天气预报的webservice+三级无刷新级联菜单客户端(js+xmlhttp实现)--Server side
A. xml file for storing area information.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<area name="华北地区">
<province name="北京">
<province name="天津">
B. cs code for analyzing area information and weather detail----WeatherGet.cs
2 * Created By: zhanqiangz(闲云野鹤)
3 * Time: Mar 2005
4 * Description: A simple weather service implemented with xmlhttp
5 * **************************************************************************/
6using System;
7using System.Data;
8using System.Configuration;
9using System.Web;
10using System.Web.Security;
11using System.Web.UI;
12using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
13using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
14using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
15using System.Xml;
16using System.Collections;
17using MSXML2;
18using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
20/// <summary>
21/// Summary description for WeatherGet
22/// </summary>
23public class WeatherGet
25 public WeatherGet()
26 {
27 //
28 // TODO: Add constructor logic here
29 //
30 }
31 /// <summary>
32 /// Common function for getting areas,provinces and cities.
33 /// </summary>
34 /// <param name="strErea"></param>
35 /// <param name="strProvince"></param>
36 /// <returns>ArrayList including required data</returns>
37 internal static ArrayList GetNode(string strErea, string strProvince)
38 {
40 XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
41 {
42 bool blnIsGetCity = false, blnIsGetErea = false;
43 blnIsGetErea = string.IsNullOrEmpty(strErea);
44 blnIsGetCity = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(strProvince);
46 string strPath = string.Empty;
47 strPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("Erea.xml");
48 doc.Load(strPath);
49 XmlNode ParentNode = null;
51 if (blnIsGetErea)
52 ParentNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("//Areas");
53 else if (!blnIsGetErea && !blnIsGetCity)
54 ParentNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("//area[@name='" + strErea + "']/provinces");
55 else if (!blnIsGetErea && blnIsGetCity)
56 ParentNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("//area[@name='" + strErea + "']/provinces/province[@name='" + strProvince + "']/cities");
58 XmlNodeList list = ParentNode.ChildNodes;
59 ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
60 XmlNode node = null;
61 for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
62 {
63 node = list[i];
64 if (blnIsGetCity)
65 result.Add(node.InnerText);
66 else
67 result.Add(node.Attributes["name"].InnerText);
68 }
69 return result;
70 }
71 }
72 /// <summary>
73 /// Get weather
74 /// </summary>
75 /// <param name="Erea"></param>
76 /// <param name="Province"></param>
77 /// <param name="City"></param>
78 /// <returns></returns>
79 internal static WeatherInfo GetWeather(string Erea, string Province, string City)
80 {
81 string strUrl = string.Empty;
82 string strDay = string.Empty;
83 string strSunRise = string.Empty;
84 string strSunSet = string.Empty;
85 string strDegree = string.Empty;
86 string strWeather = string.Empty;
88 WeatherInfo weather = new WeatherInfo();
89 strUrl = "http://www.cma.gov.cn/netcenter_news/qxyb/city/index.php?city=" + HttpContext.Current.Server.HtmlEncode(City) + "&province=" + HttpContext.Current.Server.HtmlEncode(Province) + "&area=" + HttpContext.Current.Server.HtmlEncode(Erea);
90 MSXML2.XMLHTTP xmlhttp = new MSXML2.XMLHTTP();
91 xmlhttp.open("GET", strUrl, false, null, null);
92 xmlhttp.send("");
93 MSXML2.XMLDocument dom = new XMLDocument();
95 string strSource = xmlhttp.responseText;
96 strSource = strSource.Substring(strSource.IndexOf("<!--天气预报开始-->"));
97 strSource = strSource.Substring(0, strSource.IndexOf("<!--未来天气预报结束-->"));
98 Regex reg = new Regex(@"<B>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
99 strSource = reg.Replace(strSource, string.Empty);
100 weather.City = City;
101 strDay = AnylysisWeatherInfo(strSource, @"td align=center class=link15>.*?</td>", false);
102 weather.Day = strDay;
103 strSunRise = AnylysisWeatherInfo(strSource, @"日出:.*?</b>", true);
104 weather.SunRiseTime = strSunRise;
106 strSunSet = AnylysisWeatherInfo(strSource, @"日落:.*?</b>", true);
107 weather.SunSetTime = strSunSet;
108 strDegree = AnylysisWeatherInfo(strSource, @"td colspan=2 valign=middle align=center class=link12 height=35>.*?</td>", false);
109 weather.Degree = strDegree;
110 strWeather = AnylysisWeatherInfo(strSource, @"td colspan=2 valign=middle align=center class=link17 height=35>.*?</td>", false);
111 weather.Weather = strWeather;
113 return weather;
115 }
116 /// <summary>
117 /// Parse weather information with regularexpressions.
118 /// </summary>
119 /// <param name="strSourceString"></param>
120 /// <param name="strPattern"></param>
121 /// <param name="fromBeginning"></param>
122 /// <returns></returns>
123 private static string AnylysisWeatherInfo(string strSourceString, string strPattern, bool fromBeginning)
124 {
125 Match m = null;
126 string strResult;
127 int intStart = 0, intLengh = 0;
128 m = Regex.Match(strSourceString, strPattern, RegexOptions.Singleline);
129 strResult = m.Value;
130 if (fromBeginning)
131 strResult = strResult.Substring(0, strResult.IndexOf("<"));
132 else
133 {
134 intStart = strResult.IndexOf(">");
135 intStart += 1;
136 intLengh = strResult.IndexOf("<") - intStart;
137 strResult = strResult.Substring(intStart, intLengh);
139 }
140 return strResult;
141 }
144/// <summary>
145/// Weather entity.
146/// </summary>
147public class WeatherInfo
149 private string m_City;
150 private string m_SunRiseTime;
151 private string m_SunSetTime;
152 private string m_Weather;
153 private string m_Degree;
154 private string m_Day;
156 public string City
157 {
158 set { m_City = value; }
159 get { return m_City; }
160 }
161 public string SunRiseTime
162 {
163 set { m_SunRiseTime = value; }
164 get { return m_SunRiseTime; }
165 }
167 public string SunSetTime
168 {
169 set { m_SunSetTime = value; }
170 get { return m_SunSetTime; }
171 }
173 public string Weather
174 {
175 set { m_Weather = value; }
176 get { return m_Weather; }
177 }
179 public string Degree
180 {
181 set { m_Degree = value; }
182 get { return m_Degree; }
183 }
185 public string Day
186 {
187 set { m_Day = value; }
188 get { return m_Day; }
189 }
C. Service.cs & Service.asmx2 * Created By: zhanqiangz(闲云野鹤)
3 * Time: Mar 2005
4 * Description: A simple weather service implemented with xmlhttp
5 * **************************************************************************/
6using System;
7using System.Data;
8using System.Configuration;
9using System.Web;
10using System.Web.Security;
11using System.Web.UI;
12using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
13using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
14using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
15using System.Xml;
16using System.Collections;
17using MSXML2;
18using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
20/// <summary>
21/// Summary description for WeatherGet
22/// </summary>
23public class WeatherGet
25 public WeatherGet()
26 {
27 //
28 // TODO: Add constructor logic here
29 //
30 }
31 /// <summary>
32 /// Common function for getting areas,provinces and cities.
33 /// </summary>
34 /// <param name="strErea"></param>
35 /// <param name="strProvince"></param>
36 /// <returns>ArrayList including required data</returns>
37 internal static ArrayList GetNode(string strErea, string strProvince)
38 {
40 XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
41 {
42 bool blnIsGetCity = false, blnIsGetErea = false;
43 blnIsGetErea = string.IsNullOrEmpty(strErea);
44 blnIsGetCity = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(strProvince);
46 string strPath = string.Empty;
47 strPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("Erea.xml");
48 doc.Load(strPath);
49 XmlNode ParentNode = null;
51 if (blnIsGetErea)
52 ParentNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("//Areas");
53 else if (!blnIsGetErea && !blnIsGetCity)
54 ParentNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("//area[@name='" + strErea + "']/provinces");
55 else if (!blnIsGetErea && blnIsGetCity)
56 ParentNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("//area[@name='" + strErea + "']/provinces/province[@name='" + strProvince + "']/cities");
58 XmlNodeList list = ParentNode.ChildNodes;
59 ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
60 XmlNode node = null;
61 for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
62 {
63 node = list[i];
64 if (blnIsGetCity)
65 result.Add(node.InnerText);
66 else
67 result.Add(node.Attributes["name"].InnerText);
68 }
69 return result;
70 }
71 }
72 /// <summary>
73 /// Get weather
74 /// </summary>
75 /// <param name="Erea"></param>
76 /// <param name="Province"></param>
77 /// <param name="City"></param>
78 /// <returns></returns>
79 internal static WeatherInfo GetWeather(string Erea, string Province, string City)
80 {
81 string strUrl = string.Empty;
82 string strDay = string.Empty;
83 string strSunRise = string.Empty;
84 string strSunSet = string.Empty;
85 string strDegree = string.Empty;
86 string strWeather = string.Empty;
88 WeatherInfo weather = new WeatherInfo();
89 strUrl = "http://www.cma.gov.cn/netcenter_news/qxyb/city/index.php?city=" + HttpContext.Current.Server.HtmlEncode(City) + "&province=" + HttpContext.Current.Server.HtmlEncode(Province) + "&area=" + HttpContext.Current.Server.HtmlEncode(Erea);
90 MSXML2.XMLHTTP xmlhttp = new MSXML2.XMLHTTP();
91 xmlhttp.open("GET", strUrl, false, null, null);
92 xmlhttp.send("");
93 MSXML2.XMLDocument dom = new XMLDocument();
95 string strSource = xmlhttp.responseText;
96 strSource = strSource.Substring(strSource.IndexOf("<!--天气预报开始-->"));
97 strSource = strSource.Substring(0, strSource.IndexOf("<!--未来天气预报结束-->"));
98 Regex reg = new Regex(@"<B>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
99 strSource = reg.Replace(strSource, string.Empty);
100 weather.City = City;
101 strDay = AnylysisWeatherInfo(strSource, @"td align=center class=link15>.*?</td>", false);
102 weather.Day = strDay;
103 strSunRise = AnylysisWeatherInfo(strSource, @"日出:.*?</b>", true);
104 weather.SunRiseTime = strSunRise;
106 strSunSet = AnylysisWeatherInfo(strSource, @"日落:.*?</b>", true);
107 weather.SunSetTime = strSunSet;
108 strDegree = AnylysisWeatherInfo(strSource, @"td colspan=2 valign=middle align=center class=link12 height=35>.*?</td>", false);
109 weather.Degree = strDegree;
110 strWeather = AnylysisWeatherInfo(strSource, @"td colspan=2 valign=middle align=center class=link17 height=35>.*?</td>", false);
111 weather.Weather = strWeather;
113 return weather;
115 }
116 /// <summary>
117 /// Parse weather information with regularexpressions.
118 /// </summary>
119 /// <param name="strSourceString"></param>
120 /// <param name="strPattern"></param>
121 /// <param name="fromBeginning"></param>
122 /// <returns></returns>
123 private static string AnylysisWeatherInfo(string strSourceString, string strPattern, bool fromBeginning)
124 {
125 Match m = null;
126 string strResult;
127 int intStart = 0, intLengh = 0;
128 m = Regex.Match(strSourceString, strPattern, RegexOptions.Singleline);
129 strResult = m.Value;
130 if (fromBeginning)
131 strResult = strResult.Substring(0, strResult.IndexOf("<"));
132 else
133 {
134 intStart = strResult.IndexOf(">");
135 intStart += 1;
136 intLengh = strResult.IndexOf("<") - intStart;
137 strResult = strResult.Substring(intStart, intLengh);
139 }
140 return strResult;
141 }
144/// <summary>
145/// Weather entity.
146/// </summary>
147public class WeatherInfo
149 private string m_City;
150 private string m_SunRiseTime;
151 private string m_SunSetTime;
152 private string m_Weather;
153 private string m_Degree;
154 private string m_Day;
156 public string City
157 {
158 set { m_City = value; }
159 get { return m_City; }
160 }
161 public string SunRiseTime
162 {
163 set { m_SunRiseTime = value; }
164 get { return m_SunRiseTime; }
165 }
167 public string SunSetTime
168 {
169 set { m_SunSetTime = value; }
170 get { return m_SunSetTime; }
171 }
173 public string Weather
174 {
175 set { m_Weather = value; }
176 get { return m_Weather; }
177 }
179 public string Degree
180 {
181 set { m_Degree = value; }
182 get { return m_Degree; }
183 }
185 public string Day
186 {
187 set { m_Day = value; }
188 get { return m_Day; }
189 }
2 * Created By: zhanqiangz(闲云野鹤)
3 * Time: Mar 2005
4 * Description: A simple weather service implemented with xmlhttp, just for fun.
5 * **************************************************************************/
6using System;
7using System.Web;
8using System.Web.Services;
9using System.Web.Services.Protocols;
10using System.Collections;
12[WebService(Namespace = "http://tempuri.org/")]
13[WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]
14public class Service : System.Web.Services.WebService
16 public Service () {
18 //Uncomment the following line if using designed components
19 //InitializeComponent();
20 }
23 [WebMethod(Description="Get ereas in china")]
24 public string[] GetEreas()
25 {
26 string[] EreaArray = null;
27 ArrayList list = null;
28 list= WeatherGet.GetNode(null, null);
29 EreaArray = (string[])(list.ToArray(typeof(string)));
30 return EreaArray;
31 }
33 [WebMethod(Description = "Get Provinces from erea provided")]
34 public string[] GetProvinceFromErea(string strErea)
35 {
36 string[] EreaArray = null;
37 ArrayList list = null;
38 list = WeatherGet.GetNode(strErea, null);
39 EreaArray = (string[])(list.ToArray(typeof(string)));
40 return EreaArray;
41 }
43 [WebMethod(Description = "Get cities from province provided")]
44 public string[] GetCitiesFromProvince(string strErea,string strProvince)
45 {
46 string[] EreaArray = null;
47 ArrayList list = null;
48 list = WeatherGet.GetNode(strErea, strProvince);
49 EreaArray = (string[])(list.ToArray(typeof(string)));
50 return EreaArray;
51 }
52 [WebMethod(Description = "Get weather ")]
53 public WeatherInfo GetWeather(string Erea,string Province,string City)
54 {
55 return WeatherGet.GetWeather(Erea, Province, City);
56 }
2 * Created By: zhanqiangz(闲云野鹤)
3 * Time: Mar 2005
4 * Description: A simple weather service implemented with xmlhttp, just for fun.
5 * **************************************************************************/
6using System;
7using System.Web;
8using System.Web.Services;
9using System.Web.Services.Protocols;
10using System.Collections;
12[WebService(Namespace = "http://tempuri.org/")]
13[WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]
14public class Service : System.Web.Services.WebService
16 public Service () {
18 //Uncomment the following line if using designed components
19 //InitializeComponent();
20 }
23 [WebMethod(Description="Get ereas in china")]
24 public string[] GetEreas()
25 {
26 string[] EreaArray = null;
27 ArrayList list = null;
28 list= WeatherGet.GetNode(null, null);
29 EreaArray = (string[])(list.ToArray(typeof(string)));
30 return EreaArray;
31 }
33 [WebMethod(Description = "Get Provinces from erea provided")]
34 public string[] GetProvinceFromErea(string strErea)
35 {
36 string[] EreaArray = null;
37 ArrayList list = null;
38 list = WeatherGet.GetNode(strErea, null);
39 EreaArray = (string[])(list.ToArray(typeof(string)));
40 return EreaArray;
41 }
43 [WebMethod(Description = "Get cities from province provided")]
44 public string[] GetCitiesFromProvince(string strErea,string strProvince)
45 {
46 string[] EreaArray = null;
47 ArrayList list = null;
48 list = WeatherGet.GetNode(strErea, strProvince);
49 EreaArray = (string[])(list.ToArray(typeof(string)));
50 return EreaArray;
51 }
52 [WebMethod(Description = "Get weather ")]
53 public WeatherInfo GetWeather(string Erea,string Province,string City)
54 {
55 return WeatherGet.GetWeather(Erea, Province, City);
56 }
<%@ WebService Language="C#" CodeBehind="~/App_Code/Service.cs" Class="Service" %>