1. 功能
2. 实现代码
// 代码片段一,定义变量 private JList<String> jListAuthor; private JScrollPane jScrollPaneAuthor; private JScrollPane jScrollPaneInfo; private JTextArea jTextAreaInfo; // ......
// 代码片段二,生成对象并加入到界面中 { { jListAuthor = new JList<String>(); } jScrollPaneAuthor = new JScrollPane(); // For ensureIndexIsVisible method to work, the JList must be within a JViewport. jScrollPaneAuthor.getViewport().setView(jListAuthor); getContentPane().add(jScrollPaneAuthor); jScrollPaneAuthor.setBounds(5, 5, 150, 403); jScrollPaneAuthor.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS); } { { jTextAreaInfo = new JTextArea(); jTextAreaInfo.setText(""); jTextAreaInfo.setLineWrap(true); // 设置自动换行 // 设置断行不断字 // If set to true the lines will be wrapped at word boundaries (whitespace) if they are too long to fit within the allocated width. // If set to false, the lines will be wrapped at character boundaries. By default this property is false. jTextAreaInfo.setWrapStyleWord(true); } jScrollPaneInfo = new JScrollPane(jTextAreaInfo); getContentPane().add(jScrollPaneInfo); jScrollPaneInfo.setBounds(347, 0, 290, 403); } // ......
// 代码片段三,获取数据并填充左边的JList TreeSet<String> ts = myService.getAuthors(); @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
ListModel<String> jListModelAuthor = new DefaultComboBoxModel( ts.toArray()); jListAuthor.setModel(jListModelAuthor); // ......
// 代码片段四,对左边的JList进行遍历,处理,处理结果显示在右边JTextArea,并刷左右界面显示 ListModel<String> lm = jListAuthor.getModel(); int totalIndexs = lm.getSize();
// 起始值从当前选择的记录+1 for(int index=jListAuthor.getSelectedIndex()+1; index<totalIndexs; index++) { String uname = (String)lm.getElementAt(index);
// ...... // ......
// 刷新左边JList窗口 jListAuthor.setSelectedIndex(index); jListAuthor.ensureIndexIsVisible(index);
// 如果左边界面刷新出现问题,可以尝试加入此条语句 jScrollPaneAuthor.repaint();
List<String> tempResult = myService.processRecord(uname); for(String str: tempResult) { // 右边增加一行处理结果 jTextAreaInfo.append(str + "\n"); // 刷新右边JTextArea窗口 jTextAreaInfo.setCaretPosition(jTextAreaInfo.getDocument().getLength());
// ...... // ...... } }
3. 效果