Computer Organization and Design--计组作业习题(5.5)


Class Problem 


1.Assume the first branch is taken 50% of the time and the loop iterates 100 times, and forwarding for all data hazards.

add 1 2 3

beq 1 5 1

lw 6 4 1

add 3 4 5

beq 5 7 -5

2).How many cycles does the code take assuming speculate and squash where all branches are predicted fall through

No hazard:5*100-50=450

Data hazards:50*1=50

Control hazards:100*3+100*3=600

Total:4+450+50+600 = 1104

3).How many cycles does the code take assuming speculate and squash where backward branches are predicted taken and forward branches fall through?

No hazard:5*100-50=450

Data hazards:50*1=50

Control hazards:(100-50)*3+100*3=450

Total:4+450+50+450 =954



2.Assume the first branch has the pattern TTTN that repeats, and the loop is iterated 100 times

add 1 2 3

beq 1 5 1

lw 6 4 1

add 3 4 5

beq 5 7 -5

1).How many cycles does the code take assuming detect and stall for control hazards?

No hazard:5*100-100*(3/4)=425

Data hazards:100*(1/4)*1=25

Control hazards:100*3+100*3=600

Total:4+425+25+600 =1054

2).How many cycles does the code take assuming speculate and squash where backward branches are predicted taken and forward branches fall through?

No hazard:5*100-100*(3/4)=425

Data hazards:100*(1/4)*1=25

Control hazards:100*3+100*(1/4)=375

Total:4+ 425+25+375=829

3).What if a 2-bit counter BTB is used to predict each branch, how many cycles does the code take?

No hazard:5*100-100*(3/4)=425

Data hazards:100*(1/4)*1=25

Control hazards:第一个beq,除了第一次TTTN时,有3次预测失败,此后每次TTTN只有1次失败,共计失败27次


              所以:(27+2)*3 = 87

Total:4+ 425+25+87=541


posted @ 2017-04-03 16:54  nanashi  阅读(257)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报