

  1. 最常用的方法是使用sed命令。例如
    [nhuang@localhost test]$ a="This is a / and you will know /" ; echo "$a" | sed "s/\//\\\\\//g"
    This is a \/ and you will know \/


    [nhuang@localhost test]$ a="This is a / and you will know /" ; echo "$a" | sed -s "s/\//\//g"
    This is a / and you will know /
    [nhuang@localhost test]$ a="This is a / and you will know /" ; echo "$a" | sed -s "s/\//\\\\/g"
    This is a \ and you will know \
    [nhuang@localhost test]$ a="This is a / and you will know /" ; echo "$a" | sed -s "s/\//\\/g"
    sed: -e expression #1, char 8: unterminated `s' command


  2. 那么,第二种方法是什么呢?使用${}这个符号,例如:
    [nhuang@localhost test]$ a="This is a / and you will know /" ; echo ${a//\//\\}
    This is a \ and you will know \
    [nhuang@localhost test]$ a="This is a / and you will know /" ; echo ${a//\//\\\/}
    This is a \/ and you will know \/

    这里,我们不再需要使用"\\"了,而是正常的使用正则表达式。所以,第二种方法,最为方便。如果使用expr substr,则会把问题复杂化。dan

  3. 但是,如果要同时替换多个不同位置的字符串,例如"/", "\", "?",等,要在他们前面都加上反斜杠,使用sed,用-e,或者"{;}"来操作。
    [nhuang@localhost test]$ str="asdasdf / asdfasdf / asdf,adf" ; echo $str | sed "{s/\//\\\\\//g;s/,/:/g}" 
    asdasdf \/ asdfasdf \/ asdf:adf


  4. 我们也可以使用多次的${}来做替换,例如:
    [nhuang@localhost test]$ str="This is / and This is & " ; str=`echo ${str//\//\\\/}` ; str=`echo ${str//&/\\\&}` ; echo $str
    This is \/ and This is \&
    [nhuang@localhost test]$ str="This is / and This is \\" ; str=`echo ${str//\//\\\/}` ; str=`echo ${str//\\\/\\\\\\\}` ; echo $str
    This is \\/ and This is \\
    [nhuang@localhost test]$ str="This is / and This is \ " ; str=`echo ${str//\//\\\/}` ; str=`echo ${str//\\\/\\\\\\\}` ; echo $str
    This is \\/ and This is \\





posted @ 2016-08-13 13:20  nhuang2  阅读(9314)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报