ASP.NET AJAX Client Life-Cycle Events
Client Classes
Application PageRequestManager
Adding Handlers for Client Events

Handling the Application Load and Unload Events

Events for Other Client Classes
The Sys.UI.DomEvent.addHandler method or the shortcut $addHandler.
The Sys.UI.DomEvent.clearHandlers method or the shortcut $clearHandlers.
The Sys.UI.DomEvent.removeHandler method or the shortcut $removeHandler.
Client Events of the Application and PageRequestManager Classes
Event |
Description |
Raised after all scripts have been loaded but before any objects are created. If you are writing a component, the init event gives you a point in the life cycle to add your component to the page. The component can then be used by other components or by script later in the page life cycle. If you are a page developer, you should use the load event instead of the init event for most scenarios. The init event is raised only one time when the page is first rendered. Subsequent partial-page updates do not raise the init event.
当脚本加载完还有没创建其它任务对象是 自定义组件时做为注册事件用 只执行一次 其它的局部更新不会在引发 |
Raised after all scripts have been loaded and all objects in the application that are created by using $create are initialized. The load event is raised for all postbacks to the server, which includes asynchronous postbacks. If you are a page developer, you can create a function that has the name pageLoad, which automatically provides a handler for the load event. The pageLoad handler is called after any handlers that have been added to the load event by the add_load method. The load event takes an eventargs parameter, which is an Sys.ApplicationLoadEventArgs object. You can use the event arguments to determine whether the page is being refreshed as a result of a partial-page update and what components were created since the previous load event was raised. 当所有脚本和对象创建完引发 每次postbacks都引发 pageLoad 默认名称 add_load也可以添加 对数为Sys.ApplicationLoadEventArgs |
Raised before all objects are disposed and before the browser window's window.unload event occurs. If you are a page developer, you can create a function that has the name pageUnload, which automatically provides a handler for the unload event. The pageUnload event is called just before the page is unloaded from the browser. During this event, you should free any resources that your code is holding. 在所有对象disposed和当前window.unload之前引发 pageUnload 默认名称 |
Potentially raised when a property of a component changes. The Application object inherits this event from the Component class. This event is raised only if a component developer has called the Sys.Component.raisePropertyChange method in a property set accessor. For more information, see Defining Custom Component Properties and Raising PropertyChanged Events. The propertyChanged event takes an eventargs parameter, which is a Sys.applicationLoadEventArgs object. |
Raised when the Application instance is disposed. The Application object inherits this event from the Component class. |
Raised before an asynchronous request starts. You can use this event to cancel a postback, such as to give precedence to another asynchronous postback. The initializeRequest event takes an eventargs parameter, which is a Sys.WebForms.InitializeRequestEventArgs object. This object makes available the element that caused the postback and the underlying request object. InitializeRequestEventArgs also exposes a cancel property. If you set cancel to true, the new postback is canceled. |
Raised before an asynchronous postback starts and the postback is sent to the server. If there is a postback already processing, it is stopped (by using the abortPostBack method). You can use this event to set request headers or to begin an animation on the page to indicate that the request is in process. The beginRequest event takes an eventargs parameter, which is a Sys.WebForms.BeginRequestEventArgs object. This object makes available the element that caused the postback and the underlying request object. |
Raised after the response from the server to an asynchronous postback is received, but before any content on the page is updated. You can use this event to provide a custom transition effect for updated content. The pageLoading event takes an eventargs parameter, which is an Sys.WebForms.PageLoadingEventArgs object. This object makes available information about what panels will be deleted and updated as a result of the most recent asynchronous postback. |
Raised after all content on the page is refreshed, as a result of either a synchronous or an asynchronous postback. For synchronous postbacks, panels can only be created, but for asynchronous postbacks, panels can be both created and updated. You can use this event to manage a custom transition effect for updated content. The pageLoaded event takes an eventargs parameter, which is an Sys.WebForms.PageLoadedEventArgs object. This object makes available information about which panels were updated and created in the most recent postback. |
Raised after the response for an asynchronous postback is processed and the page is updated, or during the processing of the response if there is an error. If an error occurs, the page is not updated. Use this event to provide customized error notification to users or to log errors. The endRequest event takes an eventargs parameter, which is a Sys.WebForms.EndRequestEventArgs object. This object makes available information about errors that have occurred and whether the error was handled. It also makes available the response object. |