
Whatever comes our way,whatever battle we have raging inside us,we always have a choice. My friend Harry taught me that.He chose to be the best of himself.It's the choices that make us who we are and we can always choose to do what's right.


2008年12月11日 #


摘要: 在PHP中,理解单引号和双引号有什么区别是重要的! 封闭在单引号内的值将按照字面意义进行处理,而封闭在双引号内的值将被解释。换句话说,把变量和特殊字符放在双引号内将导致打印它们表示的值,而不是它们的字面值。 例如: 设定 $name = 'python'; 下面四种代码情况 1. echo "my name is $name."; //结果:my name is python. 2. ec... 阅读全文

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