hdu 4366 Successor(树线性化+线段树,5级)


Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/65536 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 1779    Accepted Submission(s): 426

Problem Description
Sean owns a company and he is the BOSS.The other Staff has one Superior.every staff has a loyalty and ability.Some times Sean will fire one staff.Then one of the fired man’s Subordinates will replace him whose ability is higher than him and has the highest loyalty for company.Sean want to know who will replace the fired man.
In the first line a number T indicate the number of test cases. Then for each case the first line contain 2 numbers n,m (2<=n,m<=50000),indicate the company has n person include Sean ,m is the times of Sean’s query.Staffs are numbered from 1 to n-1,Sean’s number is 0.Follow n-1 lines,the i-th(1<=i<=n-1) line contains 3 integers a,b,c(0<=a<=n-1,0<=b,c<=1000000),indicate the i-th staff’s superior Serial number,i-th staff’s loyalty and ability.Every staff ‘s Serial number is bigger than his superior,Each staff has different loyalty.then follows m lines of queries.Each line only a number indicate the Serial number of whom should be fired.
For every query print a number:the Serial number of whom would replace the losing job man,If there has no one to replace him,print -1.
Sample Input
1 3 2 0 100 99 1 101 100 1 2
Sample Output
2 -1



  1 #include<iostream>
  2 #include<cstring>
  3 #include<cstdio>
  4 #include<map>
  5 #include<algorithm>
  6 #define lson t<<1
  7 #define rson t<<1|1
  8 #define mid (l+r)/2
  9 using namespace std;
 10 const int mm=5e4+9;
 11 map<int,int>mp;
 12 int L[mm],R[mm];
 13 int cas,head[mm],edge,n,m;
 14 class node
 15 {
 16   public:int v,next;
 17 }e[mm+mm];
 18 class ppeo
 19 {
 20   public:int u,loy,abi,no;
 21   bool operator <(const ppeo &xx)const
 22   {
 23     if(abi^xx.abi)
 24    return abi>xx.abi;
 25    return no<xx.no;///这个很关键,这会排除能力值一样的上司和员工,上司先查
 26   }
 27 }f[mm];
 28 class Tree
 29 {
 30   public:int l,r,mloy;
 31 }rt[mm*4];
 32 int dfs_clock;
 33 int ans[mm];
 34 void data()
 35 {
 36   memset(head,-1,sizeof(head));edge=0;
 37 }
 38 void add(int u,int v)
 39 {
 40   e[edge].v=v;e[edge].next=head[u];head[u]=edge++;
 41 }
 42 void build(int t,int l,int r)
 43 {
 44   rt[t].l=l;rt[t].r=r;rt[t].mloy=-1;
 45   if(l==r)return;
 46   build(lson,l,mid);build(rson,mid+1,r);
 47 }
 48 void dfs(int u)
 49 { L[u]=dfs_clock;
 50   for(int i=head[u];~i;i=e[i].next)
 51   { ++dfs_clock;
 52     dfs(e[i].v);
 53   }
 54   R[u]=dfs_clock;
 55 }
 56 int query(int t,int l,int r)
 57 {
 58   if(rt[t].l==l&&rt[t].r==r)return rt[t].mloy;
 59   if(rt[lson].r>=r)return query(lson,l,r);
 60   else if(rt[rson].l<=l)return query(rson,l,r);
 61   else return max(query(lson,l,rt[lson].r),query(rson,rt[rson].l,r));
 62 }
 63 void update(int t,int pos,int x)
 64 {
 65   if(rt[t].l==rt[t].r&&rt[t].l==pos){rt[t].mloy=x;return ;}
 66   if(rt[lson].r>=pos)update(lson,pos,x);
 67   else update(rson,pos,x);
 68   rt[t].mloy=max(rt[lson].mloy,rt[rson].mloy);
 69 }
 70 int main()
 71 { int a,b,c;
 72   while(~scanf("%d",&cas))
 73   {
 74     while(cas--)
 75     { data();
 76       mp.clear();
 77       scanf("%d%d",&n,&m);
 78       for(int i=1;i<n;++i)
 79       {
 80         scanf("%d%d%d",&a,&b,&c);
 81         add(a,i);f[i].loy=b;f[i].abi=c;f[i].no=i;
 82         mp[b]=i;///忠诚度唯一
 83       }
 84       dfs_clock=0;
 85       dfs(0);
 86       sort(f+1,f+n);
 87       build(1,0,dfs_clock);///建树
 88       int z;
 89       memset(ans,-1,sizeof(ans));
 90       for(int i=1;i<n;++i)
 91       {
 92         z=query(1,L[f[i].no],R[f[i].no]);
 93         if(z!=-1)///查到了后代的最大忠诚度
 94         {
 95           ans[f[i].no]=mp[z];
 96         }
 97         update(1,L[f[i].no],f[i].loy);
 98       }
 99       for(int i=0;i<m;++i)
100       {
101         scanf("%d",&a);
102         printf("%d\n",ans[a]);
103       }
104     }
105   }
106   return 0;
107 }
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posted @ 2013-07-22 18:33  剑不飞  阅读(356)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报