golang xorm reverse 自动生成数据库实体文件


xorm 也可以参考官方文档 readme.md https://github.com/go-xorm/cmdhttp://xorm.io/docs/

go get github.com/go-xorm/cmd/xorm


go get github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql  //Mysql
go get github.com/ziutek/mymysql/godrv  //MyMysql
go get github.com/lib/pq  //Postgres
go get github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3  //SQLite
go get github.com/denisenkom/go-mssqldb  //MSSQL


三、测试xorm cmd是否安装成功

xorm help reverse

xorm reverse命令参数如下所示

D:\MyConfiguration\xxx>xorm help reverse
usage: xorm reverse [-s] driverName datasourceName tmplPath [generatedPath] [tableFilterReg]

according database's tables and columns to generate codes for Go, C++ and etc.

    -s                Generated one go file for every table
    driverName        Database driver name, now supported four: mysql mymysql sqlite3 postgres
    datasourceName    Database connection uri, for detail infomation please visit driver's project page
    tmplPath          Template dir for generated. the default templates dir hasprovide 1 template
    generatedPath     This parameter is optional, if blank, the default value is models, then will
                      generated all codes in models dir
    tableFilterReg    Table name filter regexp

注意的是下面指令中的templates/goxorm 指的是%GOPATH%/Src\github.com\go-xorm\cmd\xorm\templates\goxorm

database command
sqlite xorm reverse sqite3 test.db templates/goxorm C:\temp
mysql xorm reverse mysql "root:123456@(" templates/goxorm C:\temp
mymysql xorm reverse mymysql xorm_test2/root/ templates/goxorm C:\temp
postgres xorm reverse postgres "user=postgres password=123456 dbname=test host= port=5432 sslmode=disable" templates/goxorm C:\temp
mssql xorm reverse mssql "server=;user id=testid;password=testpwd;database=testdb" templates/goxorm C:\temp

ps:command 最后的 C:\temp 是指定 generatedPath(代码生成的目录)方便找到生成的代码,此参数非必填

方式一:指定 tmplPath(生成代码的模板文件)绝对路径

xorm reverse mssql "server=;user id=sa;password=123456;database=shifenzheng" %GOPATH%\Src\github.com\go-xorm\cmd\xorm\templates\goxorm  C:\temp


cd %GOPATH%/Src\github.com\go-xorm\cmd\xorm
xorm reverse mssql "server=;user id=sa;password=123456;database=shifenzheng" templates\goxorm  C:\temp




cd %GOPATH%/Src\github.com\go-xorm\cmd\xorm
xorm reverse postgres "user=postgres password=123456 dbname=test host= port=5432 sslmode=disable" templates\goxorm  C:\temp

如果生成报错 Unknown colType: USER-DEFINED ,是因为表中有列包含了自定义数据类型,xorm官方暂时还不支持(如 ltree、postgis等)
https://github.com/go-xorm/xorm/issues/667 类似的issues还是挺多的

posted @ 2018-08-30 18:16  nickchou  阅读(2768)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报