(1) 、插入一张图片
\caption{Campus environment detection system}
(2)、 并排插入俩张图片
\caption{Fatiguedetection overview}
\caption{The imageprocessing}
\caption{Fatigue detection overview}
\caption{The image processing}
\caption{The image processing}
(4)、 插入并排子图
导包 \usepackage{graphicx}和\usepackage{subfigure}
\label{figa} %% label for first subfigure
\label{fig:subfig:b} %% label for secondsubfigure
\label{figb} %% label for entire figure
(5)、 并排三张子图,第一个占一般空间
\label{fig:a} %% label for first subfigure
\label{fig:subfig:b} %% label for secondsubfigure
\label{fig:subfig:c} %% label for secondsubfigure
\label{figb} %% label for entire figure
5.2 并排三张子图
\label{fig:a} %% label for first subfigure
\label{fig:subfig:b} %% label for secondsubfigure
\label{fig:subfig:c} %% label for secondsubfigure
\label{figb} %% label for entire figure
5.3 四张子图,分行
\label{fig:a} %% label for first subfigure
\label{fig:subfig:b} %% label for secondsubfigure
\label{fig:subfig:c} %% label for secondsubfigure
\label{fig:a} %% label for first subfigure
\label{figb} %% label for entire figure
Viola-Jones algorithm [7] [10] is commonlyused for fast appearance-based detection of different kind of objects. Faceclassifier and eyes classifier are trained by using Haar-like features. TheHaar-like features are the input to the classifier and are specified by theirshapes, position within the region of interest, and the scale (Fig3). Toincrease the accuracy of eye detection, a classifier was used to detect botheyes. When judging the state of the eye, the system will read an image from thevideo, using the Viola-Jones algorithm to mark the face area from the originalimage, as in Fig (4-a) shows, using the same method, and then find out the eyesarea from the facial region, as Fig (4-b) shows. The eyes area will be croppedas a region of interest (ROI), as Fig (4-c) show. The subsequent binaryprocessing of the image and the use of the area ratio to determine the eyesstate will based on the ROI.