hdu 4282 A very hard mathematic problem


1思路:   枚举z的范围(2-31),然后枚举x的值1->pow(x,z)>=k/2,最后二分查找y的值即可。
2分析:  1由公式可以知道z的范围是2-31,但是x和y的范围不好确定,所以暴力肯定TLE。
               3注意二分查找的时候用到(left+right)/2,所以数据类型要为long long 这样才不会超出int(这个地方WA了N次,不解释),还有二分查找的时候求出当前的值tmp有可能超过long long 范围,所以还要判断tmp<0时候说明这时候mid大于y.

using namespace std;
#define MAXN 1010

int k , ans;

long long Pow(long long x , long long y){
    long long tmp = x;
    for(long long i = 1 ; i <  y ; i++)
       x *= tmp;
    return x;

void solve(){
    int x , y , z;
    long long  left , right , mid , tmp;
    ans = 0;
    for(z = 2 ; z < 32 ; z++){
       for(x = 1 ; ; x++){      
          if(Pow(x, z) >= k/2)
          left = x + 1;
          right = k;
          while(left <= right){
             mid = (left+right)/2;
             tmp = Pow(x,z)+Pow(mid,z)+mid*x*z;
             if(tmp == k){            
             else if(tmp > k|| tmp < 0)/*注意这个地方数据类型的溢出*/      
                right = mid-1;
                left = mid+1;
    } www.2cto.com
    printf("%d\n" , ans);

int main(){
    //freopen("input.txt" , "r" , stdin);
    while(scanf("%d" ,&k) && k)  
    return 0;


Problem Description
  Haoren is very good at solving mathematic problems. Today he is working a problem like this:   Find three positive integers X, Y and Z (X < Y, Z > 1) that holds    X^Z + Y^Z + XYZ = K   where K is another given integer.   Here the operator “^” means power, e.g., 2^3 = 2 * 2 * 2.   Finding a solution is quite easy to Haoren. Now he wants to challenge more: What’s the total number of different solutions?   Surprisingly, he is unable to solve this one. It seems that it’s really a very hard mathematic problem.   Now, it’s your turn.
  There are multiple test cases.   For each case, there is only one integer K (0 < K < 2^31) in a line.   K = 0 implies the end of input.   



posted @ 2012-10-13 10:35  兴安黑熊  阅读(127)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报