Alibaba initiative to (计划) step up(提倡) product launch assistance (产品发布会协助)



Alibaba Group has pledged to (承诺) help 2,000 brands reach the 100 million yuan ($15.42 million) revenue(收入) threshold (上限) on its Tmall site this year through a dedicated (精心设计的) new product launch mechanism(流程).

The e-commerce giant(电子商业巨头) is looking to(计划)  incubate (孵化)10,000 new products with 10 million yuan of sales under the so-called (所谓的) Hey Box initiative, where brands leverage (利用) consumer insights offered by Tmall to launch new items or speed up product development.

Monthly active users of Tmall Hey Box have reached 180 million, with sales generated through this vehicle (媒介) accounting for(对...负责) 35 percent of all Tmall transactions(汇报) last year according to Alibaba Vice-President Liu Bo during a press conference(新闻发布会) in Shanghai on Thursday.

He said nearly 1,000 brands achieved 100 million yuan in transactions last year thanks to the initiative(新方案).

Launched in 2017, Hey Box has helped drive product launches for prestige (颇具盛名的) beauty brands, such as Yves Saint Laurent Beauty, Giorgio Armani Beauty and Clinique, as well as other international brands , such as Kindle, Dyson and Starbucks.

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