第2章: Input/Output (I/O) (概述)
In this chapter, you will learn how to work with the input/output (I/O) system within the Microsoft .NET Framework. The basics of the I/O system include accessing files and folders in the file system, working with read and write streams, using compression streams, and using isolated storage.
Exam objectives in this chapter:
Access files and folders by using the File System classes. (Refer System.IO namespace)
File class and FileInfo class
Directory class and DirectoryInfo class
DriveInfo class and DriveType enumeration
FileSystemInfo class and FileSystemWatcher class
Path class
ErrorEventArgs class and ErrorEventHandler delegate
RenamedEventArgs class and RenamedEventHandler delegate
Manage byte streams by using Stream classes. (Refer System.IO namespace)
FileStream class
Stream class (not Reader and Writer classes because they are a separate objective)
MemoryStream class
BufferedStream class
Manage the .NET Framework application data by using Reader and Writer classes. (Refer System.IO namespace)
StringReader class and StringWriter class
TextReader class and TextWriter class
StreamReader class and StreamWriter class
BinaryReader class and BinaryWriter class
Compress or decompress stream information in a .NET Framework application (refer System.IO.Compression namespace) and improve the security of application data by using isolated storage. (Refer System.IO.IsolatedStorage namespace)
IsolatedStorageFile class
IsolatedStorageFileStream class
DeflateStream class
GZipStream class