12 2012 档案
摘要:IOS SDK6/Xcode4.5开始在Storyboad中新增很多功能对可视化的开发页面布局,导航更加方便,下面就写一下各种导航的实现。1、不用像Xcode4之前必须删除默认的viewcontroller,然后拖一个navigation controller,然后才能实现导航。只需要选择默认的viewcontroller ,在菜单上选择editor-embed in- 2、下面实现导航最简单的就是next,back,只需要按住ctr直接拖线就好了,这里有一个Storyboard Segue-Identifier这个值最好填上,可以在代码里面用到这个Identifier的值可以一般在两个地方会
摘要:在scanview中添加扫描区域ZBarReaderViewController *reader = [ZBarReaderViewController new]; reader.readerDelegate = self; //CGRect frame= CGRectMake(20, 30, 320, 260); reader.scanCrop= CGRectMake(0.2, .1, .47, .8); 自定义scanview添加一个自定义的扫描框- (UIView *)setOverlayPickerView{ UIView *v=[[UIView alloc]...
摘要:http://pastebin.com/wSVW1tRcCGRect scanCropThe region of the video image that will be scanned, innormalized image coordinates. Note that the video image is in landscape mode (default {{0, 0}, {1, 1}})The coordinates for all of the arguments is in a normalized float, which is from 0 - 1. So, in norma
摘要:Assuming you have storyboard, go to storyboard and give your VC an identifier (inspector), then do: UIStoryboard *storyboard = [UIStoryboard storyboardWithName:@"MainStoryboard" bundle:nil];UIViewCon...
摘要:Why All The Lambdas?Tuesday, November 27, 2012"Why All The Lambdas?" is a question that comes up with ASP.NET MVC.@Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.Rating)Instead of lambdas, why don't we just pass a property value directly?@Html.TextBoxFor(Model.Rating)Aren't we simply trying to