UPDATE BINARY                  |
| A0 D6 xx xx xx Data to be written in EEPROM                  | SAGEM SCT U34 6.5    | UPDATE BINARY                  |
| 80 D8 xx xx xx KEY Date (and MAC)    00                      | GlobalPlatform       | PUT KEY                        |
|    D8                                                        | EMV                  | Set Card Status(personalization|
|    DA                                                        | ISO 7816-4 8.4.2     | PUT DATA                       |
| 00 DA xx xx xx Data                                          | VSDC                 | PUT DATA                       |
|    DC                                                        | ISO 7816-4           | UPDATE RECORD                  |
| 00 DC xx xx xx Data (and MAC)                                | VSDC                 | UPDATE RECORD                  |
| A0 DC xx xx xx Data to be written in EEPROM                  | 3GPP TS 11.11        | UPDATE RECORD                  |
| A0 DC xx xx xx Data to be written in EEPROM                  | SAGEM SCT U34 6.7    | UPDATE RECORD                  |
|    DE       04 Data                                          | GEMPLUS GemClub-MEMO | UPDATE                         |
| A0 DE 00 00 03 Data                                          | 3GPP TS 11.11        | LOAD AoC(SICAP)                |
|    E0                                                        | ISO 7816-9 6.1       | CREATE FILE                    |
| 80 E0 02 00 0C Manual                                        | GEMPLUS MPCOS-EMV    | CREATE FILE                    |
| 80 E0 xx xx xx FCI length                                    | 3GPP TS 11.11        | CREATE FILE                    |
| 80 E0 xx xx xx FCI length                                    | SAGEM SCT U34        | CREATE FILE                    |
|    E2                                                        | ISO 7816-4 8.3.4     | APPEND RECORD                  |
| 80 E2 00 00 xx Record (and MAC)                              | GlobalPlatform       | APPEND RECORD                  |
| 00 E2 00 00 xx Record                                        | VSDC                 | APPEND RECORD                  |
| 00 E2 00 00 xx Record                                        | GEMPLUS MPCOS-EMV    | APPEND RECORD                  |
| 00 E2 00 00 xx Record                                        | 3GPP TS 11.11        | APPEND RECORD                  |
|    E4                                                        | ISO 7816-9 6.2       | DELETE FILE                    |
| 80 E4 00 00 xx TLV coded name                                | GlobalPlatform       | DELETE FILE                    |
| A0 E4 00 00 02 xx xx                                         | 3GPP TS 11.11        | DELETE FILE                    |
|    E6                                                        | ISO 7816-9 6.5       | TERMINATE DF                   |
| 80 E6 xx 00 xx Manual                                        | GlobalPlatform       | INSTALL                        |
| A0 E6 xx xx 00                                               | 3GPP TS 11.11        | LOCK RECORD                    |
|    E8                                                        | ISO 7816-9 6.6       | TERMINATE EF                   |
| 80 E8 00 00 xx Record                                        | GlobalPlatform       | LOAD                           |
| A0 E8 00 xx 10 Data                                          | 3GPP TS 11.11        | READ DIRECTORY                 |
| 80 EA 00 00 xx Data                                          | 3GPP TS 11.11        | CREATE BINARY                  |
| 80 EA 00 00 xx Data                                          | SAGEM SCT U34        | CREATE BINARY                  |
| 80 EE 00 xx 00                                               | VSDC                 | WRITE LOCK                     |
| 80 F0 xx xx xx AID of Application (and MAC)                  | GlobalPlatform       | SET STATUS                     |
| A0 F2 00 00 xx                                               | 3GPP TS 11.11        | GET STATUS                     |
| A0 F2 00 00 xx                                               | SAGEM SCT U34 6.2    | GET STATUS                     |
| 80 F2 xx xx                                                  | GlobalPlatform       | GET STATUS                     |
| 80 F8 xx xx                          xx                      | SAGEM SCT U34 8.1.1  | DIR                            |
| A0 FA 00 00 00                                               | 3GPP TS 11.11        | SLEEP                          |
| A0 FA 00 00 00                                               | SAGEM SCT U34 6.18   | SLEEP                          |
| 80 FB xx xx                          xx                      | SAGEM SCT U34 8.1.1  | DIR                            |
| 80 FC xx xx                          10                      | SAGEM SCT U34 8.1.3  | READ INFO                      |
|    FE                                                        | ISO 7816-9 6.7       | TERMINATE CARD USAGE           |
| 80 FE xx xx 00                                               | SAGEM SCT U34        | BLOW FUSE                      |


CLA 1 指令类型 - 指示命令的类型,例如行业间命令或者专有命令
INS 1 指令代码 - 表示特定的命令,如“写数据”
P1-P2 2 该命令APDU的指令参数,如指明文件偏移地址以在偏移地址处写入数据
Lc 0, 1 或 3 指明命令APDU中携带的数据(Command data)字节数(Nc)
Command data Nc Nc字节的数据
Le 0,1,2或3个 指明预期响应数据的最大字节数(Ne)
Response data Nr(最大为Ne) 响应数据
2 命令处理状态,如90 00(十六进制)表示成功


APDU  常见错误

|SW1 SW2| Message                                                                                                      |
|'6X XX'| Transmission protocol related codes                                                                          |
|'61 XX'| SW2 indicates the number of response bytes still available                                                   |
|'62 00'| No information given                                                                                         |
|'62 81'| Returned data may be corrupted                                                                               |
|'62 82'| The end of the file has been reached before the end of reading                                               |
|'62 83'| Invalid DF                                                                                                   |
|'62 84'| Selected file is not valid. File descriptor error                                                            |
|'63 00'| Authentification failed. Invalid secret code or forbidden value                                              |
|'63 81'| File filled up by the last write                                                                             |
|'63 CX'| Counter provided by 'X' (valued from 0 to 15) (exact meaning depending on the command)                       |
|'65 01'| Memory failure. There have been problems in writing or reading the EEPROM.                                   |
|       | Other hardware problems may also bring this error.                                                           |
|'65 81'| Write problem / Memory failure / Unknown mode                                                                |
|'67 XX'| Error, incorrect parameter P3 (ISO code)                                                                     |
|'67 00'| Incorrect length or address range error                                                                      |
|'68 00'| The request function is not supported by the card.                                                           |
|'68 81'| Logical channel not supported                                                                                |
|'68 82'| Secure messaging not supported                                                                               |
|'69 00'| No successful transaction executed during session                                                            |
|'69 81'| Cannot select indicated file, command not compatible with file organization                                  |
|'69 82'| Access conditions not fulfilled                                                                              |
|'69 83'| Secret code locked                                                                                           |
|'69 84'| Referenced data invalidated                                                                                  |
|'69 85'| No currently selected EF, no command to monitor / no Transaction Manager File                                |
|'69 86'| Command not allowed (no current EF)                                                                          |
|'69 87'| Expected SM data objects missing                                                                             |
|'69 88'| SM data objects incorrect                                                                                    |
|'6A 00'| Bytes P1 and/or P2 are incorrect.                                                                            |
|'6A 80'| The parameters in the data field are incorrect                                                               |
|'6A 81'| Card is blocked or command not supported                                                                     |
|'6A 82'| File not found                                                                                               |
|'6A 83'| Record not found                                                                                             |
|'6A 84'| There is insufficient memory space in record or file                                                         |
|'6A 85'| Lc inconsistent with TLV structure                                                                           |
|'6A 86'| Incorrect parameters P1-P2                                                                                   |
|'6A 87'| The P3 value is not consistent with the P1 and P2 values.                                                    |
|'6A 88'| Referenced data not found.                                                                                   |
|'6B 00'| Incorrect reference; illegal address; Invalid P1 or P2 parameter                                             |
|'6C XX'| Incorrect P3 length.                                                                                         |
|'6D 00'| Command not allowed. Invalid instruction byte (INS)                                                          |
|'6E 00'| Incorrect application (CLA parameter of a command)                                                           |
|'6F 00'| Checking error                                                                                               |
|'90 00'| Command executed without error                                                                               |
|'91 00'| Purse Balance error cannot perform transaction                                                               |
|'91 02'| Purse Balance error                                                                                          |
|'92 XX'| Memory error                                                                                                 |
|'92 02'| Write problem / Memory failure                                                                               |
|'92 40'| Error, memory problem                                                                                        |
|'94 XX'| File error                                                                                                   |
|'94 04'| Purse selection error or invalid purse                                                                       |
|'94 06'| Invalid purse detected during the replacement debit step                                                     |
|'94 08'| Key file selection error                                                                                     |
|'98 XX'| Security error                                                                                               |
|'98 00'| Warning                                                                                                      |
|'98 04'| Access authorization not fulfilled                                                                           |
|'98 06'| Access authorization in Debit not fulfilled for the replacement debit step                                   |
|'98 20'| No temporary transaction key established                                                                     |
|'98 34'| Error, Update SSD order sequence not respected                                                               |
|       | (should be used if  SSD Update commands are received out of sequence).                                       |
|'9F XX'| Success, XX bytes of data available to be read via "Get_Response" task.                                      |
posted @ 2016-05-17 18:41  dozeoo  阅读(7844)  评论(10编辑  收藏  举报