[Tips] How to converting a Coverage to a Shapefile ?

converts a coverage feature class (region) into a new shapefile with the proper feature type. The "canada" coverage from the data folder of the developer's samples is converted.

Sub CovertoShape()
' use IFeatureDataConverter::Convertfeatureclass to go from
 ' a coverage to shapefile
 ' Setup the output dataset
  Dim pPropset As IPropertySet
Dim pOUTshwsname As IWorkspaceName
Dim pOutShFCName As IFeatureClassName
Dim pOutshDSName As IDatasetName
Dim pInCovWorkspaceName As IWorkspaceName
Dim pInFCName As IFeatureClassName
Dim pCovDatasetName As IDatasetName
Dim pCovtoshape As IFeatureDataConverter

Set pPropset = New PropertySet

Set pOUTshwsname = New WorkspaceName
= pPropset
= "esriCore.shapefileWorkspaceFactory.1"
' create a new feature datset name object for the output
  ' canshape is a new shapefile polyline
  Set pOutShFCName = New FeatureClassName
Set pOutshDSName = pOutShFCName
Set pOutshDSName.WorkspaceName = pOUTshwsname
= "canshape"
' now get the name object for the input coverage feature dataset name.
  Set pInCovWorkspaceName = New WorkspaceName
= "D:\data\canada"
= "esriCore.ArcInfoWorkspaceFactory.1"
Set pInFCName = New FeatureClassName
Set pCovDatasetName = pInFCName
= "canada:region.prov"
Set pCovDatasetName.WorkspaceName = pInCovWorkspaceName
' now use the conversion function convert the coverage to an Access feature dataset
  Set pCovtoshape = New FeatureDataConverter
  pCovtoshape.ConvertFeatureClass pInFCName, 
NothingNothing, pOutShFCName, NothingNothing""10000
MsgBox "Coverage conversion complete!"
End Sub
posted @ 2007-12-10 11:05  RayG  阅读(405)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报