安装 Nuget 插件过程以及注意事项

1. Nuget 官方下载地址


2. Nuget 安装条件

NuGet requires that PowerShell 2.0 be installed. 
Powershell 2.0 is already installed if you have one of the following operating systems installed:

  • Windows 7
  • Windows Server 2008 R2

If you have the following operating systems, you will need to manually install Powershell 2.0.

  • Windows XP SP3
  • Windows Server 2003 SP2
  • Windows Vista SP1
  • Windows Server 2008

3. 在安装Powershell2.0 的时候应该注意,操作系统的语言版本和Powershell的安装包保持一致,否则可能装不上(XP下是这样的,其它的情况未知

4. 安装后的效果


posted @ 2012-07-17 18:07  风云  阅读(471)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报