Implementing a Queue - Source Code C++

Implementing a Queue - Source Code

by Eric Suh 

This source file is an implementation of the Queue class. The class is implemented with templates, and the size is determined dynamically at initialization (although the default is 500 elements). 
For the templated class, the elements must have the operators <, =, and > defined. 

The actual amount of space allocated for the Queue will be one more element than the defined maximum size. This is useful for implementing the Queue in a circular method. 

To understand the circular implementation, think of the array as a circle. When an element is dequeued, the Queue doesn't shift all of the elements forward to the start of the queue. Instead, the class shifts the start of the queue back. Eventually, the start of the queue will have shifted so far that the queue will extend beyond the end of the array. This is where the circle comes in. When the queue reaches the end of the array, it wraps around to the beginning of the array.
/ * Code provided by Eric Suh
    |    ===========================================================    |
    |    This Queue Class has been implemented with templates and       |
    |    the size is determined dynamically at initialization.          |
    |                                                                   |
    |    The actual amount of space allocated for the Queue will be     |
    |    one more element space than the defined maximum size. This     |
    |    is useful for implementing the Queue in a circular method.     |
    |                                                                   |
    |    To understand the circular implementation, think of the        |
    |    array as a circle. When you reach the end of the array, you    |
    |    wrap around to the beginning of the array.                     |
    |                                                                   |
    |    So, when an element is dequeued, the Queue doesn't shift.      |
    |    Instead, you updated an indicator of the start of the queue.   |
    |                                                                   |
#ifndef __QueueClassH__
#define __QueueClassH__
#include <assert.h>    // For error-checking purposes
// Main structure of Queue Class:
template <class Elem>
class Queue
    Queue(int MaxSize=500);
    Queue(const Queue<Elem> &OtherQueue);
    void       Enqueue(const Elem &Item);    // Adds Item to Queue end
    Elem       Dequeue(void);                // Returns Item from Queue
    inline int ElemNum(void);                // Returns Number of Elements
    Elem     *Data;      // The actual Data array
    const int MAX_NUM;   // The actual spaces will be one more than this
    int       Beginning, // Numbered location of the start and end
    // Instead of calculating the number of elements, using this variable
    // is much more convenient.
    int       ElemCount;
// Implementation of Queue Class:
// Queue Constructor function
template <class Elem>
Queue<Elem>::Queue(int MaxSize) :
    MAX_NUM( MaxSize )   // Initialize the constant
  // This extra space added will allow us to distinguish between
  // the Beginning and the End locations.
  Data      = new Elem[MAX_NUM + 1];
  Beginning = 0;
  End       = 0;
  ElemCount = 0;
// Queue Copy Constructor function
template <class Elem>
Queue<Elem>::Queue(const Queue &OtherQueue) :
                MAX_NUM( OtherQueue.MAX_NUM )  // Initialize the constant
  Beginning = OtherQueue.Beginning;
  End       = OtherQueue.End;
  ElemCount = OtherQueue.ElemCount;
  Data      = new Elem[MAX_NUM + 1];
  for (int i = 0; i < MAX_NUM; i++)
    Data[i] = OtherQueue.Data[i];
// Queue Destructor function
template <class Elem>
  delete[] Data;
// Enqueue() function
template <class Elem>
void Queue<Elem>::Enqueue(const Elem &Item)
  // Error Check: Make sure we aren't exceeding our maximum storage space
  assert( ElemCount < MAX_NUM );
  Data[ End++ ] = Item;
  // Check for wrap-around
  if (End > MAX_NUM)
    End -= (MAX_NUM + 1);
// Dequeue() function
template <class Elem>
Elem Queue<Elem>::Dequeue(void)
  // Error Check: Make sure we aren't dequeueing from an empty queue
  assert( ElemCount > 0 );
  Elem ReturnValue = Data[ Beginning++ ];
  // Check for wrap-around
  if (Beginning > MAX_NUM)
    Beginning -= (MAX_NUM + 1);
  return ReturnValue;
// ElemNum() function
template <class Elem>
inline int Queue<Elem>::ElemNum(void)
  return ElemCount;
posted @ 2012-06-13 17:06  Rabbit Nick  阅读(178)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报