
一:点击安装VMware Tools;

二:此时系统桌面上会出现图标VMware Tools;这里面文件位于/media 文件夹下;里面有两个文件我们用第二个;

三:把第二个文件用命令:tar xvfz /media/VMware\ Tools/VMwareTools-6.0.2-59824.tar.gz -C /opt      把文件加压到/opt文件夹中;

四:用命令:cd /opt/vmware-tools-distrib/ 转到此目录下;

五:执行命令: ./vmware-install.p1 安装工具;然后就是一路enter键,需要yes的输入yes ,需要no的输入no;即可;


一、 配置vmware-config-tool会有以下报错:

Unable to create the directory /mnt/hgfs.

Execution aborted.




CentOS5 kernet: unregister_netdevice: waiting for eth0 to become free.



1. Add the two lines, if not already present, to /etc/modprobe.conf:

alias net-pf-10 off
alias ipv6 off

add the command to blacklist(/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist) instead as shown below:

blacklist net-pf-10


Note: Try to copy-paste these lines instead of typing them. I faced problems in one computer after typing it in. It wasn't something which was visible to me on casual inspection but copy-paste solved it.


2. Open /etc/sysconfig/network and look for the line containing NETWORKING_IPV6 and change the value to no as shown below:



3. Stop ip6tables firewall:

/sbin/service ip6tables stop


4. Prevent the ip6tables firewall from coming up ever again:

/sbin/chkconfig ip6tables off


5. Restart your network to see if everything is working correctly:

/sbin/service network restart


6. Some articles suggest rebooting the machine at this stage so you may do that too.




1、what is the location of the gcc program on your machine?

  这是因为没有安装gcc的原因,用yum -y install gcc安装即可;

2、What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running kernel?

  用yum -y install kernel-devel安装即可

posted @ 2013-06-02 12:01  net小伙  阅读(629)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报