pythonchallenge Level 32
用户名:repeat 密码:switch
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import base64 from PIL import Image import requests def getNonograms(url): Authorization = format(base64.b64encode(b'kohsamui:thailand').decode()) headers = {'Authorization': 'Basic %s' % Authorization} response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers) lines = response.text.splitlines() lines = [line.strip() for line in lines if (not line.startswith('#')) and line.strip() != ''] raw = [list(map(int, line.split())) for line in lines] return raw[0][0], raw[0][1], raw[1:raw[0][0] + 1], raw[raw[0][0] + 1:] def load(file): with open(file, encoding='utf-8') as f: lines = f.readlines() lines = [line.strip() for line in lines if (not line.startswith('#')) and line.strip()!=''] raw = [list(map(int, line.split())) for line in lines] return raw[0][0], raw[0][1], raw[1:raw[0][0] + 1], raw[raw[0][0] + 1:] def game(hor, ver, hl, vl): hor_alts = [[],] * hl ver_alts = [[],] * vl line = ['-',] * vl board = [] for h in range(hl): board.append(line+[]) dires = [0, 1] init(hor, hor_alts, dires[0]) init(ver, ver_alts, dires[1]) count = 0 while True: rever_map(hor_alts, hl, board, dires[0]) rever_map(ver_alts, vl, board, dires[1]) count = count +1 if count == 15: break for b in board: if '-' in b: print('未解决,还应该再改进!') return board def init(hor, alts, d): for i, line in enumerate(hor): x, d, pos = getData(line, hl) alts[i] = [] getP(x, d, pos, alts[i]) def rever_map(schemes, length, board, d): for i in range(length): pss, ass = [], [] line = getLine(i, board, d) getIndex('#', line, pss) getIndex('*', line, ass) schemes[i] = del_im(pss, ass, schemes[i]) times = getTimes(schemes[i], length) if len(schemes[i]) !=0: setMap(i, schemes[i], times, board, d) def setMap(i, schemes, times, board, d): l = len(schemes) for j, t in enumerate(times): if t == l and d == 1: board[j][i] = '#' elif t == 0 and d == 1: board[j][i] = '*' elif t == l and d == 0: board[i][j] = '#' elif t == 0 and d == 0: board[i][j] = '*' if l == 1: schemes = [] def getLine(i, board, d): if d == 0: return board[i] else: return [board[j][i] for j in range(len(board))] def del_im(pss, ass, scheme): res = [] for s in scheme: flag = True for p in pss: if s[p] != 1: flag = False break for p in ass: if s[p] != 0: flag = False break if flag: res.append(s) return res def getTimes(source, l): res = [0,] * l for s in source: for i in range(l): res[i] = res[i] + s[i] return res def getIndex(s, source, res): t = 0 while True: if s in source[t:]: i = source.index(s, t) res.append(i) t = i + 1 else: break def getP(x, d, pos, res):# 获取可能性 if len(pos) == 1: d = d + [0,] * x res.append(d) return for m in range(x,-1,-1): if m > 0: new_d = d[:pos[0]] + [0,] * m + d[pos[0]:] new_pos = [p+m for p in pos] if x - m > 0: getP(x-m, new_d, new_pos[1:], res) elif x - m == 0: res.append(new_d) elif m == 0: getP(x, d, pos[1:], res) def getData(data, n): d = [] for i in data: # 转化序列,[2, 1, 3] → [1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1] d = d + [1,] * i + [0] d = d[:-1] x = n - len(d) pos = {0} i = 0 try: while True: t = d.index(0, i) pos.add(t) i = t + 1 except: if len(d) > 1: pos.add(len(d) - 1) pos = list(pos) pos.sort() return x, d, pos def drawPic(board, x, y): img ='L', (x, y)) data = [] for b in board: for p in b: if p == '#': data.append(0) else: data.append(255) img.putdata(data) return img url = "" hl, vl, hor, ver = getNonograms(url) board = game(hor, ver, hl, vl) img = drawPic(board, vl, hl)"python.png")
搜索:"Free" as in "Free speech"
得到:"Free as in beer" "Free as in speech"