






View Code
 1 program Neayo;
 2 const
 3         inf='Permutations.in';
 4         ouf='Permutations.out';
 5 var
 6         i,j,k,n:longint;
 7         ans:int64;
 8         a,b,c:array[0..200001] of longint;
 9 procedure init;
10 var same:boolean;
11 begin
12      assign(input,inf);assign(output,ouf);
13      reset(input);rewrite(output);
14      readln(n);
15      same:=true;
16      for i:=1 to n do
17      read(a[i]);
18      for i:=1 to n do
19      begin
20           read(b[i]);
21           c[b[i]]:=i;
22           if b[i]<>a[i] then same:=false;
23      end;
24      if same then writeln(0)
25      else begin
26                for i:=1 to n do a[i]:=c[a[i]];
27                for i:=1 to n-1 do
28                if a[i]>a[i+1] then
29                begin
30                     writeln(n-i);
31                     exit;
32                end;
33      end;
34      close(input);
35 end;
36 begin
37      init;
38      close(output);
39 end.


那么如果这样交换的话: 1 2 0 1  →1 0 2 1 →  1 1 2 0 算是移动一个数的代价都是1吧。




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 1 program Neayo;
 2 const
 3         inf='pour.in';
 4         ouf='pour.out';
 5 var
 6         i,j,k,n,time,havenum1,havenum2,restnum1,restnum2,ans,num1,num2:longint;
 7         a:array[0..1000001]of longint;
 8 procedure init;
 9 begin
10      assign(input,inf);assign(output,ouf);
11      reset(input);rewrite(output);
12      readln(n);
13      for i:=1 to n do
14      begin
15            read(a[i]);
16            if a[i]=1 then inc(restnum1);
17            if a[i]=2 then inc(restnum2);
18      end;
19      num1:=restnum1;
20      num2:=restnum2;
21      close(input);
22 end;
23 procedure go;
24 begin
25      ans:=maxlongint;
26      for i:=1 to n do
27      begin
28           if a[i]=1 then
29           begin
30                inc(havenum1);
31                dec(restnum1);
32           end;
33           if a[i]=2 then
34           begin
35                inc(havenum2);
36                dec(restnum2);
37           end;
38           if (i>=num1)and(i+num2<=n)and(restnum1+havenum2<ans) then ans:=restnum1+havenum2;
39           if (i>=num2)and(i+num1<=n)and(restnum2+havenum1<ans) then ans:=restnum2+havenum1;
40      end;
41      writeln(ans);
42 end;
43 begin
44      init;
45      go;
46      close(output);
47 end.                                          
posted @ 2012-11-06 22:06  neayo  阅读(210)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报