H3C IS-IS实验大集合(ipv6)





3.ipv6 default-route-advertise 命令用来设置默认路由器














[R1]int lo0

[R1-LoopBack0]ipv6 add 1::1/128


[R1]int s0/2/0

[R1-Serial0/2/0]ipv6 add 2001::1/64





[R2]int lo0

[R2-LoopBack0]ipv6 add 2::2/128

[R2-LoopBack0]int s0/2/0

[R2-Serial0/2/0]ipv6 add 2001::2/64

[R2-Serial0/2/0]int s0/2/2

[R2-Serial0/2/2]ipv6 add 2002::1/64





[R3]int lo0

[R3-LoopBack0]ipv6 add 3::3/128


[R3]int s0/2/0

[R3-Serial0/2/0]ipv6 add 2002::2/64


[R3]int s0/2/2

[R3-Serial0/2/2]ipv6 add 2003::1/64






[R4]int lo0

[R4-LoopBack0]ipv6 add 4::4/128


[R4]int s0/2/0

[R4-Serial0/2/0]ipv6 add 2003::2/64


[R4]int s0/2/2

[R4-Serial0/2/2]ipv6 add 2004::1/64





[R5]int lo0

[R5-LoopBack0]ipv6 add 5::5/128


[R5]int s0/2/2

[R5-Serial0/2/2]ipv6 add 2004::2/64








[R1-isis-1]network-entity 01.0000.0000.0001.00

[R1-isis-1]is-level level-1

[R1-isis-1]ipv6 ?

  default-route-advertise  Control the advertisement of the default route

  enable                   Enable IPV6 Processing

  filter-policy            Set route filtering policy

  import-route             Import routes from other protocols into ISIS

  maximum                  Set number of equal cost routes (paths)

  preference               Set ISIS route preference

  summary                  Configure Summary Address for IPv6


[R1-isis-1]ipv6 enable  开启ipv6功能,如果这不开启,在接口下就不能开启ISIS的功能。


[R1]int lo0

[R1-LoopBack0]isis ipv6 enable


[R1]int s0/2/0

[R1-Serial0/2/0]isis ipv6 enable





[R2-isis-1]network-entity 01.0000.0000.0002.00

[R2-isis-1]is-level level-1-2                

[R2-isis-1]ipv6 enable


[R2]int lo0

[R2-LoopBack0]isis ipv6 enable

[R2-LoopBack0]int s0/2/2

[R2-Serial0/2/2]isis ipv6 enable


[R2]int s0/2/0

[R2-Serial0/2/0]isis ipv6 enable






[R3-isis-1]network-entity 02.0000.0000.0001.00

[R3-isis-1]is-level level-2

[R3-isis-1]ipv6 enable


[R3]int lo0

[R3-LoopBack0]isis ipv6 enable


[R3]int s0/2/0

[R3-Serial0/2/0]isis ipv6 enable


[R3]int s0/2/2

[R3-Serial0/2/2]isis ipv6 enable





[R4-isis-1]network-entity 03.0000.0000.0003.00

[R4-isis-1]is-level level-1-2

[R4-isis-1]ipv6 enable


[R4]int lo0

[R4-LoopBack0]isis ipv6 enable


[R4]int s0/2/0

[R4-Serial0/2/0]isis ipv6 enable


[R4]int s0/2/2

[R4-Serial0/2/2]isis ipv6 enable






[R5-isis-1]network-entity 03.0000.0000.0002.00

[R5-isis-1]is-level level-1

[R5-isis-1]ipv6 enable


[R5]int lo0

[R5-LoopBack0]isis ipv6 enable

[R5-LoopBack0]int s0/2/2

[R5-Serial0/2/2]isis ipv6 enable





[R1]display ipv6 routing-table protocol isisv6

ISISv6 Routing Table :

Summary Count : 3


ISISv6 Routing Table's Status : < Active >

Summary Count : 3


Destination: ::/0                                        Protocol  : ISISv6

NextHop    : FE80::8D1B:0:22FE:1                         Preference: 15

Interface  : S0/2/0                                      Cost      : 10


Destination: 2::2/128                                    Protocol  : ISISv6

NextHop    : FE80::8D1B:0:22FE:1                         Preference: 15

Interface  : S0/2/0                                      Cost      : 10


Destination: 2002::/64                                   Protocol  : ISISv6

NextHop    : FE80::8D1B:0:22FE:1                         Preference: 15

Interface  : S0/2/0                                      Cost      : 20


ISISv6 Routing Table's Status : < Inactive >

Summary Count : 0




[R1]ping 5::5

 Error:  Ping: Unknown host 5::5

[R1]ping ipv6 5::5

  PING 5::5 : 56  data bytes, press CTRL_C to break

    Reply from 5::5

    bytes=56 Sequence=1 hop limit=61  time = 9 ms

    Reply from 5::5

    bytes=56 Sequence=2 hop limit=61  time = 10 ms

    Reply from 5::5

    bytes=56 Sequence=3 hop limit=61  time = 15 ms

    Request time out

    Reply from 5::5

    bytes=56 Sequence=5 hop limit=61  time = 20 ms


  --- 5::5 ping statistics ---

    5 packet(s) transmitted

    4 packet(s) received

    20.00% packet loss

    round-trip min/avg/max = 9/13/20 ms




[R1]display isis interface


                       Interface information for ISIS(1)



  Interface:  LoopBack0           

  Id      IPV4.State           IPV6.State        MTU  Type  DIS  

  001          Up                   Up           1536 L1/L2 -- 


  Interface:  Serial0/2/0         

  Id      IPV4.State           IPV6.State        MTU  Type  DIS  

  002          Up                   Up           1500 L1/L2 --




[R1]display isis lsdb verbose


                        Database information for ISIS(1)



                          Level-1 Link State Database


LSPID                 Seq Num      Checksum      Holdtime      Length  ATT/P/OL



0000.0000.0001.00-00* 0x00000018   0xaf8d        1181          93      0/0/0

 SOURCE       0000.0000.0001.00

 NLPID        IPV4

 NLPID        IPV6

 AREA ADDR    01



 INTF ADDR V6 1::1                          

 INTF ADDR V6 2001::1                        

 NBR  ID      0000.0000.0002.00                COST: 10       


0000.0000.0001.00-01* 0x00000013   0xdff7        1181          91      0/0/0

 SOURCE       0000.0000.0001.00

 IP-Internal  COST: 0        

 IP-Internal    COST: 10       

 IPV6         1::1/128                        COST: 0        

 IPV6         2001::/64                       COST: 10        


0000.0000.0002.00-00  0x00000020   0x2857        1167          113     1/0/0

 SOURCE       0000.0000.0002.00

 NLPID        IPV4

 NLPID        IPV6

 AREA ADDR    01




 INTF ADDR V6 2::2                          

 INTF ADDR V6 2002::1                       

 INTF ADDR V6 2001::2                       

 NBR  ID      0000.0000.0001.00                COST: 10       


0000.0000.0002.00-01  0x00000018   0x103e        1167          117     0/0/0

 SOURCE       0000.0000.0002.00

 IP-Internal    COST: 10       

 IP-Internal    COST: 10       

 IP-Internal  COST: 0        

 IPV6         2::2/128                        COST: 0        

 IPV6         2002::/64                       COST: 10       

 IPV6         2001::/64                       COST: 10       


    *-Self LSP, +-Self LSP(Extended), ATT-Attached, P-Partition, OL-Overload






[R2]display ipv6 routing-table protocol isisv6

ISISv6 Routing Table :

Summary Count : 6


ISISv6 Routing Table's Status : < Active >

Summary Count : 6


Destination: 1::1/128                                    Protocol  : ISISv6

NextHop    : FE80::886D:0:17A4:1                         Preference: 15

Interface  : S0/2/0                                      Cost      : 10


Destination: 3::3/128                                    Protocol  : ISISv6

NextHop    : FE80::D50:0:20E2:1                          Preference: 15

Interface  : S0/2/2                                      Cost      : 10


Destination: 4::4/128                                    Protocol  : ISISv6

NextHop    : FE80::D50:0:20E2:1                          Preference: 15

Interface  : S0/2/2                                      Cost      : 20


Destination: 5::5/128                                    Protocol  : ISISv6

NextHop    : FE80::D50:0:20E2:1                          Preference: 15

Interface  : S0/2/2                                      Cost      : 30


Destination: 2003::/64                                   Protocol  : ISISv6

NextHop    : FE80::D50:0:20E2:1                          Preference: 15

Interface  : S0/2/2                                      Cost      : 20


Destination: 2004::/64                                   Protocol  : ISISv6

NextHop    : FE80::D50:0:20E2:1                          Preference: 15

Interface  : S0/2/2                                      Cost      : 30


ISISv6 Routing Table's Status : < Inactive >

Summary Count : 0



















[R2-isis-1]import-route ?

  bgp4+   Border Gateway Protocol (BGP4+) routes

  direct  Direct routes

  isisv6  Intermediate System to Intermediate System (ISISv6) routes

  ospfv3  Open Shortest Path First Version 3 (OSPFv3) routes

  ripng   Routing Information Protocol for IPv6 (RIPng) routes

  static  Static routes


[R2-isis-1]ipv6 import-route isisv6 ?

  INTEGER<1-65535>  Process ID

  cost              Cost of imported routes

  level-1           Import into level-1 area

  level-1-2         Import into level-1 and level-2 area

  level-2           Import into level-2 area or set Route Leaking

  route-policy      Apply the specified route policy to filter route

  tag               Set tag for routes imported into ISIS



[R2-isis-1]ipv6 import-route isisv6 level-2 into level-1




[R1]display ipv6 routing-table protocol isisv6

ISISv6 Routing Table :

Summary Count : 8


ISISv6 Routing Table's Status : < Active >

Summary Count : 8


Destination: ::/0                                        Protocol  : ISISv6

NextHop    : FE80::8D1B:0:22FE:1                         Preference: 15

Interface  : S0/2/0                                      Cost      : 10


Destination: 2::2/128                                    Protocol  : ISISv6

NextHop    : FE80::8D1B:0:22FE:1                         Preference: 15

Interface  : S0/2/0                                      Cost      : 10


Destination: 3::3/128                                    Protocol  : ISISv6

NextHop    : FE80::8D1B:0:22FE:1                         Preference: 15

Interface  : S0/2/0                                      Cost      : 20


Destination: 4::4/128                                    Protocol  : ISISv6

NextHop    : FE80::8D1B:0:22FE:1                         Preference: 15

Interface  : S0/2/0                                      Cost      : 30


Destination: 5::5/128                                    Protocol  : ISISv6

NextHop    : FE80::8D1B:0:22FE:1                         Preference: 15

Interface  : S0/2/0                                      Cost      : 40


Destination: 2002::/64                                   Protocol  : ISISv6

NextHop    : FE80::8D1B:0:22FE:1                         Preference: 15

Interface  : S0/2/0                                      Cost      : 20


Destination: 2003::/64                                   Protocol  : ISISv6

NextHop    : FE80::8D1B:0:22FE:1                         Preference: 15

Interface  : S0/2/0                                      Cost      : 30


Destination: 2004::/64                                   Protocol  : ISISv6

NextHop    : FE80::8D1B:0:22FE:1                         Preference: 15

Interface  : S0/2/0                                      Cost      : 40


ISISv6 Routing Table's Status : < Inactive >

Summary Count : 0




三.Ipv6 default-route-advertise 命令用设置默认路由器



[R4-isis-1]ipv6 default-route-advertise



[R2]display ipv6 routing-table protocol isisv6

ISISv6 Routing Table :

Summary Count : 6


ISISv6 Routing Table's Status : < Active >

Summary Count : 6


Destination: 1::1/128                                    Protocol  : ISISv6

NextHop    : FE80::886D:0:17A4:1                         Preference: 15

Interface  : S0/2/0                                      Cost      : 10


Destination: 3::3/128                                    Protocol  : ISISv6

NextHop    : FE80::D50:0:20E2:1                          Preference: 15

Interface  : S0/2/2                                      Cost      : 10


Destination: 4::4/128                                    Protocol  : ISISv6

NextHop    : FE80::D50:0:20E2:1                          Preference: 15

Interface  : S0/2/2                                      Cost      : 20


Destination: 5::5/128                                    Protocol  : ISISv6

NextHop    : FE80::D50:0:20E2:1                          Preference: 15

Interface  : S0/2/2                                      Cost      : 30


Destination: 2003::/64                                   Protocol  : ISISv6

NextHop    : FE80::D50:0:20E2:1                          Preference: 15

Interface  : S0/2/2                                      Cost      : 20


Destination: 2004::/64                                   Protocol  : ISISv6

NextHop    : FE80::D50:0:20E2:1                          Preference: 15

Interface  : S0/2/2                                      Cost      : 30


ISISv6 Routing Table's Status : < Inactive >

Summary Count : 0




使用Ipv6 default-route-advertise命令后,就可以向level-2存放默认路由

[R2]display ipv6 routing-table protocol isisv6

ISISv6 Routing Table :

Summary Count : 7


ISISv6 Routing Table's Status : < Active >

Summary Count : 7


Destination: ::/0                                        Protocol  : ISISv6

NextHop    : FE80::D50:0:20E2:1                          Preference: 15

Interface  : S0/2/2                                      Cost      : 20


Destination: 1::1/128                                    Protocol  : ISISv6

NextHop    : FE80::886D:0:17A4:1                         Preference: 15

Interface  : S0/2/0                                      Cost      : 10


Destination: 3::3/128                                    Protocol  : ISISv6

NextHop    : FE80::D50:0:20E2:1                          Preference: 15

Interface  : S0/2/2                                      Cost      : 10


Destination: 4::4/128                                    Protocol  : ISISv6

NextHop    : FE80::D50:0:20E2:1                          Preference: 15

Interface  : S0/2/2                                      Cost      : 20


Destination: 5::5/128                                    Protocol  : ISISv6

NextHop    : FE80::D50:0:20E2:1                          Preference: 15

Interface  : S0/2/2                                      Cost      : 30


Destination: 2003::/64                                   Protocol  : ISISv6

NextHop    : FE80::D50:0:20E2:1                          Preference: 15

Interface  : S0/2/2                                      Cost      : 20


Destination: 2004::/64                                   Protocol  : ISISv6

NextHop    : FE80::D50:0:20E2:1                          Preference: 15

Interface  : S0/2/2                                      Cost      : 30


ISISv6 Routing Table's Status : < Inactive >

Summary Count : 0










[R4]int s0/2/2

[R4-Serial0/2/2]isis cost 21

[R2]display ipv6 routing-table protocol isisv6

ISISv6 Routing Table :

Summary Count : 6


ISISv6 Routing Table's Status : < Active >

Summary Count : 6


Destination: 1::1/128                                    Protocol  : ISISv6

NextHop    : FE80::886D:0:17A4:1                         Preference: 15

Interface  : S0/2/0                                      Cost      : 10


Destination: 3::3/128                                    Protocol  : ISISv6

NextHop    : FE80::D50:0:20E2:1                          Preference: 15

Interface  : S0/2/2                                      Cost      : 10


Destination: 4::4/128                                    Protocol  : ISISv6

NextHop    : FE80::D50:0:20E2:1                          Preference: 15

Interface  : S0/2/2                                      Cost      : 20


Destination: 5::5/128                                    Protocol  : ISISv6

NextHop    : FE80::D50:0:20E2:1                          Preference: 15

Interface  : S0/2/2                                      Cost      : 41


Destination: 2003::/64                                   Protocol  : ISISv6

NextHop    : FE80::D50:0:20E2:1                          Preference: 15

Interface  : S0/2/2                                      Cost      : 20


Destination: 2004::/64                                   Protocol  : ISISv6

NextHop    : FE80::D50:0:20E2:1                          Preference: 15

Interface  : S0/2/2                                      Cost      : 41


ISISv6 Routing Table's Status : < Inactive >

Summary Count : 0








[R5-isis-1]ipv6 preference 25















[R5-isis-1]ipv6 ?

  default-route-advertise  Control the advertisement of the default route

  enable                   Enable IPV6 Processing

  filter-policy            Set route filtering policy

  import-route             Import routes from other protocols into ISIS  

  maximum                  Set number of equal cost routes (paths)

  preference               Set ISIS route preference

  summary                  Configure Summary Address for IPv6


[R5]int s0/2/2

[R5-Serial0/2/2]isis ipv6 ?

  enable  Enable IPV6 Processing



























posted @ 2019-07-19 15:11  聂忠乐  阅读(781)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报