My XNA HitBee small game

This is a game I created when i start to learn XNA development in Jun-2007.  I got the interview call from Microsoft(China) Company while i am trying to apply the position of XNA game developer. but later, I was informed that  Microsoft didn't recruit XNA developer in China for that moment. Actually, I like gaming development. so i think i will keep moving forward when i have enough time. for this moment , i focus on Symbian OS.

1. About the Game

snapshot here:  there is a space ship on the mid-buttom of the screen , anytime you press "space" button , you are able to fire a red bullet from the direction while you press the key. if you are lucky enough to hit one bee. you can hear a sound.

This is a very simple game demo, i made this while i just study XNA gaming development for just only  one week. so , the code is awful,no comments, full of errors , this is only a one-week demo work,dont expect too much . only for those who have totally no ideal about XNA development but want to get to know this platform, i might be helpful. good luck.

2. The source code is here:

By the way: some advice on setting up the developing environment:
You need Micrisoft .Net 2.0 platform . and 2 softwares : XNA Express and VS C# express, both of them can be download from。

AND DON'T FORGET You must install C# Express 2005 first, and the platform should be Windows XP 2, even Windows Vista is not supported at this moment i post this thread.

3. The useful links to sample project and trainning lessons on the web:
These are the websites i usually use. very helpful.  good sample and video lesson: Programming Pon  Mr. Bill Reiss's blog and his website (, he is MVP of Microsoft XNA. Fabulous lessons for XNA beginnerS there.   by MS

posted @ 2007-09-18 10:27  RayG  阅读(320)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报