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1. Silverlight 1.0 beta
2. Silverlight 1.1 alpha
3. Expression Studio
4. Expression Blend 2 预览版
5. Silverlight Streaming

但是我更关注的是 silverlight 1.1 下面是silverlight 1.1 的特性,真的很振奋!

  • 托管代码的支持
  • 对包括托管Microsoft JScript 和Python的动态语言的支持
  • 基于WPF的丰富UI控件模型
  • 改进的网络层,对REST, RSS, JSON, 和 POX 的支持
  • 增强的,双向的HTML/AJAX架桥
  • 全面一致的基础类库
  • 对LINQ的支持(LINQ to Objects, LINQ to XML)

    Today at MIX07 we announced the availability of Microsoft Silverlight 1.1 Alpha, a cross-browser, cross-platform plug-in for delivering the next generation of .NET-based media experiences and rich interactive applications for the Web.  Silverlight is supported on all major browsers—Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer—on both Mac OS X and Windows.

    Silverlight 1.1 Alpha includes all the features available in Silverlight 1.0 Beta plus a number of new features focused primarily on improving developer productivity and power:

    • Managed code support
    • Support for dynamic languages including Managed JScript and Python
    • Rich UI control model based on WPF
    • Improved networking stack with support for REST, RSS, JSON, POX
    • Enhanced, 2-way HTML/AJAX Bridge
    • Comprehensive and consistent base class library
    • Support for LINQ (LINQ to Objects, LINQ to XML)

    That's right.  Silverlight 1.1 Alpha includes support for managed code and a comprehensive base class library!  Now you know what we've been up to and why our blog has been relatively quiet these past several months :-)

    Our partner .NET teams within Microsoft have been able to provide an amazing amount of additional functionality on top of the Silverlight 1.1 BCL.  There's a networking stack, XmlReader and XmlWriter, an HTML/AJAX Bridge, a WPF API subset, a safe OpenFileDialog control, LINQ, and the new Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR).  What's really exciting is that all of these APIs are cross platform and work consistently on both Mac OS X and Windows!

    You can download Silverlight 1.1 Alpha today along with the SDK at  After you've downloaded the bits, check out the newly launched Silverlight community site.  It's a great resource for getting started with Silverlight.

  • posted on 2007-05-01 01:26  neuhawk  阅读(2657)  评论(10编辑  收藏  举报