Wordpress 音频播放器 Wordpress audio player with jQuery audioplayer.swf
Wordpress audio player with jQuery
How to use Wordpress audio player (standalone version) with jQuery and jQuery SWFObject (progressive enhancement).
<!-- SECTION "Wordpress audio player with jQuery" [1-272] -->
Example 1: basic
- <a class="audio" href="audio/reason.mp3">
- Audio: An Electronic Reason
- </a>
<!-- SECTION "Example 1: basic" [273-705] -->
- $('.audio').each(function(){
- audio_file = $(this).attr('href');
- $(this).flash(
- {
- swf: 'flash/audioplayer.swf',
- flashvars:
- {
- soundFile: audio_file
- }
- }
- );
- });
Example 2: several synchronized players
<!-- SECTION "Example 2: several synchronized players" [706-1488] -->
- // close other audio players
- // called by audio player when click on play button
- function ap_stopAll(player_id)
- {
- $('.audio').each(function(){
- if($(this).attr('href') != player_id)
- {
- $(this).find('object')[0].SetVariable("closePlayer", 1);
- }
- else
- {
- $(this).find('object')[0].SetVariable("closePlayer", 0);
- }
- });
- }
- $(document).ready(function() {
- $('.audio').each(function(){
- audio_file = $(this).attr('href');
- $(this).flash(
- {
- swf: 'flash/audioplayer.swf',
- flashvars:
- {
- playerID: "'" + audio_file + "'",
- soundFile: audio_file
- }
- }
- );
- });
- });
How it works:
players are given an id upon initialization
when click on play button, player calls
with its id as parameter -
ap_stopAll(): stops all players but the one with this id
the id here is the audio file path, but anything else is possible.
<!-- SECTION "Notes" [1489-1786] -->
Example 3: real world
- <p>
- <a class="audio" href="audio/reason.mp3" id="reason">
- Audio: An Electronic Reason
- </a>
- </p>
- <p>
- <a class="audio" href="audio/sunday.mp3" id="sunday">
- Audio: By Sunday Afternoon
- </a>
- </p>
- // close other audio players
- // called by audio player when click on play button
- function ap_stopAll(player_id)
- {
- $('.audio_flash').each(function(){
- if($(this).attr('id') != player_id)
- {
- $(this).find('object')[0].SetVariable("closePlayer", 1);
- }
- else
- {
- $(this).find('object')[0].SetVariable("closePlayer", 0);
- }
- });
- }
- $(document).ready(function() {
- $('.audio').each(function() {
- audio_file = $(this).attr('href');
- audio_title = $(this).text();
- audio_id = $(this).attr('id');
- div = $('<div class="audio_flash" id="' + audio_id + '"></div>');
- $(this).after(div);
- $(this).after(audio_title);
- $(this).remove();
- div.flash(
- {
- swf: 'flash/audioplayer.swf',
- flashvars:
- {
- soundFile: audio_file,
- playerID: "'" + audio_id + "'",
- quality: 'high',
- lefticon: '0xFFFFFF',
- righticon: '0xFFFFFF',
- leftbg: '0x357CCE',
- rightbg: '0x32BD63',
- rightbghover: '0x2C9D54',
- wmode: 'transparent'
- },
- height: 50
- }
- );
- });
- });
<!-- SECTION "Example 3: real world" [1787-3238] -->
meaningful HTML: visitors without Javascript get a download link, otherwise it's replaced by plain text and the player
the appearance can be customized with many options (bottom of the page).
the default white space before and after the player is reduced by the “height” Flash parameter.
use of a custom id (set on the HTML link)
<!-- SECTION "Notes" [3239-3682] -->
<!-- SECTION "Download" [3683-] -->