How to crop scanned barcode using Zbar?

CGRect scanCrop

The region of the video image that will be scanned, in normalized image coordinates. Note that the video image is in landscape mode (default {{0, 0}, {1, 1}})

The coordinates for all of the arguments is in a normalized float, which is from 0 - 1. So, in normalized value, theView.width is 1.0, and theView.height is 1.0. Therefore, the default rect is {{0,0},{1,1}}.

So for example, if I have a transparent UIView named scanView as a scanning region for myreaderView. Rather than do :

readerView.scanCrop = scanView.frame;

We should do this, normalizing every arguments first :

CGFloat x,y,width,height;  
x = scanView.frame.origin.x / readerView.bounds.size.width;
y = scanView.frame.origin.y / readerView.bounds.size.height;
width = scanView.frame.size.width / readerView.bounds.size.width;
height = scanView.frame.size.height / readerView.bounds.size.height;

readerView.scanCrop =CGRectMake(x, y, width, height);

It works for me. Hope that helps.

posted @ 2012-12-07 07:27  阿新  阅读(947)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报