1using System;
2using System.Text;
3using System.IO;
5namespace ts
7 class test
8 {
9 private static string[] startChars = {"啊", "芭", "擦","搭","蛾","发","噶","哈",
"击","击","喀","垃","妈","拿","哦","啪","期","然", "撒","塌","挖","挖","挖","昔","压","匝"};
10 private static string[] endChars = {"澳", "怖", "错","堕","贰","咐","过","祸",
"啊","骏","阔","络","穆","诺","沤","瀑","群","弱", "所","唾","啊","啊","误","迅","孕","座"};
12 /**//// <summary>
13 /// 根据字符和对应的中文字符,转成SQL查询条件
14 /// </summary>
15 /// <param name="cChar">要转化的字符,[A-Z]</param>
16 /// <param name="strFieldName">条件左值</param>
17 /// <returns>SQL条件</returns>
18 /// <remarks> Sxf 2001-1-4 ***** JY 2002-1-4 </remarks>
19 public static string GetCharCondition(char cChar, string strFieldName)
20 {
21 string strWord;
22 int Index = (int)(char.ToUpper(cChar)) - (int)'A';
23 if (Index >= 0 && Index < 26)
24 strWord = startChars[Index];
25 else
26 strWord = startChars[0];
28 //return string.Format("(({0}>='{1}' AND {0}<'[') OR ({0} >= '{3}' AND {0} < '{{') OR {0}>='{2}')",
29 //strFieldName, char.ToUpper(cChar), strWord, char.ToLower(cChar));
31 return string.Format("(({0} >= '{3}' AND {0} <= 'zzzzzzzz') OR {0}>='{2}')",
32 strFieldName, char.ToUpper(cChar), strWord, char.ToLower(cChar));
33 }
35 /**//// <summary>
36 /// 将指定字段值的每个字符分割,这样可以生成同音查询的SQL
37 /// </summary>
38 /// <param name="fieldName">字段名</param>
39 /// <param name="fieldValue">字段值</param>
40 /// <returns>生成的可以进行同音查询的SQL</returns>
41 public static string GetCharFullCondition(string fieldName, string fieldValue)
42 {
43 StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(1024);
44 int i = 1;
45 foreach (char c in fieldValue)
46 {
47 if (i > 1)
48 sql.Append(" AND ");
49 int index = (int)(char.ToUpper(c)) - (int)'A';
50 string startWord, endWord;
51 if (index >= 0 && index < 26)
52 {
53 startWord = startChars[index];
54 endWord = endChars[index];
55 }
56 else
57 {
58 startWord = startChars[0];
59 endWord = endChars[0];
60 }
61 string subStr = String.Format("SUBSTRING({0}, {1}, {2})", fieldName, i, 1);
62 sql.AppendFormat("({0} BETWEEN '{1}' AND '{2}')", subStr, startWord, endWord);
63 ++i;
64 }
66 return sql.ToString();
67 }
68 }
2using System.Text;
3using System.IO;
5namespace ts
7 class test
8 {
9 private static string[] startChars = {"啊", "芭", "擦","搭","蛾","发","噶","哈",
"击","击","喀","垃","妈","拿","哦","啪","期","然", "撒","塌","挖","挖","挖","昔","压","匝"};
10 private static string[] endChars = {"澳", "怖", "错","堕","贰","咐","过","祸",
"啊","骏","阔","络","穆","诺","沤","瀑","群","弱", "所","唾","啊","啊","误","迅","孕","座"};
12 /**//// <summary>
13 /// 根据字符和对应的中文字符,转成SQL查询条件
14 /// </summary>
15 /// <param name="cChar">要转化的字符,[A-Z]</param>
16 /// <param name="strFieldName">条件左值</param>
17 /// <returns>SQL条件</returns>
18 /// <remarks> Sxf 2001-1-4 ***** JY 2002-1-4 </remarks>
19 public static string GetCharCondition(char cChar, string strFieldName)
20 {
21 string strWord;
22 int Index = (int)(char.ToUpper(cChar)) - (int)'A';
23 if (Index >= 0 && Index < 26)
24 strWord = startChars[Index];
25 else
26 strWord = startChars[0];
28 //return string.Format("(({0}>='{1}' AND {0}<'[') OR ({0} >= '{3}' AND {0} < '{{') OR {0}>='{2}')",
29 //strFieldName, char.ToUpper(cChar), strWord, char.ToLower(cChar));
31 return string.Format("(({0} >= '{3}' AND {0} <= 'zzzzzzzz') OR {0}>='{2}')",
32 strFieldName, char.ToUpper(cChar), strWord, char.ToLower(cChar));
33 }
35 /**//// <summary>
36 /// 将指定字段值的每个字符分割,这样可以生成同音查询的SQL
37 /// </summary>
38 /// <param name="fieldName">字段名</param>
39 /// <param name="fieldValue">字段值</param>
40 /// <returns>生成的可以进行同音查询的SQL</returns>
41 public static string GetCharFullCondition(string fieldName, string fieldValue)
42 {
43 StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(1024);
44 int i = 1;
45 foreach (char c in fieldValue)
46 {
47 if (i > 1)
48 sql.Append(" AND ");
49 int index = (int)(char.ToUpper(c)) - (int)'A';
50 string startWord, endWord;
51 if (index >= 0 && index < 26)
52 {
53 startWord = startChars[index];
54 endWord = endChars[index];
55 }
56 else
57 {
58 startWord = startChars[0];
59 endWord = endChars[0];
60 }
61 string subStr = String.Format("SUBSTRING({0}, {1}, {2})", fieldName, i, 1);
62 sql.AppendFormat("({0} BETWEEN '{1}' AND '{2}')", subStr, startWord, endWord);
63 ++i;
64 }
66 return sql.ToString();
67 }
68 }