

Spring Security provides comprehensive support for Authentication. We start by discussing the overall Servlet Authentication Architecture. As you might expect, this section is more abstract describing the architecture without much discussion on how it applies to concrete flows.

Spring Security 为身份验证提供了全面的支持。我们首先讨论整体的 Servlet 身份验证架构。正如您所料,本节更抽象地描述了体系结构,而没有过多讨论它如何应用于具体流程。

If you prefer, you can refer to Authentication Mechanisms for concrete ways in which users can authenticate. These sections focus on specific ways you may want to authenticate and point back at the architecture sections to describe how the specific flows work.


Authentication Mechanisms


  • Username and Password - how to authenticate with a username/password    

    • 用户名和密码 - 如何使用用户名/密码进行身份验证
  • OAuth 2.0 Login - OAuth 2.0 Log In with OpenID Connect and non-standard OAuth 2.0 Login (i.e. GitHub)    

    • OAuth 2.0 登录 - 使用 OpenID Connect 和非标准 OAuth 2.0 登录(即 GitHub)登录
  • SAML 2.0 Login - SAML 2.0 Log In    

    • SAML 2.0 登录 
  • Central Authentication Server (CAS) - Central Authentication Server (CAS) Support    

    • 中央身份验证服务器 (CAS)
  • Remember Me - how to remember a user past session expiration    

    • 记住我 - 如何在会话过期后记住用户
  • JAAS Authentication - authenticate with JAAS    

    • 使用 JAAS 认证
  • Pre-Authentication Scenarios - authenticate with an external mechanism such as SiteMinder or Java EE security but still use Spring Security for authorization and protection against common exploits.

    • 预身份验证方案 - 使用外部机制(如 SiteMinder 或 Java EE 安全性)进行身份验证,但仍使用 Spring Security 进行授权和防止常见漏洞利用。
  • X509 Authentication - X509 Authentication    

    • X509 身份验证


Spring Security provides comprehensive support for authentication. Authentication is how we verify the identity of who is trying to access a particular resource. A common way to authenticate users is by requiring the user to enter a username and password. Once authentication is performed we know the identity and can perform authorization.

Spring Security 为身份验证提供了全面的支持。Authentication 指的是我们如何验证那些尝试访问特定资源的人的身份的方式。对用户进行身份验证的常用方法是要求用户输入用户名和密码。一旦执行了身份验证,我们就知道了身份并可以执行授权。

Spring Security provides built-in support for authenticating users. This section is dedicated to generic authentication support that applies in both Servlet and WebFlux environments. Refer to the sections on authentication for Servlet and WebFlux for details on what is supported for each stack.

Spring Security 为验证用户身份提供了内置支持。本节专门介绍适用于 Servlet 和 WebFlux 环境的通用身份验证支持。请参阅 Servlet 和 WebFlux 的身份验证部分,了解每个堆栈支持的内容的详细信息。 

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