Android使用NFC模拟M卡实现 (一)
Android使用NFC模拟M卡实现 (一)
Android使用NFC模拟M卡实现 (二)
Android使用NFC模拟M卡实现 (三)
在百度找一遍,没有一篇,讲的比较通俗易懂的文件。讲解Android 的NFC 功能 card emulation。
参考: 修改配置文件方式 |
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Host-based card emulation overview
Many Android-powered devices that offer NFC functionality already support NFC card emulation. In most cases, the card is emulated by a separate chip in the device, called a secure element. Many SIM cards provided by wireless carriers also contain a secure element.
Android 4.4 introduces an additional method of card emulation that does not involve a secure element, called host-based card emulation. This allows any Android application to emulate a card and talk directly to the NFC reader. This document describes how host-based card emulation (HCE) works on Android and how you can develop an app that emulates an NFC card using this technique.
Card Emulation with a secure element
When NFC card emulation is provided using a secure element, the card to be emulated is provisioned into the secure element on the device through an Android application. Then, when the user holds the device over an NFC terminal, the NFC controller in the device routes all data from the reader directly to the secure element. Figure 1 illustrates this concept.
Figure 1. NFC card emulation with a secure element.
The secure element itself performs the communication with the NFC terminal, and no Android application is involved in the transaction at all. After the transaction is complete, an Android application can query the secure element directly for the transaction status and notify the user.
Host-based card emulation
When an NFC card is emulated using host-based card emulation, the data is routed to the host CPU on which Android applications are running directly, instead of routing the NFC protocol frames to a secure element. Figure 2 illustrates how host-based card emulation works.
Figure 2. NFC card emulation without a secure element.
Supported NFC cards and protocols支持的NFC卡和协议The NFC standards offer support for many different protocols, and there are different types of cards that can be emulated. NFC标准提供对许多不同协议的支持,并且可以模拟不同类型的卡。 Android 4.4 supports several protocols that are common in the market today. Many existing contactless cards are already based on these protocols, such as contactless payment cards. These protocols are also supported by many NFC readers in the market today, including Android NFC devices functioning as readers themselves (see the Android 4.4支持当今市场上常见的几种协议。许多现有的非接触式卡已经基于这些协议,例如非接触式支付卡。当今市场上的许多NFC阅读器也支持这些协议,包括作为阅读器本身的Android NFC设备(参见 Specifically, Android 4.4 supports emulating cards that are based on the NFC-Forum ISO-DEP specification (based on ISO/IEC 14443-4) and process Application Protocol Data Units (APDUs) as defined in the ISO/IEC 7816-4 specification. Android mandates emulating ISO-DEP only on top of the Nfc-A (ISO/IEC 14443-3 Type A) technology. Support for Nfc-B (ISO/IEC 14443-4 Type B) technology is optional. The layering of all these specifications is shown in the figure 3. 具体而言,Android 4.4支持仿真基于NFC论坛ISO-DEP规范(基于ISO / IEC 14443-4)和ISO / IEC 7816-4规范中定义的处理应用协议数据单元(APDU)的卡。Android要求仅在Nfc-A(ISO / IEC 14443-3 A类)技术之上模拟ISO-DEP。支持Nfc-B(ISO / IEC 14443-4 B类)技术是可选的。所有这些规范的分层如图3所示。
| Figure 3. Android's HCE protocol stack. 图3. Android的HCE协议栈。 |
HCE services
HCE服务 【即Host-based card emulation services】
The HCE architecture in Android is based around Android Service
components (known as "HCE services"). One of the key advantages of a service is that it can run in the background without any user interface. This is a natural fit for many HCE applications like loyalty or transit cards, with which the user shouldn't need to launch the app to use it. Instead, tapping the device against the NFC reader starts the correct service (if not already running) and executes the transaction in the background. Of course, you are free to launch additional UI (such as user notifications) from your service if that makes sense.
Android中的HCE架构基于Android Service
Service selection
When the user taps a device to an NFC reader, the Android system needs to know which HCE service the NFC reader actually wants to talk to. This is where the ISO/IEC 7816-4 specification comes in: it defines a way to select applications, centered around an Application ID (AID). An AID consists of up to 16 bytes. If you are emulating cards for an existing NFC reader infrastructure, the AIDs that those readers are looking for are typically well-known and publicly registered (for example, the AIDs of payment networks such as Visa and MasterCard).
当用户将设备轻敲到NFC读取器时,Android系统需要知道NFC读取器实际想要与哪个HCE服务通信。这就是ISO / IEC 7816-4规范的用武之地:它定义了一种以应用程序ID(AID)为中心选择应用程序的方法。AID最多包含16个字节。如果您要模拟现有NFC读卡器基础设施的卡,那些读者正在寻找的AID通常是众所周知的并且是公开注册的(例如,支付网络的AID,例如Visa和MasterCard)。
If you want to deploy new reader infrastructure for your own application, you will need to register your own AID(s). The registration procedure for AIDs is defined in the ISO/IEC 7816-5 specification. Google recommends registering an AID as per 7816-5 if you are deploying a HCE application for Android, as it will avoid collisions with other applications.
如果要为自己的应用程序部署新的阅读器基础结构,则需要注册自己的AID。AID的注册程序在ISO / IEC 7816-5规范中定义。如果您要为Android部署HCE应用程序,Google建议按照7816-5注册AID,因为这样可以避免与其他应用程序发生冲突。
AID groups
In some cases, an HCE service may need to register multiple AIDs to implement a certain application, and it needs to be sure that it is the default handler for all of these AIDs (as opposed to some AIDs in the group going to another service).
在某些情况下,HCE服务可能需要注册多个AID来实现某个应用程序,并且需要确保它是所有这些AID的默认处理程序(而不是该组中的某些AID转到另一个服务) 。
An AID group is a list of AIDs that should be considered as belonging together by the OS. For all AIDs in an AID group, Android guarantees one of the following:
- All AIDs in the group are routed to this HCE service
- 组中的所有AID都路由到
此[对应]HCE服务 - No AIDs in the group are routed to this HCE service (for example, because the user preferred another service which requested one or more AIDs in your group as well)
- 组中没有AID被路由到此HCE服务(例如,因为用户更喜欢在您的组中请求一个或多个AID的另一个服务)
In other words, there is no in-between state, where some AIDs in the group can be routed to one HCE service, and some to another.
AID groups and categories
Each AID group can be associated with a category. This allows Android to group HCE services together by category, and that in turn allows the user to set defaults at the category level instead of the AID level. In general, avoid mentioning AIDs in any user-facing parts of your application: they do not mean anything to the average user.
Android 4.4 supports two categories: CATEGORY_PAYMENT
(covering industry-standard payment apps) and CATEGORY_OTHER
(for all other HCE apps).
Android 4.4支持两类:( CATEGORY_PAYMENT
Note: Only one AID group in the CATEGORY_PAYMENT
category may be enabled in the system at any given time. Typically, this will be an app that understands major credit card payment protocols and which can work at any merchant.
在任何给定时间,系统中只能启用 该类别中的一个AID组。通常情况下,这将是一个了解主要信用卡支付协议的应用程序,可以在任何商家工作。
For closed-loop payment apps that only work at one merchant (such as stored-value cards), you should use CATEGORY_OTHER
. AID groups in this category can be always active, and can be given priority by NFC readers during AID selection if necessary.
Implementing an HCE service
To emulate an NFC card using host-based card emulation, you need to create a Service
component that handles the NFC transactions.
Checking for HCE support
Your application can check whether a device supports HCE by checking for the FEATURE_NFC_HOST_CARD_EMULATION
feature. You should use the <uses-feature>
tag in the manifest of your application to declare that your app uses the HCE feature, and whether it is required for the app to function or not.
功能来检查设备是否支持HCE 。您应该使用<uses-feature>
应用程序清单中的 标记来声明您的应用程序使用HCE功能,以及应用程序是否需要运行。
<!--API 9 设备可以使用近场通信(NFC)进行通信。-->
<!--<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.nfc" android:required="true">-->
<!--API 19 该设备支持基于主机的NFC卡仿真。-->
<!--<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.nfc.hcef" android:required="true" />-->
<!--API 24 该设备支持基于主机的NFC-F卡仿真。-->
<!--<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.nfc.hce" android:required="true" />-->
Service implementation
Android 4.4 comes with a convenience Service
class that can be used as a basis for implementing a HCE service: the HostApduService
Android 4.4带有一个便利Service
The first step is therefore to extend HostApduService
public class MyHostApduService extends HostApduService {
public byte[] processCommandApdu(byte[] apdu, Bundle extras) {
public void onDeactivated(int reason) {
declares two abstract methods that need to be overridden and implemented.
is called whenever a NFC reader sends an Application Protocol Data Unit (APDU) to your service. APDUs are defined in the ISO/IEC 7816-4 specification as well. APDUs are the application-level packets being exchanged between the NFC reader and your HCE service. That application-level protocol is half-duplex: the NFC reader will send you a command APDU, and it will wait for you to send a response APDU in return.
只要NFC阅读器向您的服务发送应用程序协议数据单元(APDU),就会调用此方法。APDU也在ISO / IEC 7816-4规范中定义。APDU是NFC读取器和HCE服务之间交换的应用程序级数据包。该应用程序级协议是半双工的:NFC读取器将向您发送命令APDU,它将等待您发送响应APDU作为回报。
Note: The ISO/IEC 7816-4 specification also defines the concept of multiple logical channels, where you can have multiple parallel APDU exchanges on separate logical channels. Android’s HCE implementation however only supports a single logical channel, so there’s only a single-threaded exchange of APDUs.
注: ISO / IEC 7816-4规范还定义了多个逻辑信道的概念,您可以在不同的逻辑信道上进行多个并行APDU交换。然而,Android的HCE实现仅支持单个逻辑通道,因此只有APDU的单线程交换。
As mentioned previously, Android uses the AID to determine which HCE service the reader wants to talk to. Typically, the first APDU an NFC reader sends to your device is a "SELECT AID" APDU; this APDU contains the AID that the reader wants to talk to. Android extracts that AID from the APDU, resolves it to an HCE service, then forwards that APDU to the resolved service.
如前所述,Android使用AID来确定读者想要与之通信的HCE服务。通常,NFC读取器发送到您的设备的第一个APDU是“SELECT AID”APDU; 此APDU包含读者想要与之交谈的AID。Android从APDU中提取该AID,将其解析为HCE服务,然后将该APDU转发到已解析的服务。
You can send a response APDU by returning the bytes of the response APDU from processCommandApdu()
. Note that this method will be called on the main thread of your application, which shouldn't be blocked. So if you can't compute and return a response APDU immediately, return null. You can then do the necessary work on another thread, and use the sendResponseApdu()
method defined in the HostApduService
class to send the response when you are done.
您可以通过返回响应APDU的字节来发送响应APDU processCommandApdu()
Android will keep forwarding new APDUs from the reader to your service, until either:
- The NFC reader sends another "SELECT AID" APDU, which the OS resolves to a different service;
- The NFC link between the NFC reader and your device is broken.
- NFC读取器发送另一个“SELECT AID”APDU,OS解析为另一个服务;
- NFC读卡器与您的设备之间的NFC链接已断开。
In both of these cases, your class's onDeactivated()
implementation is called with an argument indicating which of the two happened.
都会调用类的 实现,并带有一个参数,指示两者中的哪一个发生了。
If you are working with existing reader infrastructure, you need to implement the existing application-level protocol that the readers expect in your HCE service.
If you are deploying new reader infrastructure which you control as well, you can define your own protocol and APDU sequence. In general try to limit the amount of APDUs and the size of the data that needs to be exchanged: this makes sure that your users will only have to hold their device over the NFC reader for a short amount of time. A reasonable upper bound is about 1KB of data, which can usually be exchanged within 300ms.
Service manifest declaration and AID registration
Your service must be declared in the manifest as usual, but some additional pieces must be added to the service declaration as well.
First, to tell the platform that it is a HCE service implementing a HostApduService
interface, your service declaration must contain an intent filter for the SERVICE_INTERFACE
接口的HCE服务 ,您的服务声明必须包含该SERVICE_INTERFACE
Additionally, to tell the platform which AIDs groups are requested by this service, a SERVICE_META_DATA
tag must be included in the declaration of the service, pointing to an XML resource with additional information about the HCE service.
Finally, you must set the android:exported
attribute to true, and require the"android.permission.BIND_NFC_SERVICE"
permission in your service declaration. The former ensures that the service can be bound to by external applications. The latter then enforces that only external applications that hold the"android.permission.BIND_NFC_SERVICE"
permission can bind to your service. Since"android.permission.BIND_NFC_SERVICE"
is a system permission, this effectively enforces that only the Android OS can bind to your service.
在服务声明中要求 权限。前者确保服务可以由外部应用程序绑定。然后,后者强制只有拥有"android.permission.BIND_NFC_SERVICE"
权限的外部应用程序 才能绑定到您的服务。由于"android.permission.BIND_NFC_SERVICE"
Here's an example of a HostApduService
manifest declaration:
<service android:name=".MyHostApduService" android:exported="true"
<action android:name="android.nfc.cardemulation.action.HOST_APDU_SERVICE"/>
<meta-data android:name="android.nfc.cardemulation.host_apdu_service"
This meta-data tag points to an apduservice.xml
file. An example of such a file with a single AID group declaration containing two proprietary AIDs is shown below:
<host-apdu-service xmlns:android=""
<aid-group android:description="@string/aiddescription"
<aid-filter android:name="F0010203040506"/>
<aid-filter android:name="F0394148148100"/>
The <host-apdu-service>
tag is required to contain a <android:description>
attribute that contains a user-friendly description of the service that may be shown in UI. The requireDeviceUnlock
attribute can be used to specify that the device must be unlocked before this service can be invoked to handle APDUs.
The <host-apdu-service>
must contain one or more <aid-group>
tags. Each <aid-group>
tag is required to:
- Contain an
attribute that contains a user-friendly description of the AID group, suitable for display in UI. - Have its
attribute set to indicate the category the AID group belongs to, e.g. the string constants defined byCATEGORY_PAYMENT
. - Each
must contain one or more<aid-filter>
tags, each of which contains a single AID. The AID must be specified in hexadecimal format, and contain an even number of characters.
标签。每个 <aid-group>
- 包含一个
属性,该属性包含AID组的用户友好描述,适合在UI中显示。 android:category
。- 每个
As a final note, your application also needs to hold the NFC
permission to be able to register as a HCE service.
能够注册为HCE服务的 权限。
AID conflict resolution
Multiple HostApduService
components may be installed on a single device, and the same AID can be registered by more than one service. The Android platform resolves AID conflicts depending on which category an AID belongs to. Each category may have a different conflict resolution policy.
For example, for some categories (like payment) the user may be able to select a default service in the Android settings UI. For other categories, the policy may be to always ask the user which service is to be invoked in case of conflict. To query the conflict resolution policy for a certain category, see getSelectionModeForCategory()
例如,对于某些类别(如支付),用户可能能够在Android设置UI中选择默认服务。对于其他类别,策略可以是始终询问用户在发生冲突时要调用哪个服务。要查询特定类别的冲突解决策略,请参阅 getSelectionModeForCategory()
Check if your service is the default
Applications can check whether their HCE service is the default service for a certain category by using theisDefaultServiceForCategory(ComponentName, String)
应用程序可以使用isDefaultServiceForCategory(ComponentName, String)
API 检查其HCE服务是否是特定类别的默认服务 。
If your service is not the default, you can request it to be made the default. See ACTION_CHANGE_DEFAULT
Payment applications
Android considers HCE services that have declared an AID group with the "payment" category as payment applications. The Android 4.4 release contains a top-level Settings menu entry called "tap & pay", which enumerates all such payment applications. In this settings menu, the user can select the default payment application that will be invoked when a payment terminal is tapped.
Android将已声明具有“付款”类别的AID组的HCE服务视为支付应用程序。Android 4.4版本包含一个名为“tap&pay”的顶级设置菜单条目,其中列举了所有此类支付应用程序。在此设置菜单中,用户可以选择在点击支付终端时将调用的默认支付应用程序。
Required assets for payment applications
To provide a more visually attractive user experience, HCE payment applications are required to provide an additional asset for their service: a so-called service banner.
This asset should be sized 260x96 dp, and can be specified in your meta-data XML file by adding the android:apduServiceBanner
attribute to the <host-apdu-service>
tag, which points to the drawable resource. An example is shown below:
此资产的大小应为260x96 dp,并且可以通过向标记添加android:apduServiceBanner
<host-apdu-service xmlns:android=""
<aid-group android:description="@string/aiddescription"
<aid-filter android:name="F0010203040506"/>
<aid-filter android:name="F0394148148100"/>
Screen off and lock-screen behavior
Current Android implementations turn the NFC controller and the application processor off completely when the screen of the device is turned off. HCE services will therefore not work when the screen is off.
HCE services can function from the lock-screen however: this is controlled by the android:requireDeviceUnlock
attribute in the <host-apdu-service>
tag of your HCE service. By default, device unlock is not required, and your service will be invoked even if the device is locked.
If you set the android:requireDeviceUnlock
attribute to "true" for your HCE service, Android will prompt the user to unlock the device when you tap an NFC reader that selects an AID that is resolved to your service. After unlocking, Android will show a dialog prompting the user to tap again to complete the transaction. This is necessary because the user may have moved the device away from the NFC reader in order to unlock it.
Coexistence with secure element cards
This section is of interest for developers that have deployed an application that relies on a secure element for card emulation. Android's HCE implementation is designed to work in parallel with other methods of implementing card emulation, including the use of secure elements.
Note: Android does not offer APIs for directly communicating with a secure element itself.
注意: Android不提供用于直接与安全元素本身通信的API。
This coexistence is based on a principle called "AID routing": the NFC controller keeps a routing table that consists of a (finite) list of routing rules. Each routing rule contains an AID and a destination. The destination can either be the host CPU (where Android apps are running), or a connected secure element.
When the NFC reader sends an APDU with a "SELECT AID", the NFC controller parses it and checks whether the AIDs matches with any AID in its routing table. If it matches, that APDU and all APDUs following it will be sent to the destination associated with the AID, until another "SELECT AID" APDU is received or the NFC link is broken.
当NFC读取器发送具有“SELECT AID”的APDU时,NFC控制器解析它并检查AID是否与其路由表中的任何AID匹配。如果匹配,则APDU及其后面的所有APDU将被发送到与AID相关联的目的地,直到接收到另一个“SELECT AID”APDU或NFC链路中断。
Note: While ISO/IEC 7816-4 defines the concept of “partial matches” as well, this is currently not supported by Android HCE devices.
This architecture is illustrated in figure 4.
注意: 虽然ISO / IEC 7816-4也定义了“部分匹配”的概念,但Android HCE设备目前不支持此功能。
Figure 4. Android operating with both secure element and host-card emulation.
The NFC controller typically also contains a default route for APDUs. When an AID is not found in the routing table, the default route is used. While this setting might different from device to device, Android devices are required to ensure that the AIDs being registered by your app are properly routed to the host.
Android applications that implement a HCE service or that use a secure element don't have to worry about configuring the routing table - that is taking care of by Android automatically. Android merely needs to know which AIDs can be handled by HCE services and which ones can be handled by the secure element. Based on which services are installed and which the user has configured as preferred, the routing table is configured automatically.
We've already described how to declare AIDs for HCE services. The following section explains how to declare AIDs for applications that use a secure element for card emulation.
实现HCE服务或使用安全元素的Android应用程序不必担心配置路由表 - 这是由Android自动处理的。Android只需要知道哪些AID可以由HCE服务处理,哪些可以由安全元素处理。根据安装的服务以及用户已将其配置为首选服务,将自动配置路由表。
Secure element AID registration
Applications using a secure element for card emulation can declare a so-called "off host service" in their manifest. The declaration of such a service is almost identical to the declaration of a HCE service. The exceptions are:
- The action used in the intent-filter must be set to
. - The meta-data name attribute must be set to
. -
The meta-data XML file must use the
root tag.
- 必须将intent-filter中使用的操作设置为
。 - 元数据名称属性必须设置为
。 -
<service android:name=".MyOffHostApduService" android:exported="true"
<action android:name="android.nfc.cardemulation.action.OFF_HOST_APDU_SERVICE"/>
<meta-data android:name="android.nfc.cardemulation.off_host_apdu_service"
An example of the corresponding apduservice.xml
file registering two AIDs:
注册两个AID 的相应文件的示例:
<offhost-apdu-service xmlns:android=""
<aid-group android:description="@string/subscription" android:category="other">
<aid-filter android:name="F0010203040506"/>
<aid-filter android:name="F0394148148100"/>
The android:requireDeviceUnlock
attribute does not apply to off host services, because the host CPU is not involved in the transaction and therefore cannot prevent the secure element from executing transactions when the device is locked.
The android:apduServiceBanner
attribute must be used for off host services that are payment applications as well in order to be selectable as a default payment application.
Off host service invocation
Android itself will never start or bind to a service that is declared as "off host". This is because the actual transactions are executed by the secure element and not by the Android service itself. The service declaration merely allows applications to register AIDs present on the secure element.
Android本身永远不会启动或绑定到声明为“off host”的服务。这是因为实际的事务是由安全元素执行的,而不是由Android服务本身执行的。服务声明仅允许应用程序注册安全元素上存在的AID。
HCE and security
The HCE architecture itself provides one core piece of security: because your service is protected by the BIND_NFC_SERVICE
system permission, only the OS can bind to and communicate with your service. This ensures that any APDU you receive is actually an APDU that was received by the OS from the NFC controller, and that any APDU you send back will only go to the OS, which in turn directly forwards the APDUs to the NFC controller.
The core remaining piece is where you get your data that your app sends to the NFC reader. This is intentionally decoupled in the HCE design: it does not care where the data comes from, it just makes sure that it is safely transported to the NFC controller and out to the NFC reader.
For securely storing and retrieving the data that you want to send from your HCE service, you can, for example, rely on the Android Application Sandbox, which isolates your app's data from other apps. For more details on Android security, readSecurity Tips.
例如,为了安全地存储和检索要从HCE服务发送的数据,您可以依赖Android应用程序沙箱,它将您的应用程序数据与其他应用程序隔离开来。有关Android安全性的更多详细信息,请阅读 安全提示。
Protocol parameters and details
This section is of interest for developers that want to understand what protocol parameters HCE devices use during the anti-collision and activation phases of the NFC protocols. This allows building a reader infrastructure that is compatible with Android HCE devices.
对于希望了解HCE设备在NFC协议的防冲突和激活阶段使用的协议参数的开发人员而言,此部分很有用。这允许构建与Android HCE设备兼容的读取器基础结构。
Nfc-A (ISO/IEC 14443 type A) protocol anti-collision and activation
Nfc-A(ISO / IEC 14443 A型)协议防冲突和激活
As part of the Nfc-A protocol activation, multiple frames are exchanged.
In the first part of the exchange the HCE device will present its UID; HCE devices should be assumed to have a random UID. This means that on every tap, the UID that is presented to the reader will be a randomly generated UID. Because of this, NFC readers should not depend on the UID of HCE devices as a form of authentication or identification.
The NFC reader can subsequently select the HCE device by sending a SEL_REQ command. The SEL_RES response of the HCE device will at least have the 6th bit (0x20) set, indicating that the device supports ISO-DEP. Note that other bits in the SEL_RES may be set as well, indicating for example support for the NFC-DEP (p2p) protocol. Since other bits may be set, readers wanting to interact with HCE devices should explicitly check for the 6th bit only, and not compare the complete SEL_RES with a value of 0x20.
在交换的第一部分,HCE设备将呈现其UID; 应假设HCE设备具有随机UID。这意味着在每次点击时,呈现给阅读器的UID将是随机生成的UID。因此,NFC读取器不应该依赖于HCE设备的UID作为认证或识别的形式。
ISO-DEP activation
After the Nfc-A protocol is activated, the ISO-DEP protocol activation is initiated by the NFC reader. It sends a "RATS" (Request for Answer To Select) command. The RATS response, the ATS, is completely generated by the NFC controller and not configurable by HCE services. However, HCE implementations are required to meet NFC Forum requirements for the ATS response, so NFC readers can count on these parameters being set in accordance with NFC Forum requirements for any HCE device.
The section below provides more details on the individual bytes of the ATS response provided by the NFC controller on a HCE device:
- TL: length of the ATS response. Must not indicate a length greater than 20 bytes.
- T0: bits 5, 6 and 7 must be set on all HCE devices, indicating TA(1), TB(1) and TC(1) are included in the ATS response. Bits 1 to 4 indicate the FSCI, coding the maximum frame size. On HCE devices the value of FSCI must be between 0h and 8h.
- T(A)1: defines bitrates between reader and emulator, and whether they can be asymmetric. There are no bitrate requirements or guarantees for HCE devices.
- T(B)1: bits 1 to 4 indicate the Start-up Frame Guard time Integer (SFGI). On HCE devices, SFGI must be <= 8h. Bits 5 to 8 indicate the Frame Waiting time Integer (FWI) and codes the Frame Waiting Time (FWT). On HCE devices, FWI must be <= 8h.
- T(C)1: bit 5 indicates support for "Advanced Protocol features". HCE devices may or may not support "Advanced Protocol features". Bit 2 indicates support for DID. HCE devices may or may not support DID. Bit 1 indicates support for NAD. HCE devices must not support NAD and set bit 1 to zero.
- Historical bytes: HCE devices may return up to 15 historical bytes. NFC readers willing to interact with HCE services should make no assumptions about the contents of the historical bytes or their presence.
- TL:ATS响应的长度。不得指示长度大于20个字节。
- T0:必须在所有HCE设备上设置第5,6和7位,表示TA(1),TB(1)和TC(1)包含在ATS响应中。比特1到4表示FSCI,编码最大帧大小。在HCE设备上,FSCI的值必须介于0h和8h之间。
- T(A)1:定义读取器和仿真器之间的比特率,以及它们是否可以是非对称的。HCE设备没有比特率要求或保证。
- T(B)1:位1到4表示启动帧保护时间整数(SFGI)。在HCE设备上,SFGI必须<= 8h。位5到8指示帧等待时间整数(FWI)并编码帧等待时间(FWT)。在HCE设备上,FWI必须<= 8h。
- T(C)1:位5表示支持“高级协议功能”。HCE设备可能支持也可能不支持“高级协议功能”。位2表示支持DID。HCE设备可能支持也可能不支持DID。位1表示支持NAD。HCE设备不得支持NAD并将第1位设置为零。
- 历史字节:HCE设备最多可返回15个历史字节。愿意与HCE服务交互的NFC读者不应对历史字节的内容或它们的存在做出任何假设。
Note that many HCE devices are likely made compliant with protocol requirements that the payment networks united in EMVCo have specified in their "Contactless Communication Protocol" specification. In particular:
- T0中的FSCI必须在2h到8h之间。
- T(A)1必须设置为0x80,表示仅支持106 kbit / s比特率,并且不支持读取器和仿真器之间的非对称比特率。
- T(B)1中的FWI必须<= 7h。
- FSCI in T0 must be between 2h and 8h.
- T(A)1 must be set to 0x80, indicating only the 106 kbit/s bitrate is supported, and asymmetric bitrates between reader and emulator are not supported.
- FWI in T(B)1 must be <= 7h.
APDU data exchange
As noted earlier, HCE implementations only support a single logical channel. Attempting to select applications on different logical channels will not work on a HCE device.