select (select top 1 (select username from [].[popauto].dbo.admin with(nolock) where id=d.power)+resion
from dl_log_isdel as d with(nolock) where muserid=dl_muser.id and state=2 order by id desc) as delresion,
(select top 1 (select username from admin where id=d.power)+resion from dl_log_isdel as d with(nolock)
typename=case cclass when 1 then '4S' else '综合' end, cclass,address,'' as fct2name,
isdel, ishy,isvip,paya,payb,payc,star from dbo.dl_muser with(nolock) where isdel=0 and isxx=0
如上上一句SQL语句,在sql server 2005里边运行失败,不知道是不是微软的bug 跨库查出出来的两列相加出错