#实现用户输入用户名和密码,当用户名为 seven 或 alex 且 密码为 123 时,显示登陆成功,否则登陆失败,失败时允许重复输入三次 s = 3 while s>0: name = input("请输入用户名:").strip() password = input("请输入密码:").strip() if name == "seven" or name == "alex" and password =="123": print("登录成功") break else: print("登录失败,你还有%s次机会" %s) s -= 1
#使用 while 循环实现输出 2 -3 + 4-5 + 6 ... + 100的和 sum = 0 a = 2 while a<=100: if a%2==0: sum += a else: sum -= a a += 1 print(sum)
#使用 for 循环和 range 实现输的1 -2 + 3-4 + 5-6 ... + 99的和 sum = 0 for i in range(100): if i % 2 == 0: sum -= i else: sum += i print(sum)
#使用 while 循环实现输出 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,11,12 a = 1 while a<13: print(a) a += 1
#使用 while 循环实现输出 1-100 内的所有奇数 a = 1 while a <= 100: if a % 2 == 0: pass else: print(a) a += 1
#分别书写数字 5,10,32,7 的二进制表示 for i in [5,10,32,7]: print("{}的二进制数是{}".format(i,bin(i))) print("%s的二进制数是%s" %(i, bin(i)))
#输入一年份,判断该年份是否是闰年并输出结果。(编程题) #注:凡符合下面两个条件之一的年份是闰年。 (1) 能被4整除但不能被100整除。 (2) 能被400整除。 year = input("请输入您需要查询的年份:").strip() year = int(year) if year % 4 == 0 and year % 100 != 0 or year % 400 ==0: print("%d是闰年" %year)
#编写登陆接口 # 基础需求: # 让用户输入用户名密码 # 认证成功后显示欢迎信息 # 输错三次后退出程序 count = 3 while count > 0: name = input("帐号:") password = input("密码:") if name == "long" and password == "123": print("欢迎登录") break else: count -= 1 print("登录失败,你还有%d次机会" %count)
#如有一个变量n1 = 5,请使用int提供的方法,得到该变量最少可以用多少个二进制位表示? n1 = 5 print(int.bit_length(n1))
#判断name变量对应的值是否以"al"开头,并输出结果 name=" aleX" print(name.startswith("al"))
#将name变量对应的值中的"l"替换为"p",并输出结果 name=" aleX" print(name.replace("l","p"))
#请输出name变量对应的值的后2个字符? name=" aleX" print(name[-2:]) #-1代表最后一个字符,-2代表倒数第二个字符
#获取子序列,仅不包含最后一个字符。如:oldboy 则获取oldbo;root则获取roo name=" aleX" print(name.rstrip(name[-1:]))
#利用下划线将列表的每一个元素拼接成字符串,li = "alexericrain" li = "alexericrain" print("_".join(li))
#计算用户输入的内容中有几个十进制数?几个字母? #如: #content=input('请输入内容:') #如: asduiaf878123jkjsfd-213928 content = input('请输入内容:') .strip() #一定要记得使用strip去除空格 v,r = content.split("+") print(int(v)+int(r))
#计算用户输入的内容中有几个十进制数?几个字母? # 如: # content=input('请输入内容:') #如: asduiaf878123jkjsfd-213928 content=input('请输入内容:').strip() v = 0 s = 0 for i in content: if i.isdecimal(): v += 1 if i.isalpha(): s += 1 else: pass print("数字的个数是%d,字母的个数是%d" %(v,s))
while True: name = input("请输入用户名:") if name == "q" or name == "Q": break if len(name) <= 20: pass else: name = name[:20] password = input("请输入密码:") if password == "q" or password == "Q": break if len(password) <= 20: pass else: password = password[:20] email = input("请输入邮箱:") if email == "q" or email == "Q": break if len(email) <= 20: pass else: email = email[:20] template = "{0}\t{1}\t{2}\n" v = template.format(name,password,email) break print(v.expandtabs(20)) #将\t以及\n转化为空格或者回车
#往names列表里black_girl前面插入一个alex names = ["old_driver","rain","jack","shanshan","peiqi","black_girl"] names.insert(names.index("black_girl"),"alex") #占有原来的位置 print(names)
#把shanshan的名字改成中文,姗姗 names = ["old_driver","rain","jack","shanshan","peiqi","black_girl"] names[names.index("shanshan")] = "姗姗" print(names)
#往names列表里rain的后面插入一个子列表,["oldboy","oldgirl"] names = ["old_driver","rain","jack","shanshan","peiqi","black_girl"] names.insert(names.index("rain")+1,["oldboy","oldgirl"]) print(names)
#创建新列表[1,2,3,4,2,5,6,2],合并入names列表 names = ["old_driver","rain","jack","shanshan","peiqi","black_girl"] names.extend([1,2,3,4,5,6,2]) print(names)
#.取出names列表中索引2-10的元素,步长为2 names = ["old_driver","rain","jack","shanshan","peiqi","black_girl"] print(names[2:10:2])
#循环names列表,打印每个元素的索引值,和元素 names = ["old_driver","rain","jack","shanshan","peiqi","black_girl"] for index,name in enumerate(names): print("%s,%s" %(index,name))
#循环names列表,打印每个元素的索引值,和元素,当索引值为偶数时,把对应的元素改为-1 names = ["old_driver","rain","jack","shanshan","peiqi","black_girl"] for index,name in enumerate(names): if index % 2 == 0: name = "-1" else: pass print(index,name)
#names里有3个2,请返回第2个2的索引值。不要人肉数,要动态找(提示,找到第一个2的位置,在次基础上再找第2个) print(names.index(2,names.index(2)+1))
#查找列表(或元祖或字典)中元素,移除每个元素的空格,并查找以 a 或 A 开头 并且以 c 结尾的所有元素 # li = ["alec", " aric", "Alex", "Tony", "rain"] # tu = ("alec", " aric", "Alex", "Tony", "rain") # dic = {'k1': "alex", 'k2': ' aric',"k3": "Alex", "k4": "Tony"} li = ["alec", " aric", "Alex", "Tony", "rain"] for i in li: i = i.strip() c_a = i.startswith("a") c_A = i.startswith("A") c_c = i.endswith("d") if c_a or c_A and c_c: print(i) tu = ("alec", " aric", "Alex", "Tony", "rain") for i in tu: i = i.strip() c_a = i.startswith("a") c_A = i.startswith("A") c_c = i.endswith("d") if c_a or c_A and c_c: print(i) dic = {'k1': "alex", 'k2': ' aric',"k3": "Alex", "k4": "Tony"} for i in dic: i = i.strip() c_a = i.startswith("a") c_A = i.startswith("A") c_c = i.endswith("d") if c_a or c_A and c_c: print(i)
#列表中追加元素 “seven”,并输出添加后的列表 li = ['alex','eric','rain'] li.append("seven") print(li)
#请在列表的第 1 个位置插入元素 “Tony”,并输出添加后的列表 li = ['alex','eric','rain'] li.insert(0,"Tony") #append是追加 insert是在指定位置添加 print(li)
# 写代码,有如下字典,按照要求实现每一个功能,dic = {'k1':'v1','k2':'v2','k3':[11,22,33]} # 请循环输出所有的 key dic = {'k1':'v1','k2':'v2','k3':[11,22,33]} for i in dic.keys(): print(i)
# 请循环输出所有的 key 和 value dic = {'k1':'v1','k2':'v2','k3':[11,22,33]} for i in dic.keys(): print(i,dic[i])
# 请在字典中添加一个键值对,'k4':'v4',输出添加后的字典 dic = {'k1':'v1','k2':'v2','k3':[11,22,33]} dic['k4'] = 'v4' #通过索引添加 print(dic) dic = {'k1':'v1','k2':'v2','k3':[11,22,33]} dic.update({'k4':'v4'}) # 传一个字典 print(dic) dic = {'k1':'v1','k2':'v2','k3':[11,22,33]} dic.update(k4 = "v4") # 传关键字 print(dic) dic = {'k1':'v1','k2':'v2','k3':[11,22,33]} dic.update(zip(['k4'],['v4'])) # 传一个zip函数 print(dic) dic = {'k1':'v1','k2':'v2','k3':[11,22,33]} dic.update([('k4','v4')]) # 传一个包含一个或多个元祖的列表 print(dic)
# 请在k3对应的值中追加一个元素44,输出修改后的字典 dic = {'k1':'v1','k2':'v2','k3':[11,22,33]} dic["k3"].append("44") print(dic)
# 请在k3对应的值的第1个位置插入个元素18,输出修改后的字典 dic = {'k1':'v1','k2':'v2','k3':[11,22,33]} dic["k3"].insert(0,18) print(dic)
#请删除字典中键值对,'k1':'v1',并输出删除后的字典 dic = {'k1':'v1','k2':'v2','k3':[11,22,33]} dic.pop("k1") print(dic) dic = {'k1':'v1','k2':'v2','k3':[11,22,33]} del dic['k1'] print(dic)
#请删除字典中的键'k5'对应的键值对,如果字典中不存在键'k5',则不报错,并且让其返回 None dic = {'k1':'v1','k2':'v2','k3':[11,22,33]} pop_k5=dic.pop("k5","None") print(pop_k5)
#请获取字典中'k2'对应的值 dic = {'k1':'v1','k2':'v2','k3':[11,22,33]} view_k2=dic["k2"] print(view_k2) dic = {'k1':'v1','k2':'v2','k3':[11,22,33]} view_k2=dic.get("k2") print(view_k2)
#现有 dic2 = {'k1':'v111','a':'b'}通过一行操作使 dic2 = {'k1':'v1','k2':'v2','k3':'v3','a','b'} dic2 = {'k1':'v111','a':'b'} dic2.update({"k1":"v1","k2":"v2","k3":"v3"}) print(dic2)
# lis = [['k',['qwe',20,{'k1':['tt',3,'1']},89],'ab']] # 将列表 lis 中的'tt'变成大写(用两种方式) lis = [['k',['qwe',20,{'k1':['tt',3,'1']},89],'ab']] view_lis_tt = lis[0][1][2]["k1"] view_tt = lis[0][1][2]["k1"][0] view_lis_tt[0] = view_tt.upper() print(lis)
# 将列表中的数字 3 变成 字符串 '100'(用两种方式) lis = [['k',['qwe',20,{'k1':['tt',3,'1']},89],'ab']] lis[0][1][2]["k1"][1]="100" print(lis) lis = [['k',['qwe',20,{'k1':['tt',3,'1']},89],'ab']] lis[0][1][2].update({"k1":["tt","100","1"]}) print(lis)
# 将列表li = ["alex", "seven"]转换成字典且字典的key按照10开始向后递增 li = ["alex", "seven"] li_dic={} for k,v in enumerate(li,10): li_dic[k]=v print(li_dic)
# 有如下值集合[11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99,90],将所有大于66的值保存至字典的第一个key中,将小于66的值保存至第二个key的值中。 # 即:{'k1':大于66的所有值, 'k2':小于66的所有值} li=[11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99,90] li1=[] li2=[] for i in li: if i>66: li1.append(i) if i<66: li2.append(i) else: pass dic = {"k1":li1,"k2":li2} print(dic)
# 输出商品列表,用户输入序号,显示用户选中的商品 # 商品 li = ["手机", "电脑", '鼠标垫', '游艇'] # 允许用户添加商品 # 用户输入序号显示内 li = ["手机", "电脑", '鼠标垫', '游艇'] while True: print("商品信息如下".center(28,"-")) for index,goods in enumerate(li,1): print("%s %s"%(index,goods)) choice=input("是否要添加商品(yes/no):") if choice == "yes" or choice=="y": add_goods=input("请输入要添加的商品:") li.append(add_goods) if choice == "no" or choice == "n": break else: print("你的输入有误,请重新输入:") continue while True: choice_goods=input("请输入需要查询的序号,如果是非数字将会不执行") if choice_goods.isdigit(): choice_goods=int(choice_goods) if choice_goods>=1 and choice_goods<=len(li): print(li[choice_goods-1]) else: print("输入的序号不在范围内") else: break
# 有两个列表 # l1 = [11,22,33] # l2 = [22,33,44] # 获取内容相同的元素列表 l1 = [11,22,33] l2 = [22,33,44] s1=set(l1) s2=set(l2) s3=s1&s2 s3=list(s3) print(s3)
# 获取l1和l2中内容都不同的元素 l1 = [11, 22, 33] l2 = [22, 33, 44] s1 = set(l1) s2 = set(l2) s3 = s2 ^ s1 l3 = list(s3) print(l3)
# 利用For循环和range输出 # For循环从小到大输出1 - 100 for i in range(1,101): print(i)
# For循环从大到小输出100 - 1 for i in range(100,0,-1): print(i)
# While循环从小到大输出1 - 100 n = 1 while n <= 100: print(n) n += 1
# 利用for循环和range输出9 * 9 # 乘法表 for i in range(1, 10): for j in range(1, i + 1): print("%d*%d=%2d" % (j, i, i * j), end=" ") # 每次输出不换行(默认print会换行),第二位数字是固定的,所以最外层循环的i代表第二位 print(" ") # 当j(第一位数字)遍历一遍时换行
# 判断一个数是否为素数 while True: flag=True num = input("请输入要查询的数字:") num = int(num) if num <2 : flag=False else: for i in (2,num): if i % num ==0: flag=False break if flag == True: print("%d是素数" %num) else: print("%d不是素数" %num)
# 输出100以内的所有素数 li = [] for n in range(2,101): flag = True for i in range(2,n): if n % i ==0: flag = False break if flag == True: li.append(n) print(li)
# 求100以内的素数和 s = 0 for n in range(2,101): flag = True for i in range(2,n): if n % i == 0: flag = False break if flag == True: s += n print(s)
# 将[1,3,2,7,6,23,41,24,33,85,56]从小到大排序(冒泡法) li = [1,3,2,7,6,23,41,24,33,85,56] for i in range(len(li)-1): if li[i]>li[i+1]: li[i],li[i+1]=li[i+1],li[i] print(li)
# 需求: # 可依次选择进入各子菜单 # 可从任意一层往回退到上一层 # 可从任意一层退出程序 China = { '河南省': { '焦作市': ['武陟', '温县', '博爱'], '郑州市': ['新郑', '荥阳', '中牟'], '开封市': ['兰考', '尉氏', '杞县'], }, '广东省': { '广州市': ['越秀', '荔湾', '番禺'], '深圳市': ['福田', '罗湖', '龙岗'], '东莞市': ['莞城', '南城', '东城'], }, } exit_flag = False while not exit_flag: print(" \33[31;1m欢迎来到中国\33[1m ") print("\33[31;1m-----------\33[1m") for provinece in China: print(provinece) choice_province=input("请输入要进入的省份 输入q退出程序 输入b返回上一级") if choice_province == "q": exit_flag=True if choice_province == "b": continue elif choice_province in China: while not exit_flag: for city in choice_province: print(city) choice_city=input("请输入要进入的市区 输入q退出程序 输入b返回上一级") if choice_city == "q": exit_flag = True if choice_city == "b": continue elif choice_city in China[choice_province]: while not exit_flag: for country in choice_city: print(country) choice_country = input("请输入要进入的县区 输入q退出程序 输入b返回上一级") if choice_country == "q": exit_flag = True if choice_country == "b": continue elif choice_country in China[choice_province][choice_city]: print("你当前的位置是%s%s%s" %(choice_province,choice_city,choice_country)) exit_flag = True #得到结果后记得退出 else: print("您输入的县区有误,请重新输入") continue else: print("您的输入的市区有误,请重新输入") continue else: print("您的输入的省份有误,请重新输入") continue
# 购物车程序 # 功能要求: # 1、启动程序后,输入用户名密码后,让用户输入工资,然后打印商品列表 # 2、允许用户根据商品编号购买商品 # 3、用户选择商品后,检测余额是否够,够就直接扣款,不够就提醒 # 4、可随时退出,退出时,打印已购买商品和余额 # 5、在用户使用过程中, 关键输出,如余额,商品已加入购物车等消息,需高亮显示 # 扩展需求: # 1、用户下一次登录后,输入用户名密码,直接回到上次的状态,即上次消费的余额什么的还是那些,再次登录可继续购买 # 2、允许查询之前的消费记录 # 1.0版本 goods = [ {"name": "电脑", "price": 1999}, {"name": "鼠标", "price": 10}, {"name": "游艇", "price": 20}, {"name": "美女", "price": 998}, ] shopping_cars=[] money=0 money += int(input("请输入你的工资")) exit_flag = False while not exit_flag: print("\n---------商品信息---------\n") for index,product in enumerate(goods,1): print("%s %s %s" %(index,product["name"],product["price"])) print("\n--------------------------\n") choice_product = input("请输入要购买的商品序号,输入q则退出:") if choice_product.isdigit(): choice_product=int(choice_product) if choice_product>=1 and choice_product <= len(goods): if money>=goods[choice_product-1]["price"]: money -= goods[choice_product-1]["price"] shopping_cars.append(choice_product) print("\n\33[31;1m%s已加入购物车!\33[1m\n" %goods[choice_product-1]["name"]) else: print("\n\33[31;1m加入购物车失败,工资余额已不足!\33[1m\n" ) else: print("你输入的商品序号有错,请再试一次!") elif choice_product == "q": if len(shopping_cars)>0: print("\n\33[31;1m您当前购物车里的商品有:\33[1m\n") for index,product_cars in enumerate(shopping_cars,1): print("%s %s" %(index,product_cars)) else: print("您的购物车为空") print("\n\33[31;1m您的工资余额为:%s 元\33[1m\n" %money) exit_flag = True else: pass
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import os import time def select_user_info(): # 读取用户信息文件,取出用户名、密码、锁定状态、余额组成一个用户信息字典user_info_dict with open(user_info_f_name, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as user_info_f: for line in user_info_f: # 用户信息字符串 user_info_list = line.strip().split(':') # 将字符串转换为列表 # print(user_info_list) # 用户信息列表 _username = user_info_list[0].strip() # 用户名 _password = user_info_list[1].strip() # 密码 _lock = int(user_info_list[2].strip()) # 锁定状态,int类型(0代表未锁定,1代表锁定) _money = user_info_list[3].strip() # 余额 user_info_dict[_username] = {'password': _password, 'lock': _lock, 'money': _money} # 将列表转换为字典 # print(user_info_dict) # 用户信息字典 def update_user_info(): # 修改用户信息后,更新user_info.txt文件内容 with open(user_info_f_temp_name, "w", encoding="utf-8") as user_info_f_temp: for user in user_info_dict: # 将字典转换为列表 user_info_list_new = [user, str(user_info_dict[user]['password']), str(user_info_dict[user]['lock']), str(user_info_dict[user]['money'])] # print(user_info_list_new) # 更新后的用户信息列表 user_info_str = ":".join(user_info_list_new) # 将列表转换为字符串 # print(user_str) # 更新后的用户信息字符串 user_info_f_temp.write(user_info_str + "\n") os.replace(user_info_f_temp_name, user_info_f_name) def product_list(): # 商品列表 print("\n------------商品列表------------\n") # 商品列表 for index, product in enumerate(goods, 1): print("%s.%s %d" % (index, product['name'], product['price'])) print("\n-------------------------------") def select_shopping_history(): # 读取消费记录 with open(shopping_history_f_name, "r", encoding="utf-8") as shopping_history_f: print("\n------------消费记录-----------\n") for line in shopping_history_f: shopping_history_list = line.strip().split('|') # print(shopping_history_list) _username = shopping_history_list[0].strip() _time = shopping_history_list[1].strip() _product = shopping_history_list[2].strip() if username in shopping_history_list: print("用户 {0} {1} 购买了 {2}".format(_username, _time, _product)) else: pass print("\n-------------------------------") def update_shopping_history(): # 更新消费记录 now_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') with open(shopping_history_f_name, "a", encoding="utf-8") as shopping_history_f: shopping_history_f.write("\n%s|%s|%s" % (username, now_time, goods[product_id - 1]['name'])) # 商品信息 goods = [ {"name": "电脑", "price": 4000}, {"name": "鼠标", "price": 200}, {"name": "游艇", "price": 20000}, {"name": "美女", "price": 1000}, {"name": "T恤", "price": 50}, ] # 菜单栏 choice_info = """ 【商品编号】购买商品 【h】消费记录 【m】余额查询 【q】退出商城 ------------------------------- """ shopping_carts = [] # 初始购物车为空 user_info_dict = {} # 初始化用户信息字典为空 user_info_f_name = "user_info.txt" # 用户信息文件名 user_info_f_temp_name = "user_info.txt.temp" # 用户信息临时文件名 shopping_history_f_name = "shopping_history.txt" # 消费记录 exit_flag = False count = 0 # 主程序开始 select_user_info() # 读取用户信息文件,组成user_info_dict字典 while count < 3 and not exit_flag: username = input('\n请输入用户名:') if username not in user_info_dict: count += 1 print("\n用户名错误") elif user_info_dict[username]['lock'] > 0: print("\n用户已被锁定,请联系管理员解锁后重新尝试") break else: while count < 3 and not exit_flag: password = input('\n请输入密码:') if password == user_info_dict[username]['password']: print("\n--------欢迎%s登陆本商城--------" % (username)) if int(user_info_dict[username]['money']) == 0: # money = 0表示是首次登陆的用户 while True: money = input("\n请输入您的工资:") # 工资只能是数字 if money.isdigit(): money = int(money) # print(money) break else: print("\n您的工资只能是数字") continue else: money = int(user_info_dict[username]['money']) print("\n\33[31;1m您上次购物后的余额为:%s 元!\33[1m\n" % (money)) while not exit_flag: product_list() # 打印商品列表 print(choice_info) # 选择信息 product_id = input("请输入您要的操作:") if product_id.isdigit(): product_id = int(product_id) if product_id >= 1 and product_id <= len(goods): if money >= goods[product_id - 1]['price']: money -= goods[product_id - 1]['price'] shopping_carts.append(goods[product_id - 1]['name']) print("\n\33[31;1m%s已购买成功!\33[1m\n" % (goods[product_id - 1]['name'])) update_shopping_history() # 写入消费记录文件 user_info_dict[username]['money'] = money update_user_info() # 更新工资余额到文件 else: print( "\n\33[31;1m抱歉,%s购买失败!工资余额不足!\33[1m\n" % (goods[product_id - 1]['name'])) else: print("商品标号有误,请重新输入") elif product_id == "q": if len(shopping_carts) > 0: print("\n\33[31;1m您本次购买的商品及商品数量如下:\33[1m\n") shopping_carts_delRepeat = list(set(shopping_carts)) # 购物车列表去重 for index, product_carts in enumerate(shopping_carts_delRepeat, 1): print("%s. %s * %d" % ( index, product_carts, shopping_carts.count(product_carts))) # 显示同一商品数量 else: print("\n您本次没有购买东西!") print("\n\33[31;1m您的工资余额为:%s 元!\33[1m\n" % (money)) # user_info_dict[username]['money'] = money # update_user_info() # 更新工资余额到文件 exit_flag = True elif product_id == "h": select_shopping_history() choice_continue = input("\n回到菜单栏(直接按回车):") if choice_continue == 'y' or choice_continue == "Y" or choice_continue == "": continue else: print("\n操作失误,强制退出!") exit_flag = True elif product_id == "m": print("\n\33[31;1m您的工资余额为:%s 元!\33[1m\n" % (money)) # user_info_dict[username]['money'] = money # update_user_info() # 更新工资余额到文件 choice_continue = input("\n回到菜单栏(直接按回车):") if choice_continue == 'y' or choice_continue == "Y" or choice_continue == "": continue else: print("\n操作失误,强制退出!") exit_flag = True else: print("\n输入有误,请重新输入") else: count += 1 print('\n密码错误') continue if count >= 3: # 尝试次数大于等于3时锁定用户 if username == "": print("\n您输入的错误次数过多,且用户为空") elif username not in user_info_dict: print("\n您输入的错误次数过多,且用户 %s 不存在" % username) else: user_info_dict[username]['lock'] += 1 # 修改用户字典(锁定状态设为1) # print(user_info_dict) # 更新后的用户信息字典 update_user_info() # 更新user_info.txt文件内容 print("\n您输入的错误次数过多,%s 已经被锁定" % username)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import os import time def select_user_info(): # 读取用户信息文件,取出用户名、密码、锁定状态、余额组成一个用户信息字典user_info_dict with open(user_info_f_name, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as user_info_f: for line in user_info_f: # 用户信息字符串 user_info_list = line.strip().split(':') # 将字符串转换为列表 # print(user_info_list) # 用户信息列表 _username = user_info_list[0].strip() # 用户名 _password = user_info_list[1].strip() # 密码 _lock = int(user_info_list[2].strip()) # 锁定状态,int类型(0代表未锁定,1代表锁定) _money = user_info_list[3].strip() # 余额 user_info_dict[_username] = {'password': _password, 'lock': _lock, 'money': _money} # 将列表转换为字典 # print(user_info_dict) # 用户信息字典 def update_user_info(): # 修改用户信息后,更新user_info.txt文件内容 with open(user_info_f_temp_name, "w", encoding="utf-8") as user_info_f_temp: for user in user_info_dict: # 将字典转换为列表 user_info_list_new = [user, str(user_info_dict[user]['password']), str(user_info_dict[user]['lock']), str(user_info_dict[user]['money'])] # print(user_info_list_new) # 更新后的用户信息列表 user_info_str = ":".join(user_info_list_new) # 将列表转换为字符串 # print(user_str) # 更新后的用户信息字符串 user_info_f_temp.write(user_info_str + "\n") os.replace(user_info_f_temp_name, user_info_f_name) def product_list(): # 商品列表 print("\n------------商品列表------------\n") # 商品列表 for index, product in enumerate(goods, 1): print("%s.%s %d" % (index, product['name'], product['price'])) print("\n-------------------------------") def select_shopping_history(): # 读取消费记录 with open(shopping_history_f_name, "r", encoding="utf-8") as shopping_history_f: print("\n---------您的消费记录----------\n") for line in shopping_history_f: shopping_history_list = line.strip().split('|') # print(shopping_history_list) _username = shopping_history_list[0].strip() _time = shopping_history_list[1].strip() _product = shopping_history_list[2].strip() if username in shopping_history_list: print("用户 {0} {1} 购买了 {2}".format(_username, _time, _product)) else: pass print("\n-------------------------------") def update_shopping_history(): # 更新消费记录 now_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') with open(shopping_history_f_name, "a", encoding="utf-8") as shopping_history_f: shopping_history_f.write("\n%s|%s|%s" % (username, now_time, goods[product_id - 1]['name'])) # 商品信息 goods = [ {"name": "电脑", "price": 4000}, {"name": "鼠标", "price": 200}, {"name": "游艇", "price": 20000}, {"name": "美女", "price": 1000}, {"name": "T恤", "price": 50}, ] # 菜单栏 choice_info = """ 【商品编号】购买商品 【h】消费记录 【m】余额查询 【q】退出商城 ------------------------------- """ shopping_carts = [] # 初始购物车为空 user_info_dict = {} # 初始化用户信息字典为空 user_info_f_name = "user_info.txt" # 用户信息文件名 user_info_f_temp_name = "user_info.txt.temp" # 用户信息临时文件名 shopping_history_f_name = "shopping_history.txt" # 消费记录 exit_flag = False count = 0 # 主程序开始 select_user_info() # 读取用户信息文件,组成user_info_dict字典 while count < 3 and not exit_flag: username = input('\n请输入用户名:') if username not in user_info_dict: count += 1 print("\n用户名错误") elif user_info_dict[username]['lock'] > 0: print("\n用户已被锁定,请联系管理员解锁后重新尝试") break else: while count < 3 and not exit_flag: password = input('\n请输入密码:') if password == user_info_dict[username]['password']: print("\n--------欢迎%s登陆本商城--------" % (username)) if int(user_info_dict[username]['money']) == 0: # money = 0表示是首次登陆的用户 while True: money = input("\n请输入您的工资:") # 工资只能是数字 if money.isdigit(): money = int(money) # print(money) break else: print("\n您的工资只能是数字") continue else: money = int(user_info_dict[username]['money']) print("\n\033[31;1m您上次购物后的余额为:%s 元!\033[0m\n" % (money)) while not exit_flag: product_list() # 打印商品列表 print(choice_info) # 选择信息 product_id = input("请输入您要的操作:") if product_id.isdigit(): product_id = int(product_id) if product_id >= 1 and product_id <= len(goods): if money >= goods[product_id - 1]['price']: money -= goods[product_id - 1]['price'] shopping_carts.append(goods[product_id - 1]['name']) print("\n\033[31;1m%s已购买成功!\033[0m\n" % (goods[product_id - 1]['name'])) update_shopping_history() # 写入消费记录文件 user_info_dict[username]['money'] = money update_user_info() # 更新工资余额到文件 else: print("\n\033[31;1m抱歉,%s购买失败!工资余额不足!\033[0m" % (goods[product_id - 1]['name'])) else: print("商品标号有误,请重新输入") elif product_id == "q": if len(shopping_carts) > 0: print("\n\033[31;1m您本次购买的商品及商品数量如下:\033[0m\n") shopping_carts_delRepeat = list(set(shopping_carts)) # 购物车列表去重 for index, product_carts in enumerate(shopping_carts_delRepeat, 1): print("%s. %s * %d" % ( index, product_carts, shopping_carts.count(product_carts))) # 显示同一商品数量 else: print("\n您本次没有购买东西!") print("\n\033[31;1m您的工资余额为:%s 元!\033[0m\n" % (money)) # user_info_dict[username]['money'] = money # update_user_info() # 更新工资余额到文件 exit_flag = True elif product_id == "h": select_shopping_history() choice_continue = input("\n回到菜单栏(直接按回车):") if choice_continue == 'y' or choice_continue == "Y" or choice_continue == "": continue else: print("\n操作失误,强制退出!") exit_flag = True elif product_id == "m": print("\n\033[31;1m您的工资余额为:%s 元!\033[0m\n" % (money)) # user_info_dict[username]['money'] = money # update_user_info() # 更新工资余额到文件 choice_continue = input("\n回到菜单栏(直接按回车):") if choice_continue == 'y' or choice_continue == "Y" or choice_continue == "": continue else: print("\n操作失误,强制退出!") exit_flag = True else: print("\n输入有误,请重新输入") else: count += 1 print('\n密码错误') continue if count >= 3: # 尝试次数大于等于3时锁定用户 if username == "": print("\n您输入的错误次数过多,且用户为空") elif username not in user_info_dict: print("\n您输入的错误次数过多,且用户 %s 不存在" % username) else: user_info_dict[username]['lock'] += 1 # 修改用户字典(锁定状态设为1) # print(user_info_dict) # 更新后的用户信息字典 update_user_info() # 更新user_info.txt文件内容 print("\n您输入的错误次数过多,%s 已经被锁定" % username)