|- Driver接口: 表示java驱动程序接口。所有的具体的数据库厂商要来实现此接口。 |- connect(url, properties): 连接数据库的方法。 url: 连接数据库的URL URL语法: jdbc协议:数据库子协议://主机:端口/数据库 user: 数据库的用户名 password: 数据库用户密码 |- DriverManager类: 驱动管理器类,用于管理所有注册的驱动程序 |-registerDriver(driver) : 注册驱动类对象 |-Connection getConnection(url,user,password); 获取连接对象 |- Connection接口: 表示java程序和数据库的连接对象。 |- Statement createStatement() : 创建Statement对象 |- PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql) 创建PreparedStatement对象 |- CallableStatement prepareCall(String sql) 创建CallableStatement对象 |- Statement接口: 用于执行静态的sql语句 |- int executeUpdate(String sql) : 执行静态的更新sql语句(DDL,DML) |- ResultSet executeQuery(String sql) :执行的静态的查询sql语句(DQL) |-PreparedStatement接口:用于执行预编译sql语句 |- int executeUpdate() : 执行预编译的更新sql语句(DDL,DML) |-ResultSet executeQuery() : 执行预编译的查询sql语句(DQL) |-CallableStatement接口:用于执行存储过程的sql语句(call xxx) |-ResultSet executeQuery() : 调用存储过程的方法
|- ResultSet接口:用于封装查询出来的数据 |- boolean next() : 将光标移动到下一行 |-getXX() : 获取列的值
1 private String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/day17"; 2 // jdbc协议:数据库子协议:主机:端口/连接的数据库 // 3 4 private String user = "root"; //用户名 5 private String password = "root"; //密码
1 //1.创建驱动程序类对象 2 Driver driver = new com.mysql.jdbc.Driver(); 3 4 //设置用户名和密码 5 Properties props = new Properties(); 6 props.setProperty("user", user); 7 props.setProperty("password", password); 8 9 //2.连接数据库,返回连接对象 10 Connection conn = driver.connect(url, props);
Driver driver = new com.mysql.jdbc.Driver(); /1.注册驱动程序(可以注册多个驱动程序) DriverManager.registerDriver(driver); //2.连接到具体的数据库 Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password);
1 //通过得到字节码对象的方式加载静态代码块,从而注册驱动程序 2 Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); 3 //2.连接到具体的数据库 4 Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password);
1 import java.io.InputStream; 2 import java.sql.Connection; 3 import java.sql.DriverManager; 4 import java.sql.ResultSet; 5 import java.sql.SQLException; 6 import java.sql.Statement; 7 import java.util.Properties; 8 9 public class JdbcUtils { 10 11 private static String url = null; 12 private static String user = null; 13 private static String password = null; 14 private static String classDriver = null; 15 static{ 16 //读取系统中的配置文件 17 InputStream in = JdbcUtils.class.getResourceAsStream("/db.properties"); 18 Properties property = new Properties(); 19 try { 20 property.load(in); 21 url = property.getProperty("url"); 22 user = property.getProperty("user"); 23 password = property.getProperty("password"); 24 classDriver = property.getProperty("classDriver"); 25 //加载类文件 26 Class.forName(classDriver); 27 } catch (Exception e) { 28 e.printStackTrace(); 29 throw new RuntimeException(e); 30 } 31 } 32 public static Connection getConnection(){ 33 try { 34 //返回连接对象 35 return DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password); 36 } catch (Exception e) { 37 e.printStackTrace(); 38 throw new RuntimeException(e); 39 } 40 } 41 42 public static void closeAll(Connection conn,Statement stmt,ResultSet rs){ 43 try { 44 if(rs != null){ 45 rs.close(); 46 rs = null; 47 } 48 if(stmt != null){ 49 stmt.close(); 50 stmt = null; 51 } 52 if(conn != null && !conn.isClosed()){ 53 conn.close(); 54 conn = null; 55 } 56 } catch (SQLException e) { 57 e.printStackTrace(); 58 } 59 } 60 }
1 public void test1(){ 2 Statement stmt = null; 3 Connection conn = null; 4 try { 5 //1.驱动注册程序 6 Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); 7 8 //2.获取连接对象 9 conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password); 10 11 //3.创建Statement 12 stmt = conn.createStatement(); 13 14 //4.准备sql 15 String sql = "CREATE TABLE student(id INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT,NAME VARCHAR(20),gender VARCHAR(2))"; 16 17 //5.发送sql语句,执行sql语句,得到返回结果 18 int count = stmt.executeUpdate(sql); 19 20 //6.输出 21 System.out.println("影响了"+count+"行!"); 22 } catch (Exception e) { 23 e.printStackTrace(); 24 throw new RuntimeException(e); 25 } finally{ 26 //7.关闭连接(顺序:后打开的先关闭) 27 if(stmt!=null) 28 try { 29 stmt.close(); 30 } catch (SQLException e) { 31 e.printStackTrace(); 32 throw new RuntimeException(e); 33 } 34 if(conn!=null) 35 try { 36 conn.close(); 37 } catch (SQLException e) { 38 e.printStackTrace(); 39 throw new RuntimeException(e); 40 } 41 } 42 }
1 private String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/day17"; 2 private String user = "root"; 3 private String password = "root"; 4 5 /** 6 * 增加 7 */ 8 @Test 9 public void testInsert(){ 10 Connection conn = null; 11 Statement stmt = null; 12 try { 13 //通过工具类获取连接对象 14 conn = JdbcUtil.getConnection(); 15 16 //3.创建Statement对象 17 stmt = conn.createStatement(); 18 19 //4.sql语句 20 String sql = "INSERT INTO student(NAME,gender) VALUES('李四','女')"; 21 22 //5.执行sql 23 int count = stmt.executeUpdate(sql); 24 25 System.out.println("影响了"+count+"行"); 26 27 } catch (Exception e) { 28 e.printStackTrace(); 29 throw new RuntimeException(e); 30 } finally{ 31 //关闭资源 32 JdbcUtil.close(conn, stmt); 33 } 34 } 35 36 /** 37 * 修改 38 */ 39 @Test 40 public void testUpdate(){ 41 Connection conn = null; 42 Statement stmt = null; 43 //模拟用户输入 44 String name = "陈六"; 45 int id = 3; 46 try { 47 /*//1.注册驱动 48 Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); 49 50 //2.获取连接对象 51 conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password);*/ 52 //通过工具类获取连接对象 53 conn = JdbcUtil.getConnection(); 54 55 //3.创建Statement对象 56 stmt = conn.createStatement(); 57 58 //4.sql语句 59 String sql = "UPDATE student SET NAME='"+name+"' WHERE id="+id+""; 60 61 System.out.println(sql); 62 63 //5.执行sql 64 int count = stmt.executeUpdate(sql); 65 66 System.out.println("影响了"+count+"行"); 67 68 } catch (Exception e) { 69 e.printStackTrace(); 70 throw new RuntimeException(e); 71 } finally{ 72 //关闭资源 73 JdbcUtil.close(conn, stmt); 74 } 75 } 76 77 /** 78 * 删除 79 */ 80 @Test 81 public void testDelete(){ 82 Connection conn = null; 83 Statement stmt = null; 84 //模拟用户输入 85 int id = 3; 86 try { 87 /*//1.注册驱动 88 Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); 89 90 //2.获取连接对象 91 conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password);*/ 92 //通过工具类获取连接对象 93 conn = JdbcUtil.getConnection(); 94 95 //3.创建Statement对象 96 stmt = conn.createStatement(); 97 98 //4.sql语句 99 String sql = "DELETE FROM student WHERE id="+id+""; 100 101 System.out.println(sql); 102 103 //5.执行sql 104 int count = stmt.executeUpdate(sql); 105 106 System.out.println("影响了"+count+"行"); 107 108 } catch (Exception e) { 109 e.printStackTrace(); 110 throw new RuntimeException(e); 111 } finally{ 112 //关闭资源 113 JdbcUtil.close(conn, stmt); 114 } 115 }
1 public void test1(){ 2 Connection conn = null; 3 Statement stmt = null; 4 try{ 5 //获取连接 6 conn = JdbcUtil.getConnection(); 7 //创建Statement 8 stmt = conn.createStatement(); 9 //准备sql 10 String sql = "SELECT * FROM student"; 11 //执行sql 12 ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql); 13 //遍历结果 14 while(rs.next()){ 15 int id = rs.getInt("id"); 16 String name = rs.getString("name"); 17 String gender = rs.getString("gender"); 18 System.out.println(id+","+name+","+gender); 19 } 20 21 }catch(Exception e){ 22 e.printStackTrace(); 23 throw new RuntimeException(e); 24 }finally{ 25 JdbcUtil.close(conn, stmt); 26 } 27 }
1 public void testByPreparedStatement(){ 2 Connection conn = null; 3 PreparedStatement stmt = null; 4 ResultSet rs = null; 5 try { 6 //获取连接 7 conn = JdbcUtil.getConnection(); 8 9 String sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE NAME=? AND PASSWORD=?"; 10 11 //预编译 12 stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); 13 14 //设置参数 15 stmt.setString(1, name); 16 stmt.setString(2, password); 17 18 //执行sql 19 rs = stmt.executeQuery(); 20 21 if(rs.next()){ 22 //登录成功 23 System.out.println("登录成功"); 24 }else{ 25 System.out.println("登录失败"); 26 } 27 28 } catch (Exception e) { 29 e.printStackTrace(); 30 throw new RuntimeException(e); 31 } finally { 32 JdbcUtil.close(conn, stmt ,rs); 33 } 34 35 }
public void testDB() throws Exception { // 获取连接 Connection conn = JdbcUtil.getConnection(); // 获取数据库元数据 DatabaseMetaData metaData = conn.getMetaData(); System.out.println(metaData.getUserName()); System.out.println(metaData.getURL()); System.out.println(metaData.getDatabaseProductName()); }
public void testParams() throws Exception { // 获取连接 Connection conn = JdbcUtil.getConnection(); // SQL String sql = "select * from dept where deptid=? and deptName=?"; // Object[] values = {"tom","888"}; PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); // 参数元数据 ParameterMetaData p_metaDate = pstmt.getParameterMetaData(); // 获取参数的个数 int count = p_metaDate.getParameterCount(); // 测试 System.out.println(count); }
public void testRs() throws Exception { String sql = "select * from dept "; // 获取连接 Connection conn = JdbcUtil.getConnection(); PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); // 得到结果集元数据(目标:通过结果集元数据,得到列的名称) ResultSetMetaData rs_metaData = rs.getMetaData(); // 迭代每一行结果 while (rs.next()) { // 1. 获取列的个数 int count = rs_metaData.getColumnCount(); // 2. 遍历,获取每一列的列的名称 for (int i=0; i<count; i++) { // 得到列的名称 String columnName = rs_metaData.getColumnName(i + 1); // 获取每一行的每一列的值 Object columnValue = rs.getObject(columnName); // 测试 System.out.print(columnName + "=" + columnValue + ","); } System.out.println(); } }