Error occurred in deployment step 'Activate Features': Unable to locate the workflow's association data.


1.在Visual studio solution explorer 中WorkFlow上右键->属性。.设置【Auto Associate】=false.重新部署项目,应该可以工作了. :) 在这种情况下,我们没有自动关联workflow的【history list】以及【task list】用户将手动指定这些关联。 2. 如果你仍让希望workflow自动做这些关联而不需要手动关联,你需要进行一下步骤:

 - 在 Visual studio solution explorer, 在workflow上面右击,点击【Properties】在History List 点击按钮【...】.如下图:


- 在弹出窗口中指定 workflow的名字.如下图:


-  On the Next screen, check the checkbox which says "Yes, associate this workflow with the following libraries and lists. if this step is ommitted, you must manually associate the workflow after it is created." The history list  dropdown and task list dropdown will contain all the lists those are available for association. Keep the default ones or choose the one you wish to.  Click on finish. :


- Now you will see the History List and Task list are associated with the workflow. :


- 现在重新部署您的项目,应该不会出现此问题了。


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