解决:TF30170: Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.WorkItemTracking

TF30170: The plugin Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.WorkItemTracking failed during task WITs from group WorkItemTracking.

Plugin error text: “Value cannot be null. Parameter name: TF223000: The identity object returned by ReadIdentities contains a null value for the following registered security identifier (SID): 'S-1-5-21-3040201303-537741374-3906910918-1108'. This problem can be caused by a delay in synchronization between Team Foundation Server and Active Directory group membership. If this problem persists, contact Microsoft support services. ---> Value cannot be null. Parameter name: TF223000: The identity object returned by ReadIdentities contains a null value for the following registered security identifier (SID): 'S-1-5-21-3040201303-537741374-3906910918-1108'. This problem can be caused by a delay in synchronization between Team Foundation Server and Active Directory group membership. If this problem persists, contact Microsoft support services.”
User Action 
Contact your Team Foundation Server administrator.

TF30144: The New Team Project Wizard attempted to roll back all of the steps taken to this point but was unsuccessful. Contact your Team Foundation Server administrator for further instructions.


 (SID): 'S-1-5-21-3040201303-537741374-3906910918-1108'  这个账号权限的问题,一次只要删除这个账号就可以解决了


 To begin you must first identify the "groupSid" and "identitySid" for the deleted/recreated user. You do this as follows:

  1. Using SQL Server Management Studio, connect to the TFS database-tier machine.
  2. Create a new query against the tbl_security_identity_cache table in the TfsIntegration database that will return the records for the troubled user. For example:

             select sid, display_name, deleted from dbo.tbl_security_identity_cache where tbl_security_identity_cache.account_name like '%user5%'

        Copy the value in the sid column for the user where the deleted column has a value of 1. This is the "identitySid".

    3. Locate the "groupSid" by executing the following query. The "groupSid" will be the value returned in the Parent_group_sid column:

             select * from tbl_gss_group_membership where member_sid like '<SID from step 2>'

    4. Log onto the console of TFS application-tier machine as a TFS administrator
    5. Open Internet Explorer and navigate to this URL:              

    6. Input the "groupSid" and the "identitySid" identified from above query results 
    7. Click Invoke. (Only click Invoke ONCE).
posted @ 2012-09-13 08:40  阿新  阅读(3047)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报