【oneday_onepage】——Tastes differ!

You know Ian and Felton can be really boring sometimes. They're always arguing, like. like children. It drives me crazy. They even argue about music. Tastes differ!

I particularly like hip-hop and rock. And Felton doesn't. Who cares? I usually listen to the radio on the Internet, that way I can always discover something new. Music, and how we listen to it, is changing so fast.

In the future we'll be drinking a cup of coffee in a cafe, or dancing in a nightclub or .... or sitting on a toilet. and we hear a song we like and we press a button and. get it. Actually, this is already possible. everything changes so fast.

posted @ 2013-09-04 09:11  net小伙  阅读(338)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报