BizTalk-Get to know functoid.
This article is intended to give you a general idea about what’s functoid in BizTalk. Functoid is no more than a piece of .Net code...
Summary: This article is intended to give you a general idea about what’s functoid in BizTalk. Functoid is no more than a piece of .Net code whichn can perform a complete function.
1. Get Reflector ready before we get started. It can help us to disassemble DLLs and executables, get it from
2. Prepare functoids assembly, once you have BizTalk installed, Microsoft.BizTalk.BaseFunctoids.dll can be found on your machine.
3. Open Microsoft.BizTalk.BaseFunctoids.dll in Reflector and expand this DLL you can find many classes/enumerations such as AssertFunctoid, BaseFunctoid, etc. Take a look at the following screenshot for reference.
4. Every functoid is a class. Just right click on one class you want and select Disassemble. Sorry, I choose BaseFunctoidIDs here, it is an enumeration type. Basically it contains all the functoids coming with BizTalk 2006 R2. (I use BizTalk 2006 R2, I cannot guarantee you can get the same result if you are working with other versions).
This function is gonna be used in physical map.
8. Create a map to use this functoid.
Right click on the map file (SourcetoTarget.btm) and select Validate map。Please remember, you can get the actual xsl file which will do the transform. From the output window the automatically generated xsl file can be found, open it. In this xsl file you can clearly find the StringLeft function mentioned above and its referenced function(s), IsNumeric in this case.
The idea is when a functoid is put onto the surface of map, it will generate a function in xsl file, xsl can call this code at run time to do transfrom.
1. Get Reflector ready before we get started. It can help us to disassemble DLLs and executables, get it from
2. Prepare functoids assembly, once you have BizTalk installed, Microsoft.BizTalk.BaseFunctoids.dll can be found on your machine.
3. Open Microsoft.BizTalk.BaseFunctoids.dll in Reflector and expand this DLL you can find many classes/enumerations such as AssertFunctoid, BaseFunctoid, etc. Take a look at the following screenshot for reference.
4. Every functoid is a class. Just right click on one class you want and select Disassemble. Sorry, I choose BaseFunctoidIDs here, it is an enumeration type. Basically it contains all the functoids coming with BizTalk 2006 R2. (I use BizTalk 2006 R2, I cannot guarantee you can get the same result if you are working with other versions).
2public enum BaseFunctoidIDs
4 Assert = 0x2c3,
5 ConvertAsc = 0x7e,
6 ConvertChr = 0x7f,
7 ConvertHex = 0x80,
8 ConvertOct = 0x81,
9 Count = 0x142,
10 CumulativeAvg = 0x145,
11 CumulativeConcat = 0x148,
12 CumulativeMax = 0x147,
13 CumulativeMin = 0x146,
14 CumulativeSum = 0x144,
15 DateAddDays = 0x7a,
16 DateCurrentDate = 0x7b,
17 DateCurrentDateTime = 0x7d,
18 DateCurrentTime = 0x7c,
19 DBErrorExtract = 0x23f,
20 DBLookup = 0x20c,
21 DBValueExtract = 0x23e,
22 ExistenceLooping = 0x321,
23 Index = 0x143,
24 IsNil = 0x2c2,
25 Iteration = 0x1da,
26 KeyMatch = 800,
27 LogicalAnd = 0x141,
28 LogicalEq = 0x13b,
29 LogicalExistence = 0x2bd,
30 LogicalGt = 0x137,
31 LogicalGte = 0x138,
32 LogicalIsDate = 0x13e,
33 LogicalIsNumeric = 0x13f,
34 LogicalIsString = 0x13d,
35 LogicalLt = 0x139,
36 LogicalLte = 0x13a,
37 LogicalNe = 0x13c,
38 LogicalNot = 0x2c1,
39 LogicalOr = 320,
40 Looping = 0x1a8,
41 MassCopy = 0x322,
42 MathAbs = 0x6f,
43 MathAdd = 0x76,
44 MathDivide = 0x79,
45 MathInt = 0x70,
46 MathMax = 0x71,
47 MathMin = 0x72,
48 MathMod = 0x73,
49 MathMultiply = 120,
50 MathRound = 0x74,
51 MathSqrt = 0x75,
52 MathSubtract = 0x77,
53 NilValue = 0x178,
54 SciArcTan = 130,
55 SciCos = 0x83,
56 SciExp = 0x86,
57 SciExp10 = 0x88,
58 SciLog = 0x87,
59 SciLog10 = 0x89,
60 SciLogn = 0x8b,
61 SciPow = 0x8a,
62 SciSin = 0x84,
63 SciTan = 0x85,
64 Scripter = 260,
65 StringConcatenate = 0x6b,
66 StringFind = 0x65,
67 StringLeft = 0x66,
68 StringLowerCase = 0x67,
69 StringRight = 0x68,
70 StringSize = 0x69,
71 StringSubstring = 0x6a,
72 StringTrimLeft = 0x6c,
73 StringTrimRight = 0x6d,
74 StringUpperCase = 110,
75 TableExtractor = 0x2c0,
76 TableLooping = 0x2bf,
77 ValueMapping = 0x177,
78 ValueMappingFlattening = 0x176,
79 XPath = 0x2be
2public enum BaseFunctoidIDs
4 Assert = 0x2c3,
5 ConvertAsc = 0x7e,
6 ConvertChr = 0x7f,
7 ConvertHex = 0x80,
8 ConvertOct = 0x81,
9 Count = 0x142,
10 CumulativeAvg = 0x145,
11 CumulativeConcat = 0x148,
12 CumulativeMax = 0x147,
13 CumulativeMin = 0x146,
14 CumulativeSum = 0x144,
15 DateAddDays = 0x7a,
16 DateCurrentDate = 0x7b,
17 DateCurrentDateTime = 0x7d,
18 DateCurrentTime = 0x7c,
19 DBErrorExtract = 0x23f,
20 DBLookup = 0x20c,
21 DBValueExtract = 0x23e,
22 ExistenceLooping = 0x321,
23 Index = 0x143,
24 IsNil = 0x2c2,
25 Iteration = 0x1da,
26 KeyMatch = 800,
27 LogicalAnd = 0x141,
28 LogicalEq = 0x13b,
29 LogicalExistence = 0x2bd,
30 LogicalGt = 0x137,
31 LogicalGte = 0x138,
32 LogicalIsDate = 0x13e,
33 LogicalIsNumeric = 0x13f,
34 LogicalIsString = 0x13d,
35 LogicalLt = 0x139,
36 LogicalLte = 0x13a,
37 LogicalNe = 0x13c,
38 LogicalNot = 0x2c1,
39 LogicalOr = 320,
40 Looping = 0x1a8,
41 MassCopy = 0x322,
42 MathAbs = 0x6f,
43 MathAdd = 0x76,
44 MathDivide = 0x79,
45 MathInt = 0x70,
46 MathMax = 0x71,
47 MathMin = 0x72,
48 MathMod = 0x73,
49 MathMultiply = 120,
50 MathRound = 0x74,
51 MathSqrt = 0x75,
52 MathSubtract = 0x77,
53 NilValue = 0x178,
54 SciArcTan = 130,
55 SciCos = 0x83,
56 SciExp = 0x86,
57 SciExp10 = 0x88,
58 SciLog = 0x87,
59 SciLog10 = 0x89,
60 SciLogn = 0x8b,
61 SciPow = 0x8a,
62 SciSin = 0x84,
63 SciTan = 0x85,
64 Scripter = 260,
65 StringConcatenate = 0x6b,
66 StringFind = 0x65,
67 StringLeft = 0x66,
68 StringLowerCase = 0x67,
69 StringRight = 0x68,
70 StringSize = 0x69,
71 StringSubstring = 0x6a,
72 StringTrimLeft = 0x6c,
73 StringTrimRight = 0x6d,
74 StringUpperCase = 110,
75 TableExtractor = 0x2c0,
76 TableLooping = 0x2bf,
77 ValueMapping = 0x177,
78 ValueMappingFlattening = 0x176,
79 XPath = 0x2be
5. Now I am choosing BaseFunctoid. It is a little big; every specific functoid will inherit from this abstract class.
1public abstract class BaseFunctoid
3 // Fields
4 private Bitmap myBitmap;
5 private Bitmap myBitmap16;
6 private FunctoidCategory myCategory;
7 private string myDescription;
8 private string myExternalAssembly;
9 private string myExternalAssemblyPartialName;
10 private string myExternalAssemblyPath;
11 private string myExternalClassName;
12 private string[] myExternalFunctionNames = new string[3];
13 private bool myHasSideEffects = true;
14 private bool myHasVariableInputs = false;
15 private int myID;
16 private InlineGlobalHelperFunction myInlineGlobalHelperFunctions = InlineGlobalHelperFunction.None;
17 private IList myInputConnectionTypeList = new ArrayList();
18 private Hashtable myMapScriptInfoCache = new Hashtable();
19 private int myMaxParams = -1;
20 private int myMinParams = -1;
21 private string myName;
22 private ConnectionType myOutputConnectionType;
23 private IDictionary myResMgrDict = new Hashtable();
24 private string myResourceAssemblyName;
25 private Hashtable myScriptBuffers = new Hashtable();
26 private Hashtable myScriptGlobalsBuffers = new Hashtable();
27 private Hashtable mySupportedScriptTypes = new Hashtable();
28 private string myTooltip;
30 // Methods
31 protected BaseFunctoid()
32 {
33 }
35 protected void AddInputConnectionType(ConnectionType connType)
36 {
37 this.myInputConnectionTypeList.Add(connType);
38 }
40 public void AddScriptTypeSupport(ScriptType scriptType)
41 {
42 if (!this.mySupportedScriptTypes.ContainsKey(scriptType))
43 {
44 this.mySupportedScriptTypes[scriptType] = true;
45 }
46 this.ClearScriptInfoCache(scriptType);
47 }
49 protected string BuildDynamicScriptHeader(string functionName, string returnType, string paramType, int numParams)
50 {
51 StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
52 builder.Append("public ");
53 builder.Append(returnType);
54 builder.Append(" ");
55 builder.Append(functionName);
56 builder.Append("(");
57 for (int i = 0; i < numParams; i++)
58 {
59 if (i > 0)
60 {
61 builder.Append(", ");
62 }
63 builder.Append(paramType);
64 builder.Append(" param");
65 builder.Append(i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
66 }
67 builder.Append(")\n");
68 return builder.ToString();
69 }
71 private void ClearScriptInfoCache(ScriptType scriptType)
72 {
73 if (this.myMapScriptInfoCache.ContainsKey(scriptType))
74 {
75 this.myMapScriptInfoCache.Remove(scriptType);
76 }
77 }
79 public static BaseFunctoid CreateScripterClone(BaseFunctoid functoidOrig)
80 {
81 if (functoidOrig == null)
82 {
83 throw new ArgumentNullException("functoidOrig");
84 }
85 BaseFunctoid functoid = new ScripterFunctoid();
86 functoid.myResourceAssemblyName = functoidOrig.myResourceAssemblyName;
87 functoid.myID = functoidOrig.myID;
88 functoid.myName = functoidOrig.myName;
89 functoid.myTooltip = functoidOrig.myTooltip;
90 functoid.myDescription = functoidOrig.myDescription;
91 functoid.myCategory = functoidOrig.myCategory;
92 functoid.myBitmap = functoidOrig.myBitmap;
93 functoid.myBitmap16 = functoidOrig.myBitmap16;
94 functoid.myCategory = functoidOrig.myCategory;
95 functoid.myMinParams = functoidOrig.myMinParams;
96 functoid.myMaxParams = functoidOrig.myMaxParams;
97 functoid.myOutputConnectionType = functoidOrig.myOutputConnectionType;
98 functoid.myInputConnectionTypeList = functoidOrig.myInputConnectionTypeList;
99 functoid.myHasVariableInputs = functoidOrig.myHasVariableInputs;
100 functoid.myResMgrDict = functoidOrig.myResMgrDict;
101 functoid.myInlineGlobalHelperFunctions = functoidOrig.myInlineGlobalHelperFunctions;
102 return functoid;
103 }
105 public ScriptType GetBestSupportedScriptType(ArrayList listScriptTypePrecedence)
106 {
107 if (listScriptTypePrecedence != null)
108 {
109 foreach (ScriptTypePrecedenceNode node in listScriptTypePrecedence)
110 {
111 if (((node != null) && node.Enabled) && this.mySupportedScriptTypes.ContainsKey(node.ScriptType))
112 {
113 return node.ScriptType;
114 }
115 }
116 }
117 return ScriptType.None;
118 }
120 protected string GetExternalFunctionName(int functionNumber)
121 {
122 if ((functionNumber < 0) || (functionNumber >= this.myExternalFunctionNames.Length))
123 {
124 throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("functionNumber", BaseFunctoidsResourceManager.GetResourceString("IDS_INVALID_FUNCTOID_FUNCTION_NUMBER"));
125 }
126 return this.myExternalFunctionNames[functionNumber];
127 }
129 public string GetFunctionName(ScriptType scriptType)
130 {
131 return this.GetFunctionName(scriptType, 0);
132 }
134 public string GetFunctionName(ScriptType scriptType, int functionNumber)
135 {
136 if (!IsValidScriptType(scriptType))
137 {
138 throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("scriptType", BaseFunctoidsResourceManager.GetResourceString("IDS_INVALID_SCRIPT_TYPE"));
139 }
140 if (!this.IsValidFunctionNumber(functionNumber))
141 {
142 throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("functionNumber", BaseFunctoidsResourceManager.GetResourceString("IDS_INVALID_FUNCTOID_FUNCTION_NUMBER"));
143 }
144 if (functionNumber == 0)
145 {
146 return this.UpdateScriptInfoCache(scriptType).MethodName;
147 }
148 switch (scriptType)
149 {
150 case ScriptType.ExternalAssembly:
151 return this.GetExternalFunctionName(functionNumber);
153 case ScriptType.Xslt:
154 return "";
155 }
156 return this.GetScriptingLanguageFunctionName(scriptType, functionNumber);
157 }
159 public static string GetInlineGlobalHelperScriptBuffer(ScriptType scriptType, InlineGlobalHelperFunction functions)
160 {
161 switch (scriptType)
162 {
163 case ScriptType.VbNet:
164 return GetInlineGlobalHelperScriptBufferVbNet(functions);
166 case ScriptType.CSharp:
167 return GetInlineGlobalHelperScriptBufferCSharp(functions);
169 case ScriptType.JScript:
170 return GetInlineGlobalHelperScriptBufferJScript(functions);
171 }
172 return "";
173 }
175 private static string GetInlineGlobalHelperScriptBufferCSharp(InlineGlobalHelperFunction functions)
176 {
177 StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
178 if (InlineGlobalHelperFunction.IsNumeric == (functions & InlineGlobalHelperFunction.IsNumeric))
179 {
180 builder.Append("public bool IsNumeric(string val)\n");
181 builder.Append("{\n");
182 builder.Append("\tif (val == null)\n");
183 builder.Append("\t{\n");
184 builder.Append("\t\treturn false;\n");
185 builder.Append("\t}\n");
186 builder.Append("\tdouble d = 0;\n");
187 builder.Append("\treturn Double.TryParse(val, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowThousands | System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Float, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out d);\n");
188 builder.Append("}\n\n");
189 builder.Append("public bool IsNumeric(string val, ref double d)\n");
190 builder.Append("{\n");
191 builder.Append("\tif (val == null)\n");
192 builder.Append("\t{\n");
193 builder.Append("\t\treturn false;\n");
194 builder.Append("\t}\n");
195 builder.Append("\treturn Double.TryParse(val, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowThousands | System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Float, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out d);\n");
196 builder.Append("}\n\n");
197 }
198 if (InlineGlobalHelperFunction.IsDate == (functions & InlineGlobalHelperFunction.IsDate))
199 {
200 builder.Append("public bool IsDate(string val)\n");
201 builder.Append("{\n");
202 builder.Append("\tbool retval = true;\n");
203 builder.Append("\ttry\n");
204 builder.Append("\t{\n");
205 builder.Append("\t\tDateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime(val, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);\n");
206 builder.Append("\t}\n");
207 builder.Append("\tcatch (Exception)\n");
208 builder.Append("\t{\n");
209 builder.Append("\t\tretval = false;\n");
210 builder.Append("\t}\n");
211 builder.Append("\treturn retval;\n");
212 builder.Append("}\n\n");
213 }
214 if (InlineGlobalHelperFunction.ValToBool == (functions & InlineGlobalHelperFunction.ValToBool))
215 {
216 builder.Append("public bool ValToBool(string val)\n");
217 builder.Append("{\n");
218 builder.Append("\tif (val != null)\n");
219 builder.Append("\t{\n");
220 builder.Append("\t\tif (string.Compare(val, bool.TrueString, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)\n");
221 builder.Append("\t\t{\n");
222 builder.Append("\t\t\treturn true;\n");
223 builder.Append("\t\t}\n");
224 builder.Append("\t\tif (string.Compare(val, bool.FalseString, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)\n");
225 builder.Append("\t\t{\n");
226 builder.Append("\t\t\treturn false;\n");
227 builder.Append("\t\t}\n");
228 builder.Append("\t\tval = val.Trim();\n");
229 builder.Append("\t\tif (string.Compare(val, bool.TrueString, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)\n");
230 builder.Append("\t\t{\n");
231 builder.Append("\t\t\treturn true;\n");
232 builder.Append("\t\t}\n");
233 builder.Append("\t\tif (string.Compare(val, bool.FalseString, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)\n");
234 builder.Append("\t\t{\n");
235 builder.Append("\t\t\treturn false;\n");
236 builder.Append("\t\t}\n");
237 builder.Append("\t\tdouble d = 0;\n");
238 builder.Append("\t\tif (IsNumeric(val, ref d))\n");
239 builder.Append("\t\t{\n");
240 builder.Append("\t\t\treturn (d > 0);\n");
241 builder.Append("\t\t}\n");
242 builder.Append("\t}\n");
243 builder.Append("\treturn false;\n");
244 builder.Append("}\n\n");
245 }
246 return builder.ToString();
247 }
249 private static string GetInlineGlobalHelperScriptBufferJScript(InlineGlobalHelperFunction functions)
250 {
251 return "";
252 }
254 private static string GetInlineGlobalHelperScriptBufferVbNet(InlineGlobalHelperFunction functions)
255 {
256 return "";
257 }
259 protected virtual string GetInlineScriptBuffer(ScriptType scriptType, int numParams, int functionNumber)
260 {
261 if (this.myScriptBuffers.ContainsKey(scriptType))
262 {
263 string[] strArray = (string[]) this.myScriptBuffers[scriptType];
264 return strArray[functionNumber];
265 }
266 return "";
267 }
269 public ConnectionType GetInputConnectionType(int param)
270 {
271 ConnectionType all = ConnectionType.All;
272 if (param < this.myInputConnectionTypeList.Count)
273 {
274 all = (ConnectionType) this.myInputConnectionTypeList[param];
275 }
276 return all;
277 }
279 public int GetMaxParams(ScriptType scriptType)
280 {
281 int count = 0;
282 if (this.myMaxParams == -1)
283 {
284 int scriptmin = 0;
285 int scriptmax = 0;
286 if (this.GetMinMaxScriptParams(scriptType, out scriptmin, out scriptmax))
287 {
288 return scriptmax;
289 }
290 if (this.HasVariableInputs)
291 {
292 return 100;
293 }
294 if (this.myInputConnectionTypeList.Count > 0)
295 {
296 count = this.myInputConnectionTypeList.Count;
297 }
298 return count;
299 }
300 return this.myMaxParams;
301 }
303 private bool GetMinMaxScriptParams(ScriptType scriptType, out int scriptmin, out int scriptmax)
304 {
305 scriptmin = 0;
306 scriptmax = 0;
307 if (this.mySupportedScriptTypes.Count == 0)
308 {
309 return false;
310 }
311 if ((scriptType != ScriptType.None) && (ScriptType.Xslt != scriptType))
312 {
313 ScriptInfo info = this.UpdateScriptInfoCache(scriptType);
314 scriptmin = info.Min;
315 scriptmax = info.Max;
316 }
317 return true;
318 }
320 public int GetMinParams(ScriptType scriptType)
321 {
322 int count = 0;
323 if (this.myMinParams == -1)
324 {
325 int scriptmin = 0;
326 int scriptmax = 0;
327 if (this.GetMinMaxScriptParams(scriptType, out scriptmin, out scriptmax))
328 {
329 return scriptmin;
330 }
331 if (this.myInputConnectionTypeList.Count > 0)
332 {
333 count = this.myInputConnectionTypeList.Count;
334 }
335 return count;
336 }
337 return this.myMinParams;
338 }
340 protected ResourceManager GetResourceManager(string resourceAssemblyName)
341 {
342 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(resourceAssemblyName))
343 {
344 return null;
345 }
346 ResourceManager manager = null;
347 try
348 {
349 manager = (ResourceManager) this.myResMgrDict[resourceAssemblyName];
350 }
351 catch (Exception)
352 {
353 }
354 return manager;
355 }
357 public string GetScriptBuffer(ScriptType scriptType)
358 {
359 return this.GetScriptBuffer(scriptType, 0);
360 }
362 public string GetScriptBuffer(ScriptType scriptType, int numParams)
363 {
364 return this.GetScriptBuffer(scriptType, numParams, 0);
365 }
367 public string GetScriptBuffer(ScriptType scriptType, int numParams, int functionNumber)
368 {
369 return this.GetInlineScriptBuffer(scriptType, numParams, functionNumber);
370 }
372 public string GetScriptGlobalBuffer(ScriptType scriptType)
373 {
374 if (this.myScriptGlobalsBuffers.ContainsKey(scriptType))
375 {
376 return (string) this.myScriptGlobalsBuffers[scriptType];
377 }
378 return null;
379 }
381 private string GetScriptingLanguageFunctionName(ScriptType scriptType, int functionNumber)
382 {
383 string str;
384 int num;
385 new InlineScriptCompiler().GetMethodInfo(scriptType, this.GetScriptBuffer(scriptType, 0, functionNumber), this.GetScriptGlobalBuffer(scriptType), this.RequiredGlobalHelperFunctions, out str, out num);
386 return str;
387 }
389 public static bool IsDate(string val)
390 {
391 DateTime time;
392 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(val))
393 {
394 return false;
395 }
396 return DateTime.TryParse(val, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out time);
397 }
399 public static bool IsNumeric(string val)
400 {
401 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(val))
402 {
403 return false;
404 }
405 double result = 0.0;
406 return double.TryParse(val, NumberStyles.Float | NumberStyles.AllowThousands, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out result);
407 }
409 public static bool IsNumeric(string val, ref double d)
410 {
411 d = 0.0;
412 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(val))
413 {
414 return false;
415 }
416 return double.TryParse(val, NumberStyles.Float | NumberStyles.AllowThousands, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out d);
417 }
419 public bool IsSupportedScriptType(ScriptType scriptType)
420 {
421 return this.mySupportedScriptTypes.ContainsKey(scriptType);
422 }
424 private bool IsValidFunctionNumber(int functionNumber)
425 {
426 int num = 0;
427 int num2 = 0;
428 if (FunctoidCategory.DatabaseLookup == this.Category)
429 {
430 num2 = 1;
431 }
432 else if (FunctoidCategory.Cumulative == this.Category)
433 {
434 num2 = 2;
435 }
436 return ((num <= functionNumber) && (functionNumber <= num2));
437 }
439 public static bool IsValidScriptType(ScriptType scriptType)
440 {
441 if ((((scriptType != ScriptType.None) && (ScriptType.ExternalAssembly != scriptType)) && ((ScriptType.Xslt != scriptType) && (ScriptType.XsltCallTemplate != scriptType))) && (((ScriptType.VbNet != scriptType) && (ScriptType.CSharp != scriptType)) && (ScriptType.JScript != scriptType)))
442 {
443 return (ScriptType.JSharp == scriptType);
444 }
445 return true;
446 }
448 protected Bitmap LoadBitmap(string resourceAssemblyName, string resourceID)
449 {
450 ResourceManager resourceManager = this.GetResourceManager(resourceAssemblyName);
451 if (resourceManager != null)
452 {
453 return (resourceManager.GetObject(resourceID, Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture) as Bitmap);
454 }
455 return null;
456 }
458 protected string LoadString(string resourceAssemblyName, string resourceID)
459 {
460 ResourceManager resourceManager = this.GetResourceManager(resourceAssemblyName);
461 if (resourceManager != null)
462 {
463 return resourceManager.GetString(resourceID, Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture);
464 }
465 return null;
466 }
468 public void RemoveScriptTypeSupport(ScriptType scriptType)
469 {
470 if (this.mySupportedScriptTypes.ContainsKey(scriptType))
471 {
472 this.mySupportedScriptTypes.Remove(scriptType);
473 }
474 }
476 protected void SetBitmap(string resourceID)
477 {
478 this.myBitmap = this.LoadBitmap(this.myResourceAssemblyName, resourceID);
479 try
480 {
481 this.myBitmap16 = this.LoadBitmap(this.myResourceAssemblyName, resourceID + "_16");
482 }
483 catch (Exception)
484 {
485 this.myBitmap16 = this.myBitmap;
486 }
487 }
489 protected void SetDescription(string resourceID)
490 {
491 this.Description = this.LoadString(this.myResourceAssemblyName, resourceID);
492 }
494 public void SetExternalFunctionName(string assemblyName, string className, string functionName)
495 {
496 this.AddScriptTypeSupport(ScriptType.ExternalAssembly);
497 this.ExternalAssembly = assemblyName;
498 this.ExternalClassName = className;
499 this.myExternalFunctionNames[0] = functionName;
500 }
502 public void SetExternalFunctionName(string assemblyPartialName, string assemblyName, string className, string functionName)
503 {
504 this.ExternalAssemblyPartialName = assemblyPartialName;
505 this.SetExternalFunctionName(assemblyName, className, functionName);
506 }
508 public void SetExternalFunctionName2(string functionName2)
509 {
510 this.myExternalFunctionNames[1] = functionName2;
511 }
513 public void SetExternalFunctionName3(string functionName3)
514 {
515 this.myExternalFunctionNames[2] = functionName3;
516 }
518 public void SetExternalFunctionNameWithAsmPath(string assemblyName, string assemblyPath, string className, string functionName)
519 {
520 this.AddScriptTypeSupport(ScriptType.ExternalAssembly);
521 this.ExternalAssembly = assemblyName;
522 this.ExternalAssemblyPath = assemblyPath;
523 this.ExternalClassName = className;
524 this.myExternalFunctionNames[0] = functionName;
525 }
527 public void SetMaxParams(int maxParams)
528 {
529 this.myMaxParams = maxParams;
530 }
532 public void SetMinParams(int minParams)
533 {
534 this.myMinParams = minParams;
535 }
537 protected void SetName(string resourceID)
538 {
539 this.Name = this.LoadString(this.myResourceAssemblyName, resourceID);
540 }
542 public void SetScriptBuffer(ScriptType scriptType, string scriptBuffer)
543 {
544 this.SetScriptBuffer(scriptType, scriptBuffer, 0);
545 }
547 public void SetScriptBuffer(ScriptType scriptType, string scriptBuffer, int functionNumber)
548 {
549 string[] strArray = null;
550 if (this.myScriptBuffers.ContainsKey(scriptType))
551 {
552 strArray = (string[]) this.myScriptBuffers[scriptType];
553 }
554 else
555 {
556 strArray = new string[3];
557 this.myScriptBuffers[scriptType] = strArray;
558 }
559 strArray[functionNumber] = scriptBuffer;
560 this.AddScriptTypeSupport(scriptType);
561 }
563 public void SetScriptGlobalBuffer(ScriptType scriptType, string scriptGlobalsBuffer)
564 {
565 if (this.myScriptGlobalsBuffers.ContainsKey(scriptType))
566 {
567 this.myScriptGlobalsBuffers.Remove(scriptType);
568 }
569 this.myScriptGlobalsBuffers.Add(scriptType, scriptGlobalsBuffer);
570 }
572 protected void SetTooltip(string resourceID)
573 {
574 this.Tooltip = this.LoadString(this.myResourceAssemblyName, resourceID);
575 }
577 protected void SetupResourceAssembly(string resAsmName, Assembly resAssembly)
578 {
579 this.myResourceAssemblyName = resAsmName;
580 ResourceManager manager = null;
581 try
582 {
583 manager = (ResourceManager) this.myResMgrDict[this.myResourceAssemblyName];
584 }
585 catch (Exception)
586 {
587 }
588 if (manager == null)
589 {
590 try
591 {
592 manager = new ResourceManager(this.myResourceAssemblyName, resAssembly);
593 manager.GetObject("__xx__xx__xx__xx__", Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture);
594 }
595 catch (Exception)
596 {
597 manager = null;
598 }
599 if (manager != null)
600 {
601 this.myResMgrDict[this.myResourceAssemblyName] = manager;
602 }
603 }
604 }
606 private ScriptInfo UpdateScriptInfoCache(ScriptType scriptType)
607 {
608 int min = 0;
609 int max = 0;
610 string methodName = "";
611 ScriptInfo info = null;
612 if (this.myMapScriptInfoCache.ContainsKey(scriptType))
613 {
614 return (ScriptInfo) this.myMapScriptInfoCache[scriptType];
615 }
616 if (ScriptType.ExternalAssembly == scriptType)
617 {
618 methodName = this.GetExternalFunctionName(0);
619 if (this.myMinParams != -1)
620 {
621 min = this.myMinParams;
622 }
623 else if (this.myInputConnectionTypeList.Count > 0)
624 {
625 min = this.myInputConnectionTypeList.Count;
626 }
627 if (this.myMaxParams != -1)
628 {
629 max = this.myMaxParams;
630 }
631 else if (this.HasVariableInputs)
632 {
633 max = 100;
634 }
635 else
636 {
637 max = (this.myInputConnectionTypeList.Count > 0) ? this.myInputConnectionTypeList.Count : 100;
638 }
639 }
640 else if (((ScriptType.CSharp == scriptType) || (ScriptType.VbNet == scriptType)) || (((ScriptType.JScript == scriptType) || (ScriptType.JSharp == scriptType)) || (ScriptType.XsltCallTemplate == scriptType)))
641 {
642 int num3;
643 new InlineScriptCompiler().GetMethodInfo(scriptType, this.GetScriptBuffer(scriptType), this.GetScriptGlobalBuffer(scriptType), this.RequiredGlobalHelperFunctions, out methodName, out num3);
644 min = num3;
645 max = num3;
646 if ((max == 0) && this.HasVariableInputs)
647 {
648 max = 100;
649 }
650 }
651 else
652 {
653 min = 0;
654 max = 0;
655 methodName = "";
656 }
657 info = new ScriptInfo(min, max, methodName);
658 this.myMapScriptInfoCache[scriptType] = info;
659 return info;
660 }
662 // Properties
663 public FunctoidCategory Category
664 {
665 get
666 {
667 return this.myCategory;
668 }
669 set
670 {
671 this.myCategory = value;
672 }
673 }
675 public string Description
676 {
677 get
678 {
679 return this.myDescription;
680 }
681 set
682 {
683 this.myDescription = value;
684 }
685 }
687 public string ExternalAssembly
688 {
689 get
690 {
691 return this.myExternalAssembly;
692 }
693 set
694 {
695 this.myExternalAssembly = value;
696 }
697 }
699 public string ExternalAssemblyPartialName
700 {
701 get
702 {
703 return this.myExternalAssemblyPartialName;
704 }
705 set
706 {
707 this.myExternalAssemblyPartialName = value;
708 }
709 }
711 public string ExternalAssemblyPath
712 {
713 get
714 {
715 return this.myExternalAssemblyPath;
716 }
717 set
718 {
719 this.myExternalAssemblyPath = value;
720 }
721 }
723 public string ExternalClassName
724 {
725 get
726 {
727 return this.myExternalClassName;
728 }
729 set
730 {
731 this.myExternalClassName = value;
732 }
733 }
735 public bool HasSideEffects
736 {
737 get
738 {
739 return this.myHasSideEffects;
740 }
741 set
742 {
743 this.myHasSideEffects = value;
744 }
745 }
747 public bool HasVariableInputs
748 {
749 get
750 {
751 return this.myHasVariableInputs;
752 }
753 set
754 {
755 this.myHasVariableInputs = value;
756 }
757 }
759 public int ID
760 {
761 get
762 {
763 return this.myID;
764 }
765 set
766 {
767 this.myID = value;
768 }
769 }
771 public Bitmap Image
772 {
773 get
774 {
775 return this.myBitmap;
776 }
777 }
779 public Bitmap Image16
780 {
781 get
782 {
783 return this.myBitmap16;
784 }
785 }
787 public string Name
788 {
789 get
790 {
791 return this.myName;
792 }
793 set
794 {
795 this.myName = value;
796 }
797 }
799 public ConnectionType OutputConnectionType
800 {
801 get
802 {
803 return this.myOutputConnectionType;
804 }
805 set
806 {
807 this.myOutputConnectionType = value;
808 }
809 }
811 public InlineGlobalHelperFunction RequiredGlobalHelperFunctions
812 {
813 get
814 {
815 return this.myInlineGlobalHelperFunctions;
816 }
817 set
818 {
819 this.myInlineGlobalHelperFunctions = value;
820 }
821 }
823 public string Tooltip
824 {
825 get
826 {
827 return this.myTooltip;
828 }
829 set
830 {
831 this.myTooltip = value;
832 }
833 }
837Collapse Methods
1public abstract class BaseFunctoid
3 // Fields
4 private Bitmap myBitmap;
5 private Bitmap myBitmap16;
6 private FunctoidCategory myCategory;
7 private string myDescription;
8 private string myExternalAssembly;
9 private string myExternalAssemblyPartialName;
10 private string myExternalAssemblyPath;
11 private string myExternalClassName;
12 private string[] myExternalFunctionNames = new string[3];
13 private bool myHasSideEffects = true;
14 private bool myHasVariableInputs = false;
15 private int myID;
16 private InlineGlobalHelperFunction myInlineGlobalHelperFunctions = InlineGlobalHelperFunction.None;
17 private IList myInputConnectionTypeList = new ArrayList();
18 private Hashtable myMapScriptInfoCache = new Hashtable();
19 private int myMaxParams = -1;
20 private int myMinParams = -1;
21 private string myName;
22 private ConnectionType myOutputConnectionType;
23 private IDictionary myResMgrDict = new Hashtable();
24 private string myResourceAssemblyName;
25 private Hashtable myScriptBuffers = new Hashtable();
26 private Hashtable myScriptGlobalsBuffers = new Hashtable();
27 private Hashtable mySupportedScriptTypes = new Hashtable();
28 private string myTooltip;
30 // Methods
31 protected BaseFunctoid()
32 {
33 }
35 protected void AddInputConnectionType(ConnectionType connType)
36 {
37 this.myInputConnectionTypeList.Add(connType);
38 }
40 public void AddScriptTypeSupport(ScriptType scriptType)
41 {
42 if (!this.mySupportedScriptTypes.ContainsKey(scriptType))
43 {
44 this.mySupportedScriptTypes[scriptType] = true;
45 }
46 this.ClearScriptInfoCache(scriptType);
47 }
49 protected string BuildDynamicScriptHeader(string functionName, string returnType, string paramType, int numParams)
50 {
51 StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
52 builder.Append("public ");
53 builder.Append(returnType);
54 builder.Append(" ");
55 builder.Append(functionName);
56 builder.Append("(");
57 for (int i = 0; i < numParams; i++)
58 {
59 if (i > 0)
60 {
61 builder.Append(", ");
62 }
63 builder.Append(paramType);
64 builder.Append(" param");
65 builder.Append(i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
66 }
67 builder.Append(")\n");
68 return builder.ToString();
69 }
71 private void ClearScriptInfoCache(ScriptType scriptType)
72 {
73 if (this.myMapScriptInfoCache.ContainsKey(scriptType))
74 {
75 this.myMapScriptInfoCache.Remove(scriptType);
76 }
77 }
79 public static BaseFunctoid CreateScripterClone(BaseFunctoid functoidOrig)
80 {
81 if (functoidOrig == null)
82 {
83 throw new ArgumentNullException("functoidOrig");
84 }
85 BaseFunctoid functoid = new ScripterFunctoid();
86 functoid.myResourceAssemblyName = functoidOrig.myResourceAssemblyName;
87 functoid.myID = functoidOrig.myID;
88 functoid.myName = functoidOrig.myName;
89 functoid.myTooltip = functoidOrig.myTooltip;
90 functoid.myDescription = functoidOrig.myDescription;
91 functoid.myCategory = functoidOrig.myCategory;
92 functoid.myBitmap = functoidOrig.myBitmap;
93 functoid.myBitmap16 = functoidOrig.myBitmap16;
94 functoid.myCategory = functoidOrig.myCategory;
95 functoid.myMinParams = functoidOrig.myMinParams;
96 functoid.myMaxParams = functoidOrig.myMaxParams;
97 functoid.myOutputConnectionType = functoidOrig.myOutputConnectionType;
98 functoid.myInputConnectionTypeList = functoidOrig.myInputConnectionTypeList;
99 functoid.myHasVariableInputs = functoidOrig.myHasVariableInputs;
100 functoid.myResMgrDict = functoidOrig.myResMgrDict;
101 functoid.myInlineGlobalHelperFunctions = functoidOrig.myInlineGlobalHelperFunctions;
102 return functoid;
103 }
105 public ScriptType GetBestSupportedScriptType(ArrayList listScriptTypePrecedence)
106 {
107 if (listScriptTypePrecedence != null)
108 {
109 foreach (ScriptTypePrecedenceNode node in listScriptTypePrecedence)
110 {
111 if (((node != null) && node.Enabled) && this.mySupportedScriptTypes.ContainsKey(node.ScriptType))
112 {
113 return node.ScriptType;
114 }
115 }
116 }
117 return ScriptType.None;
118 }
120 protected string GetExternalFunctionName(int functionNumber)
121 {
122 if ((functionNumber < 0) || (functionNumber >= this.myExternalFunctionNames.Length))
123 {
124 throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("functionNumber", BaseFunctoidsResourceManager.GetResourceString("IDS_INVALID_FUNCTOID_FUNCTION_NUMBER"));
125 }
126 return this.myExternalFunctionNames[functionNumber];
127 }
129 public string GetFunctionName(ScriptType scriptType)
130 {
131 return this.GetFunctionName(scriptType, 0);
132 }
134 public string GetFunctionName(ScriptType scriptType, int functionNumber)
135 {
136 if (!IsValidScriptType(scriptType))
137 {
138 throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("scriptType", BaseFunctoidsResourceManager.GetResourceString("IDS_INVALID_SCRIPT_TYPE"));
139 }
140 if (!this.IsValidFunctionNumber(functionNumber))
141 {
142 throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("functionNumber", BaseFunctoidsResourceManager.GetResourceString("IDS_INVALID_FUNCTOID_FUNCTION_NUMBER"));
143 }
144 if (functionNumber == 0)
145 {
146 return this.UpdateScriptInfoCache(scriptType).MethodName;
147 }
148 switch (scriptType)
149 {
150 case ScriptType.ExternalAssembly:
151 return this.GetExternalFunctionName(functionNumber);
153 case ScriptType.Xslt:
154 return "";
155 }
156 return this.GetScriptingLanguageFunctionName(scriptType, functionNumber);
157 }
159 public static string GetInlineGlobalHelperScriptBuffer(ScriptType scriptType, InlineGlobalHelperFunction functions)
160 {
161 switch (scriptType)
162 {
163 case ScriptType.VbNet:
164 return GetInlineGlobalHelperScriptBufferVbNet(functions);
166 case ScriptType.CSharp:
167 return GetInlineGlobalHelperScriptBufferCSharp(functions);
169 case ScriptType.JScript:
170 return GetInlineGlobalHelperScriptBufferJScript(functions);
171 }
172 return "";
173 }
175 private static string GetInlineGlobalHelperScriptBufferCSharp(InlineGlobalHelperFunction functions)
176 {
177 StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
178 if (InlineGlobalHelperFunction.IsNumeric == (functions & InlineGlobalHelperFunction.IsNumeric))
179 {
180 builder.Append("public bool IsNumeric(string val)\n");
181 builder.Append("{\n");
182 builder.Append("\tif (val == null)\n");
183 builder.Append("\t{\n");
184 builder.Append("\t\treturn false;\n");
185 builder.Append("\t}\n");
186 builder.Append("\tdouble d = 0;\n");
187 builder.Append("\treturn Double.TryParse(val, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowThousands | System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Float, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out d);\n");
188 builder.Append("}\n\n");
189 builder.Append("public bool IsNumeric(string val, ref double d)\n");
190 builder.Append("{\n");
191 builder.Append("\tif (val == null)\n");
192 builder.Append("\t{\n");
193 builder.Append("\t\treturn false;\n");
194 builder.Append("\t}\n");
195 builder.Append("\treturn Double.TryParse(val, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowThousands | System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Float, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out d);\n");
196 builder.Append("}\n\n");
197 }
198 if (InlineGlobalHelperFunction.IsDate == (functions & InlineGlobalHelperFunction.IsDate))
199 {
200 builder.Append("public bool IsDate(string val)\n");
201 builder.Append("{\n");
202 builder.Append("\tbool retval = true;\n");
203 builder.Append("\ttry\n");
204 builder.Append("\t{\n");
205 builder.Append("\t\tDateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime(val, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);\n");
206 builder.Append("\t}\n");
207 builder.Append("\tcatch (Exception)\n");
208 builder.Append("\t{\n");
209 builder.Append("\t\tretval = false;\n");
210 builder.Append("\t}\n");
211 builder.Append("\treturn retval;\n");
212 builder.Append("}\n\n");
213 }
214 if (InlineGlobalHelperFunction.ValToBool == (functions & InlineGlobalHelperFunction.ValToBool))
215 {
216 builder.Append("public bool ValToBool(string val)\n");
217 builder.Append("{\n");
218 builder.Append("\tif (val != null)\n");
219 builder.Append("\t{\n");
220 builder.Append("\t\tif (string.Compare(val, bool.TrueString, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)\n");
221 builder.Append("\t\t{\n");
222 builder.Append("\t\t\treturn true;\n");
223 builder.Append("\t\t}\n");
224 builder.Append("\t\tif (string.Compare(val, bool.FalseString, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)\n");
225 builder.Append("\t\t{\n");
226 builder.Append("\t\t\treturn false;\n");
227 builder.Append("\t\t}\n");
228 builder.Append("\t\tval = val.Trim();\n");
229 builder.Append("\t\tif (string.Compare(val, bool.TrueString, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)\n");
230 builder.Append("\t\t{\n");
231 builder.Append("\t\t\treturn true;\n");
232 builder.Append("\t\t}\n");
233 builder.Append("\t\tif (string.Compare(val, bool.FalseString, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)\n");
234 builder.Append("\t\t{\n");
235 builder.Append("\t\t\treturn false;\n");
236 builder.Append("\t\t}\n");
237 builder.Append("\t\tdouble d = 0;\n");
238 builder.Append("\t\tif (IsNumeric(val, ref d))\n");
239 builder.Append("\t\t{\n");
240 builder.Append("\t\t\treturn (d > 0);\n");
241 builder.Append("\t\t}\n");
242 builder.Append("\t}\n");
243 builder.Append("\treturn false;\n");
244 builder.Append("}\n\n");
245 }
246 return builder.ToString();
247 }
249 private static string GetInlineGlobalHelperScriptBufferJScript(InlineGlobalHelperFunction functions)
250 {
251 return "";
252 }
254 private static string GetInlineGlobalHelperScriptBufferVbNet(InlineGlobalHelperFunction functions)
255 {
256 return "";
257 }
259 protected virtual string GetInlineScriptBuffer(ScriptType scriptType, int numParams, int functionNumber)
260 {
261 if (this.myScriptBuffers.ContainsKey(scriptType))
262 {
263 string[] strArray = (string[]) this.myScriptBuffers[scriptType];
264 return strArray[functionNumber];
265 }
266 return "";
267 }
269 public ConnectionType GetInputConnectionType(int param)
270 {
271 ConnectionType all = ConnectionType.All;
272 if (param < this.myInputConnectionTypeList.Count)
273 {
274 all = (ConnectionType) this.myInputConnectionTypeList[param];
275 }
276 return all;
277 }
279 public int GetMaxParams(ScriptType scriptType)
280 {
281 int count = 0;
282 if (this.myMaxParams == -1)
283 {
284 int scriptmin = 0;
285 int scriptmax = 0;
286 if (this.GetMinMaxScriptParams(scriptType, out scriptmin, out scriptmax))
287 {
288 return scriptmax;
289 }
290 if (this.HasVariableInputs)
291 {
292 return 100;
293 }
294 if (this.myInputConnectionTypeList.Count > 0)
295 {
296 count = this.myInputConnectionTypeList.Count;
297 }
298 return count;
299 }
300 return this.myMaxParams;
301 }
303 private bool GetMinMaxScriptParams(ScriptType scriptType, out int scriptmin, out int scriptmax)
304 {
305 scriptmin = 0;
306 scriptmax = 0;
307 if (this.mySupportedScriptTypes.Count == 0)
308 {
309 return false;
310 }
311 if ((scriptType != ScriptType.None) && (ScriptType.Xslt != scriptType))
312 {
313 ScriptInfo info = this.UpdateScriptInfoCache(scriptType);
314 scriptmin = info.Min;
315 scriptmax = info.Max;
316 }
317 return true;
318 }
320 public int GetMinParams(ScriptType scriptType)
321 {
322 int count = 0;
323 if (this.myMinParams == -1)
324 {
325 int scriptmin = 0;
326 int scriptmax = 0;
327 if (this.GetMinMaxScriptParams(scriptType, out scriptmin, out scriptmax))
328 {
329 return scriptmin;
330 }
331 if (this.myInputConnectionTypeList.Count > 0)
332 {
333 count = this.myInputConnectionTypeList.Count;
334 }
335 return count;
336 }
337 return this.myMinParams;
338 }
340 protected ResourceManager GetResourceManager(string resourceAssemblyName)
341 {
342 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(resourceAssemblyName))
343 {
344 return null;
345 }
346 ResourceManager manager = null;
347 try
348 {
349 manager = (ResourceManager) this.myResMgrDict[resourceAssemblyName];
350 }
351 catch (Exception)
352 {
353 }
354 return manager;
355 }
357 public string GetScriptBuffer(ScriptType scriptType)
358 {
359 return this.GetScriptBuffer(scriptType, 0);
360 }
362 public string GetScriptBuffer(ScriptType scriptType, int numParams)
363 {
364 return this.GetScriptBuffer(scriptType, numParams, 0);
365 }
367 public string GetScriptBuffer(ScriptType scriptType, int numParams, int functionNumber)
368 {
369 return this.GetInlineScriptBuffer(scriptType, numParams, functionNumber);
370 }
372 public string GetScriptGlobalBuffer(ScriptType scriptType)
373 {
374 if (this.myScriptGlobalsBuffers.ContainsKey(scriptType))
375 {
376 return (string) this.myScriptGlobalsBuffers[scriptType];
377 }
378 return null;
379 }
381 private string GetScriptingLanguageFunctionName(ScriptType scriptType, int functionNumber)
382 {
383 string str;
384 int num;
385 new InlineScriptCompiler().GetMethodInfo(scriptType, this.GetScriptBuffer(scriptType, 0, functionNumber), this.GetScriptGlobalBuffer(scriptType), this.RequiredGlobalHelperFunctions, out str, out num);
386 return str;
387 }
389 public static bool IsDate(string val)
390 {
391 DateTime time;
392 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(val))
393 {
394 return false;
395 }
396 return DateTime.TryParse(val, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out time);
397 }
399 public static bool IsNumeric(string val)
400 {
401 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(val))
402 {
403 return false;
404 }
405 double result = 0.0;
406 return double.TryParse(val, NumberStyles.Float | NumberStyles.AllowThousands, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out result);
407 }
409 public static bool IsNumeric(string val, ref double d)
410 {
411 d = 0.0;
412 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(val))
413 {
414 return false;
415 }
416 return double.TryParse(val, NumberStyles.Float | NumberStyles.AllowThousands, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out d);
417 }
419 public bool IsSupportedScriptType(ScriptType scriptType)
420 {
421 return this.mySupportedScriptTypes.ContainsKey(scriptType);
422 }
424 private bool IsValidFunctionNumber(int functionNumber)
425 {
426 int num = 0;
427 int num2 = 0;
428 if (FunctoidCategory.DatabaseLookup == this.Category)
429 {
430 num2 = 1;
431 }
432 else if (FunctoidCategory.Cumulative == this.Category)
433 {
434 num2 = 2;
435 }
436 return ((num <= functionNumber) && (functionNumber <= num2));
437 }
439 public static bool IsValidScriptType(ScriptType scriptType)
440 {
441 if ((((scriptType != ScriptType.None) && (ScriptType.ExternalAssembly != scriptType)) && ((ScriptType.Xslt != scriptType) && (ScriptType.XsltCallTemplate != scriptType))) && (((ScriptType.VbNet != scriptType) && (ScriptType.CSharp != scriptType)) && (ScriptType.JScript != scriptType)))
442 {
443 return (ScriptType.JSharp == scriptType);
444 }
445 return true;
446 }
448 protected Bitmap LoadBitmap(string resourceAssemblyName, string resourceID)
449 {
450 ResourceManager resourceManager = this.GetResourceManager(resourceAssemblyName);
451 if (resourceManager != null)
452 {
453 return (resourceManager.GetObject(resourceID, Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture) as Bitmap);
454 }
455 return null;
456 }
458 protected string LoadString(string resourceAssemblyName, string resourceID)
459 {
460 ResourceManager resourceManager = this.GetResourceManager(resourceAssemblyName);
461 if (resourceManager != null)
462 {
463 return resourceManager.GetString(resourceID, Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture);
464 }
465 return null;
466 }
468 public void RemoveScriptTypeSupport(ScriptType scriptType)
469 {
470 if (this.mySupportedScriptTypes.ContainsKey(scriptType))
471 {
472 this.mySupportedScriptTypes.Remove(scriptType);
473 }
474 }
476 protected void SetBitmap(string resourceID)
477 {
478 this.myBitmap = this.LoadBitmap(this.myResourceAssemblyName, resourceID);
479 try
480 {
481 this.myBitmap16 = this.LoadBitmap(this.myResourceAssemblyName, resourceID + "_16");
482 }
483 catch (Exception)
484 {
485 this.myBitmap16 = this.myBitmap;
486 }
487 }
489 protected void SetDescription(string resourceID)
490 {
491 this.Description = this.LoadString(this.myResourceAssemblyName, resourceID);
492 }
494 public void SetExternalFunctionName(string assemblyName, string className, string functionName)
495 {
496 this.AddScriptTypeSupport(ScriptType.ExternalAssembly);
497 this.ExternalAssembly = assemblyName;
498 this.ExternalClassName = className;
499 this.myExternalFunctionNames[0] = functionName;
500 }
502 public void SetExternalFunctionName(string assemblyPartialName, string assemblyName, string className, string functionName)
503 {
504 this.ExternalAssemblyPartialName = assemblyPartialName;
505 this.SetExternalFunctionName(assemblyName, className, functionName);
506 }
508 public void SetExternalFunctionName2(string functionName2)
509 {
510 this.myExternalFunctionNames[1] = functionName2;
511 }
513 public void SetExternalFunctionName3(string functionName3)
514 {
515 this.myExternalFunctionNames[2] = functionName3;
516 }
518 public void SetExternalFunctionNameWithAsmPath(string assemblyName, string assemblyPath, string className, string functionName)
519 {
520 this.AddScriptTypeSupport(ScriptType.ExternalAssembly);
521 this.ExternalAssembly = assemblyName;
522 this.ExternalAssemblyPath = assemblyPath;
523 this.ExternalClassName = className;
524 this.myExternalFunctionNames[0] = functionName;
525 }
527 public void SetMaxParams(int maxParams)
528 {
529 this.myMaxParams = maxParams;
530 }
532 public void SetMinParams(int minParams)
533 {
534 this.myMinParams = minParams;
535 }
537 protected void SetName(string resourceID)
538 {
539 this.Name = this.LoadString(this.myResourceAssemblyName, resourceID);
540 }
542 public void SetScriptBuffer(ScriptType scriptType, string scriptBuffer)
543 {
544 this.SetScriptBuffer(scriptType, scriptBuffer, 0);
545 }
547 public void SetScriptBuffer(ScriptType scriptType, string scriptBuffer, int functionNumber)
548 {
549 string[] strArray = null;
550 if (this.myScriptBuffers.ContainsKey(scriptType))
551 {
552 strArray = (string[]) this.myScriptBuffers[scriptType];
553 }
554 else
555 {
556 strArray = new string[3];
557 this.myScriptBuffers[scriptType] = strArray;
558 }
559 strArray[functionNumber] = scriptBuffer;
560 this.AddScriptTypeSupport(scriptType);
561 }
563 public void SetScriptGlobalBuffer(ScriptType scriptType, string scriptGlobalsBuffer)
564 {
565 if (this.myScriptGlobalsBuffers.ContainsKey(scriptType))
566 {
567 this.myScriptGlobalsBuffers.Remove(scriptType);
568 }
569 this.myScriptGlobalsBuffers.Add(scriptType, scriptGlobalsBuffer);
570 }
572 protected void SetTooltip(string resourceID)
573 {
574 this.Tooltip = this.LoadString(this.myResourceAssemblyName, resourceID);
575 }
577 protected void SetupResourceAssembly(string resAsmName, Assembly resAssembly)
578 {
579 this.myResourceAssemblyName = resAsmName;
580 ResourceManager manager = null;
581 try
582 {
583 manager = (ResourceManager) this.myResMgrDict[this.myResourceAssemblyName];
584 }
585 catch (Exception)
586 {
587 }
588 if (manager == null)
589 {
590 try
591 {
592 manager = new ResourceManager(this.myResourceAssemblyName, resAssembly);
593 manager.GetObject("__xx__xx__xx__xx__", Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture);
594 }
595 catch (Exception)
596 {
597 manager = null;
598 }
599 if (manager != null)
600 {
601 this.myResMgrDict[this.myResourceAssemblyName] = manager;
602 }
603 }
604 }
606 private ScriptInfo UpdateScriptInfoCache(ScriptType scriptType)
607 {
608 int min = 0;
609 int max = 0;
610 string methodName = "";
611 ScriptInfo info = null;
612 if (this.myMapScriptInfoCache.ContainsKey(scriptType))
613 {
614 return (ScriptInfo) this.myMapScriptInfoCache[scriptType];
615 }
616 if (ScriptType.ExternalAssembly == scriptType)
617 {
618 methodName = this.GetExternalFunctionName(0);
619 if (this.myMinParams != -1)
620 {
621 min = this.myMinParams;
622 }
623 else if (this.myInputConnectionTypeList.Count > 0)
624 {
625 min = this.myInputConnectionTypeList.Count;
626 }
627 if (this.myMaxParams != -1)
628 {
629 max = this.myMaxParams;
630 }
631 else if (this.HasVariableInputs)
632 {
633 max = 100;
634 }
635 else
636 {
637 max = (this.myInputConnectionTypeList.Count > 0) ? this.myInputConnectionTypeList.Count : 100;
638 }
639 }
640 else if (((ScriptType.CSharp == scriptType) || (ScriptType.VbNet == scriptType)) || (((ScriptType.JScript == scriptType) || (ScriptType.JSharp == scriptType)) || (ScriptType.XsltCallTemplate == scriptType)))
641 {
642 int num3;
643 new InlineScriptCompiler().GetMethodInfo(scriptType, this.GetScriptBuffer(scriptType), this.GetScriptGlobalBuffer(scriptType), this.RequiredGlobalHelperFunctions, out methodName, out num3);
644 min = num3;
645 max = num3;
646 if ((max == 0) && this.HasVariableInputs)
647 {
648 max = 100;
649 }
650 }
651 else
652 {
653 min = 0;
654 max = 0;
655 methodName = "";
656 }
657 info = new ScriptInfo(min, max, methodName);
658 this.myMapScriptInfoCache[scriptType] = info;
659 return info;
660 }
662 // Properties
663 public FunctoidCategory Category
664 {
665 get
666 {
667 return this.myCategory;
668 }
669 set
670 {
671 this.myCategory = value;
672 }
673 }
675 public string Description
676 {
677 get
678 {
679 return this.myDescription;
680 }
681 set
682 {
683 this.myDescription = value;
684 }
685 }
687 public string ExternalAssembly
688 {
689 get
690 {
691 return this.myExternalAssembly;
692 }
693 set
694 {
695 this.myExternalAssembly = value;
696 }
697 }
699 public string ExternalAssemblyPartialName
700 {
701 get
702 {
703 return this.myExternalAssemblyPartialName;
704 }
705 set
706 {
707 this.myExternalAssemblyPartialName = value;
708 }
709 }
711 public string ExternalAssemblyPath
712 {
713 get
714 {
715 return this.myExternalAssemblyPath;
716 }
717 set
718 {
719 this.myExternalAssemblyPath = value;
720 }
721 }
723 public string ExternalClassName
724 {
725 get
726 {
727 return this.myExternalClassName;
728 }
729 set
730 {
731 this.myExternalClassName = value;
732 }
733 }
735 public bool HasSideEffects
736 {
737 get
738 {
739 return this.myHasSideEffects;
740 }
741 set
742 {
743 this.myHasSideEffects = value;
744 }
745 }
747 public bool HasVariableInputs
748 {
749 get
750 {
751 return this.myHasVariableInputs;
752 }
753 set
754 {
755 this.myHasVariableInputs = value;
756 }
757 }
759 public int ID
760 {
761 get
762 {
763 return this.myID;
764 }
765 set
766 {
767 this.myID = value;
768 }
769 }
771 public Bitmap Image
772 {
773 get
774 {
775 return this.myBitmap;
776 }
777 }
779 public Bitmap Image16
780 {
781 get
782 {
783 return this.myBitmap16;
784 }
785 }
787 public string Name
788 {
789 get
790 {
791 return this.myName;
792 }
793 set
794 {
795 this.myName = value;
796 }
797 }
799 public ConnectionType OutputConnectionType
800 {
801 get
802 {
803 return this.myOutputConnectionType;
804 }
805 set
806 {
807 this.myOutputConnectionType = value;
808 }
809 }
811 public InlineGlobalHelperFunction RequiredGlobalHelperFunctions
812 {
813 get
814 {
815 return this.myInlineGlobalHelperFunctions;
816 }
817 set
818 {
819 this.myInlineGlobalHelperFunctions = value;
820 }
821 }
823 public string Tooltip
824 {
825 get
826 {
827 return this.myTooltip;
828 }
829 set
830 {
831 this.myTooltip = value;
832 }
833 }
837Collapse Methods
6. Not every property/ function we should pay attention to, we will talk about that in another session.
7. Now let’s take a look at StringLeft functoid. Pay special attention to GetCSharpBuffer method, it uses StringBuilder to create a c# function like this:
1public string StringLeft(string str, string count)
3 string retval = "";
4 double d = 0;
5 if (str != null && IsNumeric(count, ref d))
6 {
7 int i = (int) d;
8 if (i > 0)
9 {
10 if (i <= str.Length)
11 {
12 retval = str.Substring(0, i);
13 }
14 else
15 {
16 retval = str;
17 }
18 }
19 }
20 return retval;
1public string StringLeft(string str, string count)
3 string retval = "";
4 double d = 0;
5 if (str != null && IsNumeric(count, ref d))
6 {
7 int i = (int) d;
8 if (i > 0)
9 {
10 if (i <= str.Length)
11 {
12 retval = str.Substring(0, i);
13 }
14 else
15 {
16 retval = str;
17 }
18 }
19 }
20 return retval;
This function is gonna be used in physical map.
8. Create a map to use this functoid.
Right click on the map file (SourcetoTarget.btm) and select Validate map。Please remember, you can get the actual xsl file which will do the transform. From the output window the automatically generated xsl file can be found, open it. In this xsl file you can clearly find the StringLeft function mentioned above and its referenced function(s), IsNumeric in this case.
The idea is when a functoid is put onto the surface of map, it will generate a function in xsl file, xsl can call this code at run time to do transfrom.