11 2007 档案
摘要:Microsoft BizTalk Server 2004 Using XPaths in Message Assignment You can use the xpath function to assign an XPath value to a message part, or to assign a value to an XPath that refers to a message ...
摘要:The XmlSerializerFactory is a new class in .NET 2.0 that provides a factory pattern over the XmlSerializer. It maintains the cache of generated assemblies so that you can avoid the XmlSerializer leak...
摘要:The XmlSerializerFactory is a new class in .NET 2.0 that provides a factory pattern over the XmlSerializer. It maintains the cache of generated assemblies so that you can avoid the XmlSerializer leak...
摘要:Published 21 July 06 08:24 AM | rseroter Just finishing up a two-week BizTalk Proof of Concept where I demonstrated an easier way to manage B2B interactions between a large insurance company and th...
摘要:表结构信息查询 SELECT TableName=CASE WHEN C.column_id=1 THEN O.name ELSE N'' END, TableDesc=ISNULL(CASE WHEN C.column_id=1 THEN PTB.[value] END,N''), Column_id=C.column_id, ColumnName=C.nam...
摘要:BizTalk自带有证书加密/签名的pipeline组件(MIME/SMIME),感觉配置比较复杂,而且不知道如何通过自己开发的客户端实现这种标准的加密/签名算法和BizTalk进行整合; 如果有朋友做过相关的技术,能否共享一下; 这次自己写了一下用.net 2.0自带的SignedXml,EncryptedXml,很容易就实现了这些功能,同时发现http://www....